Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3309: Children will not lie

The person who floated down was not someone else, it was the youngest member of the sunset fortress. Although youngest member of You was not injured at this time, his appearance was also very embarrassed, his hair was messy, and his clothes were cut a few times. But his face was full of horror.

Yes, it was panic.

It was the fear of Chihu, the fear of death.

You Lao San, a brawny man, a charming woman and a five-person combat team, were looking for a target on the mid-levels of the Tianshan Mountains. Their target was not the old four elephants, but people from other organizations.

As long as they find people, without exception, they become their dead souls. In this short day, at least dozens of corpses have been completely frozen on the Tianshan Mountain under their knife.

Their killing along the way went smoothly. At first, they were still cautious and relaxed. As long as they saw a figure, they would not hesitate to catch up and kill his life.

Who knew they were in trouble when they met Chihu.

The red tiger is good at hiding, especially in the snowy area of ​​Tianshan Mountain, in the wind and snow environment, the red tiger's hiding technology has been brought into full play.

Chihu was out of sight, even the five people like You Lao San weren't Chihu's opponents at all. In just a few rounds, the brawny man who struck first was cut through his stomach by the red tiger. He looked at the brawny man in pain, desperately trying to stuff the intestines that had flowed into his stomach. You Lao San and others It was also red eyes, desperately looking for the red tiger in the snow.

However, this happened to hit the trap of Chihu. As soon as You Lao San and the others separated, they gave Chihu a chance to break through. Starting from the strong man, the other team members fell one after another.

If it weren't for the assassination department's background, the youngest of you is extremely keen on danger, I am afraid that at this time you can only escape or have become the dead soul of the red tiger.

You Lao San detonated a grenade and fled down the mountain in the smoke from the grenade. But Chihu didn't panic, slowly chasing behind, just as he chased the escaper at first.

Chihu is strolling in a leisurely courtyard, and the entire Tianshan Mountain is like his back garden.

With horror on the face of Oldest You, he naturally panicked when he escaped. He jumped directly off a cliff that was more than two long high, and just floated above Li Tian and the others.

You Lao San is not without skills, since he can be the second person in the Assassination Department of the Sunset Fortress, his skills are naturally good.

It's just that when fighting against Chihu, he couldn't locate Chihu at all. Most of the time, Chihu was in the position of a sneak attacker, while the assassin You Laosan was in a position to be beaten.

Leaping off the cliff, You Laosan saw Li Tian and others under the cliff slowly walking on the net. The moment you saw Li Tian, ​​You Laosan felt joy from the heart!

"Li Tian! It's Li Tian!"

Li Tian's sturdy strength is one of the tridents of the Sunset Fortress, and it is the No. 3 mission of the Sunset Fortress. As long as Li Tian is by his side, even the Scarlet Tiger must be carefully weighed.

But You Lao San also knew in his heart that since Li Tian joined the Sunset Fortress, Li Tian has shown a non-cooperative attitude, and his attitude towards Yang Qingyun's boss is not very friendly.

Therefore, before entering Tianshan this time, Boss Yang Qingyun had secretly issued an order. Once Li Tian violated his order and left the Sunset Fortress and entered the Tianshan Mountains, all the core cadres in the Sunset Fortress could kill Li Tian on the spot.

But the current Oldest You didn't want to kill Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian didn't know the order issued by Yang Qingyun. In this case, Li Tianlai prevented the red tiger from pursuing it, which was more conducive to You Lao San's escape.

The moment You Laosan saw Li Tian, ​​Li Tian also saw You Laosan.

Unlike You Laosan when he saw Li Tian's surprise, Li Tian pulled out "Red Zhan" in a flash after seeing You Laosan, and controlled the "Red Zhan" to attack You Laosan who had not yet landed.

"No!" You Laosan's face suddenly became more frightened. He wanted to flee desperately, but he could not change the fact that his body was still falling.

"Li Tian! I'm my own..." You Laosan's words were swept away by the north wind and blew cleanly.


A red light flashed, and "Red Slash" brushed across You Old San's neck cleanly, and the sharpness of "Red Slash" was vividly displayed at this moment.

"Puff!" With a sound, Oldest You was cut in two with a single knife.

The blood splattered all over, and when it first splashed out, it was swept up by the cold wind and turned into a flower of learning, slowly falling. After You Lao San's head fell to the ground, he kept rolling down the Tianshan Mountain, but his body hit the ground heavily.

"Brother Tian, ​​you seem to have killed the wrong person! This person, it seems that this person is from Sunset Fortress!" The Barbarian said with some uncertainty.

"I also seem to hear him calling your name, as if it is my own!" Situ Ningbing also said.

Li Tian didn't care, he laughed and said, "You must be auditory hallucinations, how is this possible? If he is really from the sunset fortress, he will not suddenly jump off the cliff and prepare to attack us!"

The subtext in Li Tian's heart is, "Even if I kill the wrong person, Li Tian will tell you? What if I kill the wrong person? I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, this can blame him Unfortunately, I rushed into the range of Li Tian's attack for no reason."

"It should be correct! I'm afraid Brother Tian, ​​you really killed the wrong person!" The barbarian was still struggling with this problem. He walked to the corpse of Oldest You, found a badge of the sunset fortress, and passed the badge. Said to Li Tian.

"Brother Tian definitely didn't kill the wrong person. I clearly heard that that person was talking about Li Tian, ​​who took his life! As for the badge, it is entirely possible that someone faked it. For example, we killed him and then put the badge on It's like this on us." Li Tian, ​​the sinister guy, immediately controlled the captain and said.

"Hahaha, look, I didn't kill the wrong person as expected, the captain is still a child, and children will not deceive!" Li Tian stroked the captain's head and said with an embarrassing smile.

"But Brother Tian..." Manzi still wanted to entangle this question, but was suddenly interrupted by Situ Ningbing.

"Li, there are other people on the cliff, let's leave here quickly!" Situ Ningbing said hastily.

Li Tian and the others looked at the direction of Situ Ningbing's fingers at the same time, but saw a dark shadow standing in the direction of the cliff top in the violent storm and snow.

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