Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3146: Got up to eat

What Li Tian had in his hand was the "Red Slash" given to him by Yangshen. When dealing with these zombies, he only felt quite relaxed. He didn't expect that the weapon in Barbarian's hand was actually curled up.

In this way, it is no wonder that the living environment of Bai Jing and others is limited to this small town.

Bai Jing gradually returned to normal, and handed the corpse crystal to the barbarians, and said: "Barbarians, return the corpse crystals to them, we can't take such precious things!"

The barbarian looked at the corpse crystal in his hand with some dismay. It seemed that the barbarian was a little honest, but he was not stupid. He understood how important this corpse crystal was to their small group.

Maybe he could save a person's life that day, but he still had to obey the eldest sister's order unconditionally.

Li Tian shook his head, and pushed the stray crystals that the barbarian handed back, and said, "These are for our food tonight! You can collect them! I have two corpse crystals here!"

"What? You still have two more?" Bai Jing and others couldn't believe their ears.

"How many zombies did you kill?" Bai Jing asked.

"Five!" Li Tian answered honestly.

Bai Jing shook his head abruptly and said: "Impossible, completely impossible, the probability that a zombie can explode a corpse crystal is about 10%!"

Barbarian smiled honestly, and said with envious expression: "So I said that Brother Tian is a fierce man. He is not only superb, but also lucky. I can't say that five zombies burst out three corpse crystals!"

Bai Jing can only envy Li Tian’s good fortune. At the beginning, she shot seven or eight zombies intermittently during the day, and did not explode a corpse crystal. She did not expect Li Tian to kill five zombies. Three corpse crystals.

"The corpse crystal is of little use to you, I suggest you change it to food and weapons as soon as possible." Bai Jing said.

Speaking of weapons, the goddess Xue Ji immediately said: "Can you change your sniper rifle? I like your magic weapon so much, I want to be a powerful woman like you!"

Bai Jing shook his head and said, "Although the corpse crystals are precious, this hot weapon is more precious today. If you want to change a sniper rifle like me, you need at least ten corpse crystals. There are also bullets. Special bullets for sniper rifles like this are also very expensive. One zombies can only be exchanged for ten bullets. You two corpse crystals can only be exchanged for an ordinary pistol and dozens of bullets! If you have this aspect I can take you to a place to exchange it. But you have to wait five or six days."

Seeing the disappointed expression on the face of the goddess Xue Ji, Li Tian rejected Bai Jing's suggestion and said proudly: "First use these two corpse crystals to exchange some food for our lives here. These five or six days Enough for me to hunt enough corpse crystals!"

"Idiot! After tonight, you will understand that what you said is some baseless nonsense!" Bai Jing was talking to himself again, as if to Li Tian.

But naturally Li Tian was willing to exchange corpse crystals for food, and Bai Jing would not object.

"Two-dimensional, is there any instant noodles? Give everyone a packet here and count my account. If there are ham and mustard, it would be even more beautiful!" Li Tian threw two corpse crystals to Bai Jing and said proudly .

Hearing what Li Tian said, the boys and girls immediately cheered.

"Don't die!"

Bai Jing snorted coldly. The boys and girls now knew the tense, and immediately covered their mouths, but there was still a happy smile on their faces.

This joyous atmosphere did not last long, and the cry of the beast outside the window became more and more, getting closer. Bai Jing immediately ordered everyone to turn off the lights and silence.

The entire hotel was plunged into darkness, and the boys and girls returned to their rooms and fell asleep carefully.

Li Tian went back to his room and gently pulled a corner of the curtain. He saw that it was not very peaceful outside the window. There were more zombies on the street, and some zombies were mixed among the zombies. The flying eagle in the sky occasionally makes a cry, making the whole night look even more terrifying.

Li Tian also discovered that these zombies do not live in peace. For example, zombies will attack zombies in groups and divide them for food, while zombies flying in the sky will also attack zombies and treat zombies as a good meal.

There is also a food chain in the world of mourning, but I don’t know what is at the top of this food chain.

A few zombies sniffed their noses and slowly walked to the facade room where the hotel was located. They used the bones of their palms to slash the shutter door, making harsh sounds in the dark night.

Soon, the zombies flew down from the sky and kept going. The zombies came fiercely, and the zombies had not even reacted. The head of a zombie was harvested by the zombies with sharp claws.

Soon, a zombie's head that had been sucked and played with brains by the zombie fell from the sky.

Li Tian was surprised secretly in his heart, this mourning vulture was as fierce as the barbarian said, a single zombie was under the claws of the mourning vulture, and there was no resistance.

Just as Li Tian was amazed, a sad eagle seemed to smell the vitality of Li Tian's body, and the enclave turned towards the iron fence of the window in Li Tian's room, scratching frantically through the iron fence with two sharp claws. The heavy wooden planks attempted to grab Li Tian from the room.

Sawdust was flying, and the heavy planks couldn't help this attack from the vulture.

This sudden attack shocked Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian subconsciously pulled out "Red Zhan" and waved it out.

As a result, the head of the damned Sorrowful Eagle accidentally slammed directly on the blade of "Red Slash", and he couldn't die in an instant, and the body of the Sorrowful Eagle hung directly on the iron fence of the window.

Li Tian didn't expect that his luck would be so good, so he stretched out his hand and unceremoniously accepted the head of Shoujiu.

After "Red Zhan" cut off the head of Souyuu, he threw it directly on the floor. In order to avoid the red light of "Red Zhan" from seduce more funeral attacks, Li Tian put "Red Zhan" away and turned his head down. sleep.

That night, the funerals outside the window almost rioted all night, and the sound of the funerals gradually disappeared as dawn approached. Li Tian didn't sleep well that night, until the sound of the funeral disappeared, Li Tian could not sleep well.

Li Tian was sleeping in a daze. He heard Bai Jing's voice ringing in his ears, as if he was muttering something to himself in a low voice.

Dreams must be dreams. The door is locked. Besides, how could that woman's voice be so gentle?

Li Tian turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, when he suddenly saw Bai Jing's delicate little face facing him, and said softly, "Li Tian, ​​get up for breakfast!"

p: I believe that many book fans have noticed that this book has turned into a doomsday type! Do you like it? Please continue to like it! Do you like it? You can just give up. Let me talk about the results of this book. The book has exceeded 400 million hits in the reading base and has been in the top ten of the sales list in the urban category. Of course, the book also has many loopholes and sloppy points. This is a flower. The lack of thorns! I can only say that I try to avoid it in the next episode.

The results of this book are better than my first book. Of course, this has a lot to do with many fans who support me. Here, Hua Ting would like to say, thank you for being persistent. If you like it, please continue to like it. If you don’t like it, it’s okay. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

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