Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3180: Fallen Bounty Hunter (1)

The magic city, once the most prosperous place in the East, has now become a **** on earth. .

The prosperity is not there, and there is decadence everywhere.

In three years, the once spacious streets have been covered with weeds and trees, and on the streets filled with all kinds of cars, there will be a few zombies hanging out from time to time.

A group of zombie dogs, more than a hundred heads, stared at the few low-level zombies in front of them, as if thinking about where they should utter their mouths, turning these few low-level zombies that came out and turned them into delicious food in their belly.

A gunshot sounded with a "pap", and then there was a series of "dada da da" gunshots. A few low-level zombies and hundreds of zombie dogs had no time to counterattack and escape, and they had been swept into a sieve.

A team of a dozen people, holding the most advanced weapons in their hands, and well-dressed combat squads appeared in the street. After swiftly cleaning the zombies and corpse crystals of zombies and dogs, they immediately hid in the nearby building. Things.

This building is definitely one of the best in height in the entire city. Once the busiest place in this city is now full of desolation.

Due to the loss of electricity supply, this tallest skyscraper is already a dead city. Before the end of the world came, the people here had almost escaped, so there were hardly many zombies on the floor.

The team carefully walked through the fire escape and walked quickly to the upper floors.

For ordinary zombies, few zombies can climb more than 20 stories above the height of a building. When this team, as long as they go up one more floor and reach the team base on the 21st floor, they absolutely It's safe.

Thinking of this, these people involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they returned to the twenty-first floor, they immediately became nervous when they saw the thick steel plate defense door with their thumbs in front of them.

The guns in the hands are loaded at the same time.

Pushing open the steel door, the team was immediately dumbfounded.

There was blood everywhere, stumps and arms everywhere, and none of the team members staying behind in the team base were alive!

A zombie man sat on a single sofa, facing the entrance, and various parts of the human body were placed on the coffee table in front of him. The zombie man was holding a thin white arm in his hand, biting and chewing.

"Fire!" The captain of the team saw the scene before him and immediately ordered an attack.

"Da da da!" The machine gun sound echoed throughout the building, and the zombie man sitting on the sofa was sifted by the machine gun.

Seeing the zombie man lying motionless on the sofa, the team leader mustered up the courage and slowly approached the zombie man.

Suddenly, the zombie man shook a few times, sat up slowly, and continued to bite the arm in his hand, as if nothing happened just now.

"Retreat! I'll take cover!" The team leader knew that this zombie was not easy to deal with, and immediately issued the order.

"Da da da!" and the gunfire sounded, the team leader slowly walked towards the zombie man with a machine gun, and the other members of the team immediately fled downstairs.

The zombie man completely ignored the bullet's attack on him, hiccuped, and threw the stump aside, suddenly his body moved, and he appeared next to the team leader in an instant.

"Puff!" With a sound, the zombie man had inserted his claws into the team leader's body, and pulled hard, a heart that was still beating appeared in the zombie man's hands.

"Heart, what a delicious heart!" The zombie man licked the blood on the heart with his tongue, and an intoxicated expression immediately appeared on his face.

At this moment, the expression of the zombie man suddenly changed, even a little distorted. As soon as the zombie man pressed his hand, he immediately squeezed the beating heart into a pile of meat sauce.

"My bug! That **** human moved my bug! I'm going to eat you!" The zombie man said grimly.


"Hong Zhan" is in hand, I have the corpse crystal.

After Li Tian got out of the open-pit coal mine, he was not in a hurry to go back. He was now eager to test the power of the new "Red Cut".

Seven-in and seven-outs from Ewa Village, Li Tian’s skin also has a lot of third-level corpse crystals, but none of the fourth-level corpse crystals is intact. Every time Li Tian comes to dig out, "Red Cut" His sister was so excited and flew out directly.

The result is naturally self-evident, "Hong Zhan" eats meat and Li Tian drinks soup.

But Li Tian doesn't care about having so many corpse crystals. Even if "Red Zhan" eats more, as long as "Red Zhan" is in Li Tian's hands, doesn't it mean that Li Tian's strength has become stronger?

Head north from Ele Village to the town where Situ Ningbing and Xueji are located.

Maybe it’s because of Li Tian’s strong aura. For two days, Li Tian stopped and walked, and almost never encountered any powerful zombies along the way. They were all zombies of level two or so, even level three zombies. Also rarely encountered.

However, Li Tian's luck was good. Li Tian didn't encounter many zombies. When he was about to return to the Baijing base, he encountered a team of bounty hunters.

There are five people in this team, four men and one woman, and the captain is a woman.

By observing the bounty hunter badges of five people, Li Tian found that these bounty hunters are not of high level. Only the captain who looks like a woman in her early thirties is a second-level bounty hunter, and the others are first-level bounty hunters. hunter.

The five bounty hunters saw that only Li Tian appeared in front of them, and after confirming that Li Tian was not a zombie, they relaxed their vigilance.

One of them, who claimed to be the deputy captain, was named Wang Qiang, and a man in his early twenties greeted Li Tian enthusiastically.

"Hai, brother, you are lucky to meet our Supreme Kings Bounty Hunter team! Go with our Supreme King team to ensure your safety, maybe you can still kill one or two lost dogs. ! But brother, let's talk about the serious things first."

Seeing that Wang Qiang held back for a long time and couldn't even let out a fart, Li Tian felt uncomfortable for him.

"It's not a shame! Let's talk!" The other people immediately booed beside Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang did not want to say it, nor was he embarrassed to say it. Wang Qiang asked others to say it, and others did not want to.

The whole scene looks very embarrassing!

"Is there anything to eat? Let us have some! If our Supreme King squad lends you, we will definitely pay you back when we return to the Sunset Fortress!" The female captain said calmly.

Li Tian is full of black lines, your sister, are you not the Supreme King Bounty Hunter Team? Isn't Li Tian lucky to meet you? How come so many of you don’t even have food on your body?

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