Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3114: Dead again

Yes, what is the use of Situ Ningbing even if he regenerates Qi?

She loves Li Tian!

Li Tianyi in front of him heard what Situ Ningbing said, and he was completely moved there.


With a soft cry in his mouth, Li Tian suddenly hugged Situ Ningbing's delicate body tightly from behind.

Situ Ningbing said with ruddy eyes in her beautiful eyes: "Li, will you abandon me one day?"

Li Tian was shocked and said: "How is it possible, fool? I said, no matter whether you live or die in this life, I will guard you forever."

When Situ Ningbing heard Li Tian's words, he suddenly felt emotional in his heart.

"Well, with your words, even if I die, I'm satisfied."

Situ Ningbing turned around and hugged Li Tian tightly at the moment.

The two people hugged each other tightly like this. At this moment, they understood each other, and Situ Ningbing was no longer angry with the goddess Xue Ji, because for her, it was something. When on earth, they are all used to it.


Time passed by every minute.

Below the Qianxue Peak, since the last attack, the White God and the guardians of 56 temples are now guarding under the Qianxue Peak.

I saw the White God sitting still on the bluestone on one side, and deep in the dense forest on the left, he was the guardian of the six temples.

As the sky got darker and darker, Qianxuefeng was immediately completely enveloped by a huge layer of darkness.

Occasionally, a bitter wind blows from the dense forest, blowing on people, very cold, very cold.

"White God, you go and rest for a while, here we are watching first."

I saw a guardian of the temple, walked to the side of the white god, and said there.

After hearing this, the White God smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine, no need to rest."

After the guardian saw the White God saying this, he nodded silently and stepped back.

Time continued to pass slowly.

Soon, the night came quickly.

When the night came, no one could see from your position on the thirteenth heaven, suddenly an invisible terrifying aura was rushing towards the direction of the Qianxue Peak with the feeling of devouring the sky and the earth.

The breath cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, but it can be clearly felt that it is definitely a terrible breath that is beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination.

And that breath, the direction it was flying from, was Qianxuefeng in front of him.

I saw the white god...There are also 6 guardians of the temple, and I haven't noticed it yet.

They had no idea that the terrible danger had begun to approach them gradually.

"Hey, let me go and make it easier. You guys will guard here first." I saw one of the guardians on this side facing the people on the other side.

When several people over there heard him say this, they all smiled and nodded: "Go, go."

Then, seeing the guardian wearing a black shirt, he walked slowly towards the dense forest in front.

After reaching the dense forest in front, he began to "understand".

At the beginning of the "little solution", a gloomy cold wind suddenly blew on his body, causing his whole body to fight an extremely cold chill.

"It's cold!" Not only did the guardian tremble all over.

At the same time, a layer of chicken skin was raised up involuntarily.

He didn't know why, he just felt like there were a pair of eyes around him staring at him tightly...so that his back and spine began to chill.

Just when he was terrified, a rickety shadow on the left suddenly appeared like a ghost.

The shadow crouched, with loose hair, standing in the darkness.

Can't see his face clearly...and can't see who he really is...He is standing there like a ghost.


"Who are you?" The guardian suddenly couldn't help exclaiming when he saw such a strange figure suddenly appeared at a distance of more than ten meters.

But just as he just said these words, the croaking figure suddenly slowly lifted the face in the dark night.

When that face appeared in the guardian's eyes, the guardian... suddenly his pupils began to widen.

what! ! !

A screaming scream suddenly came from the dense forest.


Then the blood spattered and scattered in the air.

Look at the guardian again... the whole body has been hollowed out... a huge blood hole appeared on his stomach, he fell there with a plop, and was killed.

But he said that at the moment the guardian was killed in an instant, what about the White God sitting on a bluestone over there? Suddenly I heard the screams from here.

"There is movement!"

With a low shout, the White God immediately rose up.

Several guardians over there also heard that miserable weird cry just now, and they all ran over quickly at this moment.

"White God, we heard the movement!"

"Yes, it seems to have come from over there." After several guardians quickly reached the white god's side, they quickly said to him.

The Baishen's face was ugly, and he glanced at the direction over there at the moment, and said: "It must be the Yangshen that is here!"

Upon hearing the words of the White God, the guardians suddenly felt a sense of fear.

"Good coming! I just want to fight him!"

"Everyone, follow me!"

The White God's temper was violent, and he didn't care if he was the opponent of the "Yang God". At this moment, he really flew over here quickly with the 5 guardians in front of him.

As the White God quickly flew over here with the remaining 5 guardians, he immediately smelled the extremely unpleasant smell of blood in the air.

"What a heavy smell of blood." I saw one of the guardians not only shouting there after smelling the smell of blood.

Of course, several guardians over there also smelled this extremely unpleasant smell of blood, and they all murmured in their hearts: What happened?

Just as they thought so in their hearts, the White God quickly moved forward.

Suddenly he saw a **** corpse collapsed in the front place.


"Someone was killed again!" The White God in front of him was surprised when he saw that the dead was his guardian.

Then quickly flew over.

After flying over with his body, the other 5 guardians also hurried over.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the corpse on the ground was the guardian who had just come to "resolve"... but now his whole body has been hollowed out, and there is still a huge blood hole in his stomach. Grim and ugly, extremely terrifying.

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