Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3081: Thousand corpses shot

Seeing that the three demons of the Pluto were about to start working on the Gu Mu Xijue in front of them.

And what about Yuzue Gu Mu? At this moment, the breath of the whole body began to gather slowly! He didn't dare to underestimate these three people, after all, the Pluto Three Demons still have terrible power, especially when they join forces.

At the moment when the battle was about to break out, a loud bang suddenly came from the left.

Accompanied by the loud noise of "rumbling", then the entire ground trembled violently.

At the moment when the Underworld Three Demons felt that the ground was shaking, all of them frowned... and then quickly blinked to look.

The moment they all turned their heads, they saw a giant monster appear from the left.

I saw that the giant beast was extremely huge, with a tortoise shell... from afar, I could see a person sitting on the tortoise shell.

Yi turtle beast?

White God?

Yes, it is the white **** who is riding the ancient beast "Yi Turtle".

Just after the appearance of the white **** riding on the huge Yi turtle beast, he stood on the Yi turtle beast and said angrily: "Wooden god, deal with these three bastards...I am old white Will suffice."

The words were spoken, but the White God had already arrived.

The "Yi Turtle Beast" below is huge, like a hill, staring at those extremely spiritual green eyes at the moment, glaring menacingly at the Underworld Three Demons and the skeleton army over there.

But it said that at the moment the White God arrived, behind the White God were more than 30 guardians in black shirts, among them the "Xuandi" old man.

It turned out that they had also arrived.

Besides, when the white **** riding on the huge ancient beast "Yi Turtle Beast" appeared, the brows of the Underworld Three Demons not only wrinkled.


The Red Devil looked at the white **** and said something coldly.

I saw that Bai Shen's body flashed, and he flew off the huge "Yi Turtle Beast".

At this moment, the White God glanced at the Hei Jue, the Red Devil, and the Thousand Corpses in front of him, and suddenly said: "You three bastards... didn't kill you hundreds of years ago! What a pity... I didn't expect you to dare today. Come to die?"

As soon as the Red Devils heard it, he snorted coldly: "Old Bai, it was your luck to defeat the three of our brothers hundreds of years ago! The three of our brothers are going to bloodbath the shame of the year.

When the white **** heard it, he burst into laughter.

The red devil saw the white **** laughing and yelled angrily: "You old thing, what are you laughing at?"

The White God said: "I laugh at you three bastards, how stupid!"

"Do you dare to scold us?" The red devil yelled out angrily, the **** aura all over his body, revealing there.

But seeing that White God sneered there and said: "What's wrong with scolding you? I will not only scold you, but also beat you today even if your mother doesn't know you!!!"

When I heard that White God insulted them so much! How could the three demons of the Pluto bear it?

"Asshole old man, I killed you!"

There was a wild roar, but the red devil with long blood-red hair had already taken action.

This red devil is the head of the three demons of Hades, and his skill is naturally terrifying.

But at the moment he made a move, all the blood engulfed his whole body, and the whole person instantly turned into a **** and hideous skull, and then swallowed it in terror to the white god.

Seeing the attack from the red devil, the white **** raised his right hand slightly.

"Crystal Escape Technique!"

Suddenly, a triangular "crystal escape" quickly formed around the white god's body.

And what about the Red Devils? The **** body that turned into a skull slammed on the "Jing Dun" with a bang, and the whole Jing Dun that resisted was shaken violently... but it was not broken! Stopped the terrible blow of the Red Devil.

The Red Devils missed a hit and roared angrily.

But seeing that White God laughed loudly.

"Red Devil, you idiot, you have the ability to hit the old man's crystal escape again. I want to see how hard your scalp is for your red-haired pervert? Come on, come on!" The white **** was jokingly right there. To the Red Devil Road.

This white **** knew that although the Red Devil was the boss of the three underworld demons, it was also the strongest! The worst temper!

At this moment, as long as the "exciting general method" is displayed, the red devil will lose his nature... his skill will be greatly reduced! So the white **** was there to stimulate the red devil with words.

Seeing that the Red Devil could no longer stand the stimulation of the White God, suddenly at this moment, the second child of the Three Demons of the Hades flew to the Red Devil's side.

"Big brother, this old man is using the radical method...Don't get caught by him!"

"In this battle, let me do it for you."

The thousand corpses in front of them suddenly lifted the pale face that looked like a zombie, and faced the Red Devil Dao with those vicious and treacherous eyes.

Thousand corpses!

It is the most cunning among the three demons of the Pluto, and the illusion of alien space practiced is also the most evil.

The alien space illusion he practiced was "corpse speech", this evil illusion summons evil spirits from the Nine Heavens Hell to fight for it.

At this moment, after the "thousand corpses" said this to the red devil, the red devil calmed down, raising the blood-red eyes and glaring at the white god.

"it is good!"

"Second, kill this **** old man for me!" The Red Devil sternly said at last.

The Thousand Corpse heard the Red Devil say this, smiled grimly there, then slowly turned the ugly face like a zombie, and looked at the White God.

"Lao Bai, my eldest brother disdains a fight with you! To deal with your old man, my thousand corpses are enough." The thousand corpses sounded sharply on the scene.

The White God knew that this thousand corpses was the most treacherous one of the Three Demons of the Underworld, and he said coldly at this moment: "Zombie doll, just rely on your ability... dare to fight with you Grandpa Bai and me? I'm afraid. You become a real zombie."

Hearing that thousand corpses, he said with a sly smile: "Old Bai, Xiu is quick to talk! Who will die later? Who will live? I'm afraid it's not necessarily true."

The White God said: "Okay! Then I will teach you a zombie doll."

After speaking, the White God began to take action.

Suddenly, the White God quickly turned into a light curtain and hit the thousand corpses.

He knew in his heart that the corpse speech technique of the thousand corpses relied on mobilizing spiritual power, and then attracted the soul to summon "evil spirits"! But close combat is not the speciality of the thousand corpses, so the White God of this meeting will not give the thousand corpses the chance to attract the soul...a direct attack on the thousand corpses.

The Thousand Corpse saw the speed of the White God's attack, and his face became cold.

His right hand suddenly raised, and a strange spell rose from his hand.

"Li Guifu!"

As the talisman suddenly appeared from the hands of the thousand corpses, the thousand corpses suddenly threw away, and then I saw the "Ghost Talisman" suddenly screamed in the air, and then I saw an evil ghost with teeth and claws appearing in the air. In front of him.

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