Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3347: Upper head (1)

"You?" Liu Jun didn't expect Li Tian's mouth to be so poisonous. He was speechless for a while, and said with a sneer: "Good! Good! Good! Li Tian, ​​and you, the little African slave, let's walk. Look!"

Little African slave?

Liu Jun was also sharp to Tang Xiaolong. .

Tang Xiaolong gritted his teeth fiercely, holding his hands tightly, he wanted to rush up and hit Liu Jun's face with a punch, directly crippling Liu Jun's little white face.

But after Liu Jun turned around and left, Tang Xiaolong didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"Who is this person? I'm so impatient to dare to provoke Li Tian!"

"I'm afraid it's the head of an organization that is unwilling to accept the annexation of the heavens! But it seems that he is still too young, and he doesn't know how to control things, so offends the heavens, can he have his good fruits?"

"Yes! I heard that the red squid, the current leader of the Scarlet Blood Organization, has also rushed to the heavens to participate in this banquet. Then, in the northwest region, there will be no one who dares to fight the heavens!"

Li Tian remained unaffected by Liu Jun and continued to welcome the guests.

"Brother Li Tian, ​​people are really worthy of death than people, and money deserves it. I have such a powerful man and you participated in the bounty hunter level test of the Seven Swords at the same time, but now you have become the lord of the heavens, and how am I fat? Or is it a member of the Sakura Legion? How do you let me, the fat young man, bear it?" Fatty Alslan came to Li Tian and said with a smile.

Li Tian saw the fat Alslan, his mood immediately improved a lot, and said with a smile: "Why do you call me the king's man?"

"Damn, you are showing off, showing off naked, there are so many women around you, and they are still so good, I really don't understand why the legion commander would like you, this kid!" Alslang bit. , I am no longer willing to find uncomfortable in Li Tian.

After the fat Alslan entered, the truncheon male martial artist and the gun **** Han Gang soon came over.

For Li Tian these two people have another feeling.

At the beginning, the baton man could say unceremoniously that he could suppress Li Tian, ​​but in just a few months, Li Tian walked step by step and first became the only level six bounty hunter in Sunset Fortress. Later, it became one of the tridents of Sunset Fortress, and Li Tian has now become the owner of Sunset Fortress.

"City Lord Li, I don't know if there is a place for me and Han Gang in this celestial world?" Wu Shi still had a rubber baton stuck in his waist, and he said without arrogance when he saw Li Tian.

When Jia Youlong returned to the Sunset Fortress and announced that Yang Qingyun had been killed by Li Tian, ​​he wanted to take over the Sunset Fortress. Wu Shi did not object to this. But then Jia Youlong issued a reward to Li Tian. This caused several people, including Wu Shi, to question Jia Youlong at the same time.

As a result of the doubt, Wu Shi, Han Gang, He Zhizhuo, and Shelipuding were all sent to four satellite cities.

Li Tian stretched out his hand to hold the Wu-style hand and said, "Welcome home!"

Li Tian took the initiative to stretch out his hand for a handshake, and said welcome home, which made Wu Shi and Han Gang feel warm in their hearts. After that, they didn't need to say anything else, they were all silent.

It's almost seven o'clock in the evening, and those who can come have already entered the banquet hall. Those who are not invited, even if they want to enter the banquet hall, are not eligible. After waiting for a few minutes, no one went on.

Li Tian sighed. Although he knew that He Zhizhuo and Shelipuding had left Luo Xing for a long time, Li Tian still held the hope that the two of them would suddenly appear in front of him.

Until now, Li Tian knew that the He Zhizhuo and Shelipuding he was waiting for would not appear.

Li Tian felt a little lost.

He Zhizhuo and Shelipuding were not friends for Li Tian, ​​but these two men were comrades who had experienced a series of battles with Li Tian. A person who is not a friend, but is more important than a friend.

"Brother Tian! Leave it to me and the barbarian! You should go to the banquet hall first, serious matters are important!" Tang Xiaolong also knew who Li Tian was waiting for, so he said.

Li Tian nodded, patted Tang Xiaolong on the shoulder, without speaking, turned around and entered the banquet hall.

The banquet hall has already been full of voices, and it is rare to have such a time when the heroes gather, and because of the existence of the heavens, these masters do not need to be arrogant, so the conversation is especially happy.

When everyone saw Li Tian coming in, they stood up and greeted Li Tian.

Although Li Tian didn't recognize everyone, he still greeted them one by one.

At seven o'clock, Wang Rui started arranging the food on time.

For this banquet, Wang Rui started to prepare early. For this banquet of more than 800 people, eating alone is a big problem, but fortunately, the few famous chefs in this heaven have been invited by Wang Rui.

As for the ingredients, Wang Rui doesn't need to worry about it. Tangtang Tianjie is the largest city in the northwest region. Not to mention all kinds of simple ingredients, even if it is raw seafood, there are still plenty of them.

With Wang Rui’s order, twenty service personnel walked out on both sides of the rostrum of the banquet hall. These service personnel were all women in their twenties, dressed in neat and dignified costumes, carrying plates and filed out. For seductive.

What is more eye-catching than these girls is the food on these plates. In the last days, food resources are in short supply. Even for organizations like the Warring States Period, there are not many food surpluses. As a master, having enough food is already a pretty good life. Occasionally, you can eat some green vegetables, fruits or meat, which is quite a treat.

And the food that these service personnel came up at one end, each plate has green vegetables and meat slices, those slightly larger organizations naturally disdain these food, and those small organizations have started to swallow.

It's just that no one has moved the chopsticks, so the heads of those small organizations are embarrassed to use the chopsticks.

As the waiter brought more and more food, in just a few minutes, eight dishes were served cold and four hot. Those who are slightly more organized also started to swallow.

Even those who are slightly more organized, do not often have such a hearty meal.

However, no one moved the chopsticks. Although the dishes were rich, the portions were not large. One plate of dishes was not enough for ten people per table to hold a few chopsticks.

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