Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3340: Arrived in time

At the same time, in the laboratory.

"Damn! Keep the green hills, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood! As long as I am Liu Yihui not dead, we can make more of these bounty hunter zombies! This day is no more, prisoner you **** hurry up and take out all my potions! "When Liu Yihui saw the five zombies he released, not only did they fail to stop Jia Youlong, they also became toys in the eyes of Jia Youlong and others, and Liu Yihui immediately became angry.

Needless to say, the bounty hunter zombies were also angry after hearing about Jia Youlong's cruelty.

The mud bodhisattvas still have three points of anger, not to mention that they are half corpses and half humans. Instead of waiting in this iron cage for Jia Youlong to cut off their heads one by one and kick the ball, it is better to inject a potion and go. Desperately!

It is better to be a human-conscious zombie than to become a dead body!

"Sister Wang Rui, Wang Qiang, let him go." The captive was assisting Liu Yihui in injecting the zombies with medicine. When Wang Qiang was injected, the captive asked hesitantly.

"Give me an injection!"

"Give him an injection!" Wang Qiang and Wang Rui said almost at the same time.

"Sister, if you have the next life, I, Wang Qiang, will still be your brother. But in the next life, let my Wang Qiang protect you!" Wang Qiang grabbed the needle from the prisoner's hand and plunged it directly into his body with a resolute expression on his face. Said.

After a series of events, Wang Qiang changed from a bounty hunter of a relatively respected supreme king to a half-dead zombie that everyone spurned by now. Wang Qiang's inner world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Wang Qiang can be said to have completely enlightened him.

Moreover, the current Wang Qiang felt that he was really suffering while alive.

Instead of living like this and watching her sister Wang Rui suffer, it is better to die well enough to let her sister Wang Rui get relief.

Wang Rui didn't speak, holding back tears, pulled out the needle for Wang Qiang, and stroked the place where the needle was pierced by the needle a few times. At the moment when the tears were about to fall, he turned and hurriedly left the laboratory.



The bodies of the bounty hunter zombies after the injection of the medicine began to change constantly. Meat packs appeared on these people. Soon, these meat packs were pierced by Bai Sensen's bone thorns, and these bounty hunter zombies All of them howled like beasts, rushed out of the laboratory and rushed into the murder house courtyard.

Liu Yihui and the captive had already ran out, and the captive was still holding a needle tube full of medicine, and he was going to put this needle on himself when he was in danger. But what Liu Yihui holds in his hand is a knife and fork for western food.

"Why are you holding a knife and fork?" the captive asked with some confusion.

"There is still some high-quality beef in the freezer. Hey, even if I die, I can't leave this high-quality beef with Jia Youlong, right?" Liu Yihui said nonchalantly.

"Isn't the freezer used to store the organs of the zombies?...Wow..." The captive hadn't finished speaking. Seeing Liu Yihui showing an expression that you understand, he couldn't help it anymore, crawling aside and vomiting!

On the second floor of the murder house near the window, the goddess Xue Ji kept firing, trying to stop Jia Youlong's people from rushing over.

And the two-dimensional back to the wall, hiding behind a door, the black thorn in her hand is facing the door, once Jia Youlong's people come to the door, they will inevitably become the dead souls of the two-dimensional black thorn.

The core cadres who followed Jia Youlong to the murder house rushed to the murder house, but the sharpness of the sniper rifle in the murder house made them quite jealous. Although they were also rushing, they did not dare to rush forward. Fortunately, there were gunmen among these core cadres. Shoot against Xue Ji.

These core cadres finally rushed to the door of the murder house and were about to do a big fight, but they heard a rush of footsteps from the murder house.

"Bang!" With a sound, the wooden door of the murder house was directly smashed from the inside, and zombies broke through the door in the past twenty years.

"How come there are so many zombies? Is this murderous house like Li Tian a corpse farm?" These core cadres were shocked and immediately attacked the zombies.

Half of Jia Youlong's cheek was stained red with blood, and his eyes were full of ferociousness. He rushed to the forefront. The dragon sword in his hand flicked, and a sword pierced the head of a zombie. With a jump of his wrist, the corpse crystal in the head of this zombie flew away. Came out, and the zombie fell to the ground.

The zombies rushing out of the haunted house did not expect to die before leaving the teacher. They met Jia Youlong as soon as they came out, and when they met, Jia Youlong directly killed a bounty hunter zombie.

These zombies retained some of the habits of human beings, and they were involuntarily stunned.

And just in this stupefied effort, Jia Youlong's dragon sword in his hand is like a dragon going out to sea, the sword light flashes, and the heads of two zombies are cut off in succession. Jia Youlong was shot **** by the goddess Xue Ji, roaring. Said: "Kill! Kill all!"

With Jia Youlong's lead, the other core cadres dared to die, and the weapons in their hands greeted the zombies' heads.

And the zombies who rushed out also used their own zombies' attributes and killed these core cadres.

This time, the number of zombies was obviously more than the number of core cadres brought by Jia Youlong, and soon, injuries appeared among these core cadres.

On one side, a white Sensen passed through the chest of a man in his forties, and the zombie bit directly on the man’s neck, tearing off a large piece of skin from the neck, and chewing. With.

On the other side, although a zombie's body was cut in half, his head still bit the calf of a core cadre, and the core cadre was frightened and inserted a long sword in his hand. In the head of this zombie.

"Puff!" The half-white but not black brain was flowing out of the wound.

Although the core cadres were injured, the number of zombies was rapidly decreasing. After all, Jia Youlong was once the master of the Seven Swords and one of the tridents of the Sunset Fortress. The overall strength is close to the strength of the eighth-level zombie. Naturally, it is not the bounty hunter zombies who barely obtained level 6 zombies through potions.

In just a few minutes, the twenty or so zombies that rushed out of the laboratory were already dead, even if they were not dead, they had been chopped down to the ground and lost their fighting ability.

"Kill!" Jia Youlong carried the Dragon Sword and rushed to the second floor.

At this moment, "Boom!" A car smashed through the wall and rushed directly into the murder house compound.

And with the loud noise of the collapse of the wall, a strange blade flashed across the sky, and hurriedly towards Jia Youlong and others from a distance. Jia Youlong dodged sideways and escaped. "Red Slash"'s far-reaching attack.

And "Hong Zhan" inserted directly into the wall behind Jia Youlong, not to the hilt!

"Li Tian!" Jia Youlong and other dozens of people called in horror.

Li Tian, ​​Manzi, Tang Xiaolong, and Situ Ningbing had already walked out of the car.

Looking at the heads of zombies and dogs in the courtyard of the murder house, although there is no head of Li Tian's most important person, Li Tian's anger exploded at this time.

A figure galloped past, and Li Tian burst into a shout: "Jia Youlong, today I'm going to pump your muscles and take your skin off!"

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