Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3136: I protect you

After hearing Situ Ningbing say the same, the goddess Xue Ji believed it. .

"Oh my God, you really are not from this world?" The goddess Xue Ji said in surprise.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing nodded there together!

"But... how do you go back? How do you go back to what you call the earth?" The goddess Xue Ji asked with her beautiful eyes suddenly there.

When Li Tian and Situ Ningbing heard that, he was suddenly depressed!

Yes, how do they go back?

Where did you pass through the gate of the Tianshan restricted area? But how should I go back now?

When Li Tian and Situ Ningbing didn't know how to answer, they suddenly saw the ruins of the thirteenth heaven behind, and suddenly there was a crackling sound.

"What's the matter?" The moment Situ Ningbing and the goddess Xueji not only screamed at the moment they heard the cracking sound of "Kakachacha".

Even Li Tian was taken aback!

Not only looked at the "ruins" with horrified eyes.

After the cracking sound of "Kakachacha" continued to be heard, a huge strange light suddenly appeared!

At the moment of seeing the light curtain, all the surrounding guardians, Situ Ningbing, and the goddess Xue Ji not only hurriedly gathered their spiritual power, and then waited for them.

No one knew what happened to the ruins suddenly.

"Is the old demon not dead?" Li Tian said in horror.

"But, it's impossible! The old demon was stabbed into his stomach by himself with a red chop...There is no reason to be alive?" Li Tian said to himself.

Although he was very strange in his heart, Li Tian was still slowly pulling out the red sword that exuded blood red light!

I saw that the light curtain of the ruins has changed more and more!

With a bang, when everyone was shocked, a dazzling white light suddenly reflected in everyone's eyes!


After the white light pierced their eyes, everyone's eyes were not only blurred!

Even Li Tian not only closed his eyes suddenly at this moment.

The dazzling white light makes everyone unable to open their eyes!

At this moment, suddenly I saw the white light slowly disappearing from the ruins of the thirteenth heaven, and suddenly a luminous "passage" turned on the ruins!

I saw that the luminous "passage" was full of light curtains, and it was impossible to see exactly where this emptiness passage led...and it was impossible to see clearly how this passage was transformed!

At the moment when Li Tian and everyone opened their eyes, they were stunned!

"Ah? What is that?" The crowd cried out economically.

At this moment, Li Tian and that Situ Ningbing also opened their eyes to see the "passage" that exudes weird light.

The moment he saw this "passage", Li Tian was stunned.


"The passage to the gate of the restricted area?" Li Tian suddenly exclaimed with excitement.

And what about Situ Ningbing? Also stayed there for the whole person.

"Yes! Li Tian, ​​it's the passage... the passage of the gate of the restricted area." Situ Ningbing in front of him also exclaimed excitedly.

Look carefully at this passage in front of you! It was indeed the "passage" that had passed through the restricted area on the top of the Earth's Tianshan Mountains before that.

The goddess Xue Ji and the guardians of the Spirit Earth Continent did not know what it was.

At the moment, one by one was stunned.

"Li Tian, ​​what channel?" Only the goddess Xue Ji said questioningly.

Then Li Tian said excitedly: "Xue Ji, have you forgotten that I told you before? I crossed from the passage of the gate of the forbidden zone to the Spirit Earth Continent! Now, this passage has appeared again... I thought, maybe it's time for me to return to Earth!"

When the goddess Xue Ji heard this, she was stunned.

"Are you really from another world? Are you really not from the Spirit Earth Continent?" The goddess Xue Ji exclaimed in front of her.

But seeing Li Tian nodded silently and said: "Yes! I am indeed not from this world."

"Then you want to go back?" The goddess Xue Ji suddenly turned red with beautiful eyes.

If Li Tian really left... what would he do?

I saw Li Tian nodded silently and said: "Well, I should go back! After all, this is not my world."

"Then what should I do?" The goddess Xue Ji suddenly said in pain.

Looking at the goddess Xue Ji, Li Tian was stunned, and the goddess Xue Ji was a person from this spiritual land! What should she do?

"Xue Ji, you go to the earth with me." Suddenly Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing, who had been silent for a while, was also looking at the goddess Xue Ji and said: "Yes, Master, you might as well go to the earth with us! It won't matter if you stay here anyway... Wood God, White God and others All sacrifices have been made!"

After hearing that Li Tian and Situ Ningbing suddenly said this, the goddess Xue Ji suddenly trembled slightly.

Situ Ningbing was right!

The goddess Xue Ji is indeed useless to stay in this world! Almost all of her relatives have died, what else can she do?

"Go... Earth?" Goddess Xue Ji said blankly.

Then Li Tian came over there and grabbed the slender hand of the goddess Xue Ji and said: "Yes! Follow me to the earth! Where is a world you can't even imagine... There is the land of Lingtu It's totally different! Come with us."

Hearing what Li Tian said, the goddess Xueji suddenly blushed.

At this moment, a pair of slender hands was pulled by Li Tian, ​​and her pretty face was extremely shy for a moment.


"I promise you, go to the earth!" The last sentence came from the mouth of the goddess Xue Ji.

When the glamorous and incomparable goddess Xue Ji said so, Li Tian took the goddess Xue Ji in front of him in his arms!


"From now on, you will follow me! I, Li Tian, ​​will definitely protect you!" Li Tian hugged the goddess Xueji in front of him.

The goddess Xue Ji was hugged in her arms, and her beautiful face instantly became ruddy.

But Situ Ningbing didn't mind, just standing on one side.

In this way, the goddess Xue Ji also decided to follow Li Tian and Situ Ningbing to the earth!


At this moment, I saw the eldest sister over there and the Qing Luan. When I saw that the goddess Xue Ji was about to leave here, they all cried out in tears.

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