Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3128: The last enemy

After the goddess Xue Ji retreated, only Li Tian and that Yang God were left on the court at this moment.

Two tigers fight, there must be one injury!

I just don't know who will die in whose hands in the end.

"Come on, let me see how good you are." The Yang Shen stood in the void and looked at Li Tian in front of him with a big smile.

Li Tian snorted and stood up from the ground, shooting directly at the sun god.

The palm strength he attacked, with a force of overwhelming force, pressed towards that Yang God.

Yang Shen saw Li Tian hit, and with a wave of his sleeves, his qi overflowed and directly hit Li Tian's palm.

The two realities collided, and a loud noise erupted.

The war is still going on.

Li Tianshi showed his full strength!

First, the "Five Elements Art" was used, and then the earth and light illusions of the alien space illusion were performed.

Colorful illusions are floating on the entire sky! Beautiful and colorful in an instant.

Finally, I saw Li Tian even used the "Sword of Burning Heaven".

The "Sword of Burning Heaven" was unsheathed, and the sky and the earth kept thundering.

The "Sword of Burning Heaven", burning with endless flames, took the sun **** directly.

But seeing the sun **** when he saw Li Tian's Sword of Burning Heaven, he suddenly screamed, his body flew back several tens of meters, and then the "Major King Kong Seal" fell from the sky, directly pressing on that Li Tian.

Li Tianyun tried to block the power of the "Diamond Seal" with the Sword of Burning Heaven, but he couldn't stop it!


Li Tian's body was shaken upside down and flew more than ten meters!

Deng Deng Deng... Li Tian, ​​who had just retreated several strides in a row before holding his footsteps, was shocked by that Yang God's "Diamond Kong Seal" at this moment, as white as paper!

It can be seen that even if Li Tian used his whole body strength, he couldn't defeat that Yang God.

"Hahaha, do you dare to fight again?" Na Yang Shen laughed wildly after retreating Li Tianzhen by several tens of meters.

Li Tian only felt the blood surging all over his body, and the force of the shock just now almost made Li Tian's mouth vomit blood...If it hadn't been for Li Tian's efforts to endure it, I'm afraid it would already be bleeding.

Li Tian took a deep breath, staring at that Yang Shendao: "Your strength is really terrifying!"

"However, since today is a matter of life and death, one of us will always fall here."

Na Yang Shen laughed and said, "Yes!"

"It's a pity, you must be the one who died!"

Following the cold voice of the **** of the sun, suddenly only the spiritual power of the **** of that sun was overflowing, and a radiant color suddenly filled up and down his body.

"Last move!! I see how you can catch it!"

Suddenly the figure of the Yang God moved!

The whole person turned into a ball of light, and the moment it flew up, the sky and the earth changed drastically...Even the thunders made a loud "click, click" in the air.

Yang Shen finally broke out his strongest move!

No words can describe the power of this trick!

I can't see clearly how that Yang Shen acted...

The only thing that can be seen is the turbulent atmosphere of heaven and earth, which is pressing against that Li Tian.


"Li Tian, ​​be careful!" Situ Ningbing on one side couldn't help shouting in shock when he saw the Yang Shen terribly attacking that Li Tian.

The goddess Xue Ji was also full of tension at the moment, looking at Li Tian worriedly.

It's a pity that everything is too late!

Because that Yang Shen's speed is too fast! That strength is too strong.

The energy of the sky, all pressed towards Li Tian.

At this moment, Li Tian was suddenly lucky with the spiritual power of his whole body, and then tried his best, his hands suddenly cupped up.


All the spiritual power that permeated the body also burst out... the power of this move used to resist that Yang God!

The moment the two powerful auras collided together... Suddenly the surrounding boom, boom, boom, all exploded!

As the smoke of gunpowder rose, Li Tian was shaking his body and holding his palms, and he took the move that Yang Shen had fallen from the sky.

Two people, two infuriating qi collided together.

Let no one!

Li Tian was standing on the ground... and that Yang Shen was flying in the air!

With four palms facing each other, the endless aura quickly circulated around their bodies!


As the Yang Shen continued to display his skills, Li Tian suddenly trembled...The two feet that were originally on the cold ground...the whole body fell into the ground!

"I see how much strength you have to stop... Hahaha!" Yang Shen laughed wildly, and continued to display his skills!

What about Li Tian?

At this moment, blood has begun to flow out of the corner of his mouth... The spirit of his body has begun to become weaker and weaker! Obviously, his strength is not enough to match that Yang Shen!

Seeing that Yang Shen's feet had fallen into the deep slate, the goddess Xue Ji and Situ Ningbing on the other side were not only screaming at the same time when they saw this scene.

"Li Tian!"

The two women exclaimed, and then both flew by, wanting to come and help!

But when the two of them flew to reach that Yang Shen's side, suddenly a huge rebound force directly slammed into their delicate bodies.



Situ Ningbing and the goddess Xue Ji were all knocked into the air... and then fell heavily to the ground!

Wow! Both women vomit blood... It's hard to get up!

Li Tian watched his beloved Ningbing and the goddess Xueji being knocked down by the force of the rebound... At this moment, he couldn't help him... His heartache was extremely painful!

But what should he do?

Seeing that the power of the Yang God is getting stronger and stronger! And Li Tian's nose and mouth have begun to flow out of blood...

"You are defeated!" Yang Shen smiled as he looked at Li Tian, ​​who was becoming more and more unable to resist.

Just as Li Tian was defeated, suddenly a gloomy breath came from behind them!

That breath is evil and powerful!

At the moment it appeared, the surroundings were instantly enveloped by that evil atmosphere!


At the moment when he felt the extremely evil aura, Li Tian and Yangshen all felt it.

It's a pity that even if they feel it, there is no way to stop it! Because the two of them are now using their full strength against each other... so even if they perceive an attack of evil, they can't stop it.

I saw a blood red light flashing out!


There was a scream, and then I saw the blood all over the sky!

The angry sky slashed, and directly slashed towards the Yang God and Li Tian!

Is it a knife?

Or a sword?

It's Hong Zhan! ! !

"Hong Zhan!! Master, you finally appeared..." Suddenly a groan sighed out of the Yang God's mouth.

At the moment when they called out, a strange, suffocating laugh came from behind them.

Then I saw that rickety black shadow suddenly appeared in the air with the upper body method!

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