Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3206: Red wolf's goal

"Although everyone present is the core cadre of the Sunset Fortress, and everyone is absolutely strong, the Red Wolf is definitely one of the most difficult guys in the blood. This guy is cruel, cold-blooded, warlike, and likes killing. I I still advise everyone not to be careless, especially when going out, it is best not to place orders to avoid accidents." Jia Youlong said earnestly.

"Hahaha, I think Seven Swords has been shattered by the scarlet blood! You guys who are afraid of Seven Swords, our Sunset Fortress may not be afraid of him!" A sharp voice sneered in the darkness.

With a sound, Shalipuding slapped the table heavily, and the round table in the center of the meeting room was immediately pierced by Shalipuding's palm, revealing a big hole.

"What are you talking about? Have the ability to stand up and speak! Don't hide in the dark and speak coldly!"

"Youngest, sit down!" Jia Youlong didn't care about being laughed at by others, and taught Shelipuding a lesson.

Jia Youlong calmed down and continued: "The purpose of the Red Wolf entering the Sunset Fortress this time is not very clear. So far, our Seven Swords have not caught him."

"That's your Seven Swords incompetence. If this task is entrusted to the assassination department of our Sunset Fortress, the red wolf head must have been placed in the conference room at this time!" In the darkness, the sharp voice sounded again.

There was laughter in the meeting room immediately.

The Sunset Fortress annexed Seven Swords, but the core members of the Seven Swords survived completely independently and became an independent department of Sunset Fortress.

The other core members of Sunset Fortress were still a little dissatisfied with this decision, so they laughed at Qijian several times in the meeting.

"Cough..." A rapid cough sounded in a glass room at the end of the conference room. This glass room is completely isolated from the meeting room, independent of the meeting room, but the two are connected by a voice and video call system. Therefore, the cough in the glass room is quite clear in the conference room.

Hearing the cough, the meeting room immediately became quiet.

"I know you all have arrogance in your heart. That's good, cough cough, but you should have seen the appearance of the gun **** Han Gang! This is the result of the truncheon male martial arts style arriving in time. If you also want to enter the hospital for training, You can take Jia Youlong’s words as a deaf ear. If you don’t want to go to the hospital for training, and if you don’t want our sunset fortress face to be shamed by you, give you three days to find the Red Wolf! Cough cough... …"

"Yes!" In the meeting room, all personnel stood up and shouted to the man in the isolation room.

The bounty hunter sunsets in the fortress branch.

Although it was already night, there was still an endless stream of bounty hunters who came to view, accept, and submit bounty tasks.

The president of the Bounty Hunter Branch was sitting at his desk. As the president of the Bounty Hunter Branch, he was sitting on the chair with horror, looking at the man in front of him with horror.

The man in front of him was a man in his early twenties. At this time, the man licked the blade of his hand with his tongue abnormally. The sharp blade had cut the tip of the man's tongue into a small opening, and the bright red blood was constantly flowing out of the small opening. Risk. The man greedily sucked the blood from the tip of his tongue, his face showed a trace of excitement and madness.

"Presumably the president has recognized me! Jie Jie, it doesn't matter, my purpose of coming to the Bounty Hunters Association branch this time is very simple. I just want to increase my bounty ten times! Directly to 100 A seven-level corpse crystal, and I need you to expose my whereabouts to all bounty hunters, and let them come to me and hunt me!"

"Jiejie, this game is not bad! I can't wait to feel the thrill of being besieged by so many bounty hunters. Hahaha!"

"Oh? When did a level five bounty hunter appear in Sunset Fortress, Li Tian? A familiar name! Let me think about it, where did I hear this name?"

"Oh, I remember. It was the little guy who killed the Dragon Organization! I didn't expect that he had the strength of a level five bounty hunter! I couldn't help but want to shoot him! Jiejie!"

"Mr. Red Wolf, I have fulfilled your requirements! Do you have any other requirements?" The president of the Bounty Hunter Sunset Fortress Branch did not dare to look at the perverted man in front of him, lowered his head and said in a low voice .

Watching the president of the Bounty Hunter Sunset Fortress Branch increase the Red Wolf’s bounty in the computer to one hundred seven-level corpse crystals, the Red Wolf’s face showed a happy expression and said, “Will you make up a woman this time? Come and play with that kid Li Tian? Jie Jie, it is quite pleasant to think of!"

"Ding!" In the lobby of the Bounty Hunter Sunset Fortress branch, a new bounty message appeared on the huge LCD screen.

"Reward target: Red wolf, reward amount: one hundred seven-level corpse crystals. Task requirements: kill the red wolf and bring the head of the red wolf to the bounty hunter organization. Reminder: the red wolf will appear in three days In Fancheng, one hundred kilometers southwest of the Sunset Fortress. Warriors, please prepare actively."

Seeing this bounty message, some bounty hunter squads surrounding the screen immediately started talking about it.

"It turned out to be Fancheng. The zombies on the periphery of that city are all level two or higher. For small bounty hunter teams like ours, it's enough to go to the periphery for a little play."

"Yes, I heard that in the inner city of Fancheng, there are almost all zombies above level 4 and 5. I heard that zombies above level 6 and 7 have appeared!"

"What's weird about this, after all, Fancheng was a big city with a population of one million before. There are millions of zombies in a city, and there is nothing strange about having high-level zombies!"

"Woo, a hundred seven-level corpse crystals, a lot of money! If we have this amount of money, it will be enough for us to spend our lives in the sunset fortress!"

"Then you have to have your life to make so much money, and you have to have your life to spend! Don't you have not done anything to the Red Wolf, you have become the Red Wolf and have been slaughtered by the Red Wolf!"

"Probably only those five-level bounty hunters are qualified and capable to try this task!"

"Speaking of level five bounty hunters, I heard that our Sunset Fortress has newly certified a level five bounty hunter named Li Tian!" someone said.

"I really hope that Li Tian can take this task and win glory for our Sunset Fortress!" said a bounty hunter who hadn't met Li Tian and started to follow Li Tian.

"Don't dream! Maybe the target of Red Wolf is those high-level bounty hunters!"

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