Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3274: Beat the owner and watch the dog (2)

Li Tian saw that among the eight lost dogs, there were two and three lost dogs.

The three-headed zombie Li Tian was also seen in the auto repair shop outside Fancheng. At that time, the feeling that this zombie gave to Li Tian was quite powerful, which was probably equivalent to the level of 6 or even level 7 of the zombie.

Now that he saw the three bereaved dogs, Li Tian no longer had the original fear in his heart, but he was more shocked. Why did the three bereaved dogs appear in the Tai Sui Bar? And who is controlling the Tai Sui Bar behind the scenes? Can three zombie dogs be controlled like zombies?

After these lost dogs appeared, the balance in the bar was immediately broken.

This **** Fan Taisui also knew the weakness of zombies and dogs, and even put a steel helmet made of pure steel on the head of each zombie, leaving only his mouth exposed.

In this way, the bounty hunters in the bar, even if they shoot the bereaved dogs, the bereaved dogs will only have more bullet holes on their bodies, and they will not die.

"Sister, come and save me!" After Wang Qiang saw the lost dog, his whole body was frightened. His legs that had been shot even lost consciousness, and he didn't even have the courage to crawl.

Wang Rui glanced back at Wang Qiang, resisting tears, turned around and followed Situ Ningbing and others to drill out of the hole in the wall pushed by Li Tian.

Li Tian let out a sigh of relief.

Li Tian believed in the strength of the women around him, but the stray bullet had no eyes, and Li Tian would not want to hurt anyone. Now that all the women here have gotten out, Li Tian will control "Red Slash" without any scruples and can kill wantonly.

"Brothers, Master Li Tian has opened an exit behind him, brothers, kill it!"

Seeing that the women who followed Li Tian had gone out to safety, the surviving bounty hunters immediately came to their spirits. After one shouted, the Tai Sui Bar, which had just calmed down, shot again.

"Da da da!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Under the cover of gunshots, a bounty hunter quickly ran towards Li Tian's direction, but before he ran a few steps out, a bereaved dog rushed over and bit his leg.

The bounty hunter let out a scream, then drew out the blade and slashed the low-level bereaved dog vigorously, even cutting off the head of the bereaved dog, but the bounty hunter was still puzzled.

Bitten by a bereaved dog, the bounty hunter had a gray face and leaned his back against the wall, quietly waiting for death to come.

Although the bounty hunter was bitten by a bereaved dog, more bounty hunters rushed out without hesitation.

There is still the possibility of rushing out, but staying in Tai Sui Bar is a dead end.

Li Tian tried to use the transparent silk thread released by the nine-color corpse crystal to control a three zombie dogs, but he found that when the transparent silk thread entered the heads of the three zombie dogs, it turned out to be like a mud cow into the sea, and no information was transmitted back.

But the three bereaved dogs quickly focused their attention on Li Tian, ​​and ran towards Li Tian.

Li Tian's "Red Cut" was at a distance of more than ten meters from Li Tian, ​​and he had just chopped off the head of the dog that had been lost, and the three lost dogs had already rushed to Li Tian.

Li Tian was too late to control "Red Zhan" back, hooked his right foot and slammed hard, kicking a chair at the three bereaved dogs.

And one of the three bereaved dogs opened his mouth and bit the chair in one bite. It didn't affect much, and he rushed towards Li Tian.

Li Tian dare not care, these three zombie dogs are more difficult to deal with than the sixth-level zombie, because this zombie dog has three heads, if you can’t break the zombie crystals in the three heads at the same time, even if you smash one, The dog bites Li Tian hard, and Li Tian is not comfortable.

However, Li Tian was not afraid. After the chair was kicked, he turned his body to the right and ran for several steps. When the dog was about to bite Li Tian, ​​Li Tian suddenly turned around and kicked the three-headed mourner. On the dog's middle head, the left and right palms simultaneously used the broken soul palm, avoiding the dog's bite, and patted heavily on the dog's left and right heads.

Li Tian only felt his feet numb, and there was a pain in his left and right palms, but fortunately the dog was hit hard by Li Tian and fell heavily to the ground.

Li Tian knew that the three bereaved dogs were not dead, and quickly controlled the "Red Zhan" who had lost control and returned to him.

After the dog was hit hard by Li Tian, ​​he stayed on the ground for less than two seconds, then stood up swayingly and bared his teeth at Li Tian.



This three-headed bereavement still has a canine consciousness. Although it gnawed its teeth after being hurt by Li Tian, ​​it did not dare to immediately rush to bite Li Tian.

The loss of a dog to bite Li Tian does not mean that Li Tian will let him go.


A red light swiftly flew behind the lost dog, and as a red light flashed, the limbs of the lost dog were cut off by the "red cut".

"Hong Zhan" returned to Li Tian's hands again, and Li Tian sneered while holding "Red Zhan" in his hand.

When Fancheng was fighting Red Wolf, Li Tian had already found a way to deal with this undead Xiaoqiang, which was to chop his legs.

Shooting people first shoots horses and chops off the legs of these bereaved dogs. No matter how fierce the bereaved dogs are, they can only crawl on the ground and bark their teeth and stare.

"Da da da!" A series of bullets hit Li Tian.

Facing the bullet, Li Tian didn't dare to be careless, and quickly jumped aside and stomped behind a table.

"Brother Li...Tian, ​​you have to save me! I don't want to die here!" Wang Qiang saw with his own eyes the three bounty hunters who had come to drink with Weiwei, Situ Ningbing and Wang Rui beheaded, although Wang Qiang didn't know what the reason was, but Wang Qiang was really scared this time.

Wang Qiang was afraid of Fan Taisui, the loss of dogs, Li Tian, ​​and Wang Rui, but Wang Qiang was even more afraid of death.

"Brother, when I go out, I will listen to you! Even if I die, I will listen to you!" Wang Qiang cried and raised his hand and said, "I swear, I will listen to you, or let me Let me die without a burial place."

Li Tian glanced at Wang Qiang's raised hand, and saw that Wang Qiang had only the **** left in his left and right hands. This **** swear now became a vertical middle finger.

Li Tianzhen wanted to kick Wang Qiang out, leaving the boy really dead.

Seeing Li Tian's face, Wang Qiang suddenly realized that his palm could no longer be called a palm, and his gesture when he swore was even more to greet Li Tian.

Wang Qiang's crying "Wow" became louder, and his crying became even stronger: "Brother God, save me, I'm going to die now!"

Li Tian said angrily: "Big man, what does it matter even if both hands are dropped? How decent are you crying!"

Wang Qiang pointed his **** to his leg and said, "My god, I may not be able to live. If I die, you must take care of my sister. I owe her. In the next life I will be a cow and a horse to repay you! "

Following Wang Qiang’s fingers, Li Tian saw that, I don’t know when the three-headed dog slowly moved over. One head bit on Wang Qiang’s injured leg, while the other two heads were still cute. Li Tian blinked.


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