Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3296: Secret mission (1)

At midnight at Sunset Fortress, it was exceptionally quiet. Because of the limited energy, the city immediately stopped power supply as soon as Sunset Fortress passed ten o'clock in the evening. .

Therefore, the sunset fortress at midnight is completely covered by the dark wheel, almost integrated with the night.

In the dark city, the two lights of a car became the only bright spot in the city.

Li Tian's car was speeding along the wide road of the Sunset Fortress. In the passenger seat was the woman Li Tian used to be. Now the frosty Ouyang Shiqing, sitting in the back seat is Ouyang Man carrying a huge sword.

This time the banquet did not last long. After receiving Ouyang Shiqing's mission, almost all the leaders of the organization wanted to leave the Sunset Fortress immediately.

After Li Tian proposed to guard Ouyang Shiqing personally for twenty-four hours, Yang Qingyun did not object, nor did Ouyang Shiqing object. As a result, it was logical that Li Tian now became the driver of Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man.

"Li Tian, ​​I seem to know you! I feel a cordial feeling when I see you! But it seems to be a long time ago, and now I can't remember you anymore." Ouyang Man sitting in the back row suddenly said , Broke the tranquility of the night.

Li Tian was startled.

Li Tian knew that even if it was a zombie, as long as it was a level 3 or higher zombie, it would retain a part of human memory. And the zombies of level eight and nine have almost all human memories.

"Stupid man, because we knew each other! It's just that we haven't seen each other for three years!" Li Tian said excitedly.

Li Tian hopes to use his words to stimulate Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man, and to stimulate their hidden memories of Li Tian under the cortex.

Li Tian turned his head to Ouyang Shiqing, hoping to hear a little bit of Li Tian's memory from Ouyang Shiqing's mouth, but Ouyang Shiqing glared at him.

"I don't know you!" Ouyang Shiqing said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, even if you don’t know me, as long as I know you! Even if you become a zombie, you Ouyang Shiqing is still my Li Tian’s girlfriend. I Li Tian will never give up. I will never give up. Until you can remember me, Li Tian." Li Tian said vowedly.

Li Tian can only pin his hopes on Liu Yihui, hoping that Liu Yihui's research will be successful soon.

But this hope is still very slim for the time being.

The car continued to drive in the dark. Following Ouyang Shiqing’s instructions, the car kept changing directions. At first, Li Tian thought that Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man were going to return to their residences, but as the car moved forward, But Li Tian's heart became more and more disturbed.

As soon as the car turned and drove on Shouguang Road, Li Tian's anxiety became even stronger when he arrived on this road.

This road is already quite remote, and there are only the Zombie Research Institute and Cai Longquan's residence on this road. What can you do here?

Zombie Institute? Isn’t the kingdom of corpses the most famous for controlling zombies and studying zombies? Do they still need to be in the Zombie Institute? And it's midnight, and it's not the time to visit and study at the Zombie Institute.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, coming towards Cai Longquan.

Sure enough, when the car was driving near Cai Longquan's residence, Ouyang Shiqing spoke.

"Stop!" Ouyang Shiqing said suddenly.

Li Tian stopped the car immediately, when the car stopped right in front of Cai Longquan's residence.

Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man directly got out of the car and walked into the building where Cai Longquan lived. Li Tian was puzzled and did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed.

Ouyang Man wore heavy armor and carried a giant sword, but Ouyang Man didn't look bloated, but walked vigorously. He went upstairs quite fast, and he reached the second floor in three steps and two steps.

The whole building is quite quiet, except for the footsteps of Li Tian and others in the dark corridor.

"What are we doing here? It has been abandoned for a long time!" Li Tian asked tentatively.

Coming here, Li Tian had already guessed what Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man's so-called secret mission were. If they didn't guess wrong, they must have come for Cai Longquan.

Although Li Tian and Cai Longquan didn't have much friendship, Li Tian admired the love of the two old people in this building who never left behind and the white prime minister relied on. Even if one of them is already a zombie, this can't stop their direct feelings.

Both Ouyang Shiqing and Ouyang Man did not speak. At this time, Li Tian felt that the expressions of both Ouyang Man and Ouyang Shiqing had changed a little. Li Tian saw that their faces were full of concentration and he had completely ignored Li Tian's existence. .

Ouyang Man walked to the door of Cai Longquan's room, without any hesitation, suddenly waved the giant sword in his hand and slashed towards the door of Cai Longquan's room.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, this anti-theft door weighing several jins was chopped off by Ouyang Man with a sword.

But the moment Ouyang Man cut the anti-theft door, a black figure immediately attacked Ouyang Man from the room.

Bai Sensen's bone claws blasted heavily on Ouyang Man's giant sword, but Ouyang Man didn't change his face, but only made a counterattack in this instant.

The giant sword in Ouyang Man's hand sank, then he lifted it forcefully, blasting the owner of the bone claw out.

The owner of Bone Claw stepped back several steps and hit the wall before stopping.

"Ouyang Man, who doesn't lose his natural power, even if he is a zombie without much consciousness now, this terrible strength is still surprising!" Li Tian exclaimed in his heart.

When Li Tian exclaimed, the owner of Bone Claw had already attacked Ouyang Man like a wind. This time Li Tian could clearly see that it was the hostess who had received him and the man who had attacked Ouyang Man.

"How could this mistress be a zombie?" Li Tian was quite surprised.

When Li Tian was leaving here, the male host broke out, and it was at that time that Li Tian felt the feeling of a zombie. For a long time, Li Tian thought that the male lead here was a zombie, but what surprised Li Tian was The hostess here is also a zombie!

So who is Cai Longquan? Li Tian suddenly had some doubts.

The hostess's figure is very fast, and the bone claws between the flashing stones have already attacked Ouyang Man's face. The speed of the hostess is fast, and the speed of Ouyang Man is not slow.

Ouyang Man didn't dodge, he directly waved the huge sword in his hand and attacked the bone claws. The giant sword has no front, but its strength is quite huge. The giant sword and the bone claws intersected, making a metal-like crash, and the hostess was not unexpectedly blasted out.

But the moment the hostess's body leaned against the wall, she immediately folds out again, her claws constantly attacking Ouyang Man, and Ouyang Man's giant sword is blocked from the left and the right, and the attack and defense of the bone claw is not leaking. .

After the hostess was bombarded by Ouyang Man again, she didn't immediately attack, but began to change. A few bones drilled out of the hostess's body, making a "click!" "click!"

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