Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3367: Wait a long time

Liu Jun slept in a daze, he felt as if he hadn't slept so much for a long time.

Recently, the little nurse, Xiaomei, seemed to be completely conquered by him, and kept asking for it. This made Liu Jun a very satisfying sense of conquest. Last night, the little nurse Xiaomei actually took the drug. After taking the drug, Liu Jun imagined the little nurse Xiaomei to be Duanmuying, a woman who had trampled on his dignity, and then tossed fiercely all night.

Now Liu Jun felt his body feel a little soft and fluttering.

Liu Jun stretched out his hand and touched his side. Before Liu Jun would touch the body of a woman, but now he touched a pillow.

Liu Jun suddenly woke up!

Opened his eyes and saw that there was the figure of the little nurse Xiaomei on the bed.

"Running! This **** little **** dared to escape! Watch me catch you and not burn you to a pile of ashes!" Liu Jun felt a strong sense of frustration, which was more frustrated than before being stepped on by Duanmu Ying Humiliation at his feet also embarrassed him.

Duanmuying is the commander of the Sakura Legion. Both her personal strength and the strength of the Legion exceed Liu Jun and Liu Jun's family, so she was humiliated by Duanmu Ying. Although Liu Jun was embarrassed, she was still not so deep in her heart. humiliation.

And now, Liu Jun was tricked by the nurse Xiaomei, which made Liu Jun jump into a thunder.

"Anyway, this injury has been basically healed, and there is no need to cover it up. Just find this little **** and burn it to death, and then go to Li Tian to settle the account!" Liu Jun said coldly.

Liu Jun got off the bed, lit a flame and threw it on the bed, watching the flame gradually start to burn, the flame in Liu Jun's heart also started to burn, turned and walked out of the room door!

"Huh?" Liu Jun just walked out of the room, but saw that this small courtyard belonging to Tang Xiaomei's brother Tang Chao was actually crowded with people. These people were holding guns and other weapons in their hands, facing Liu Jun.

And that little slut, little nurse, Xiaomei was also among these people.

It turned out that this little nurse, Xiaomei, had decided to escape after knowing that Liu Jun had offended Li Tian. In order not to make Liu Jun suspicious, after so many days of docile performance, even to meet Liu Jun's various perverted needs, Xiaomei, the young nurse, was extremely satisfied, as if she was not general enough.

And last night, riding on Liu Jun taking the drug, and indulging in another night, Xiaomei escaped until dawn.

The first thing Xiaomei did when he escaped was to report to the guarding soldiers of the satellite city, and then he brought them here to besiege Liu Jun.

"Idiot, do you think that a few people, birds and people can deal with me Liu Jun? It's really naive! Let you see my strength of Liu Jun!" Liu Jun looked dismissively, facing Xiaomei When someone laughed frantically, he said.

"Liu Jun, you don't want to be rampant! Just behave obediently, maybe our Lord Li Tian will leave you a whole body, otherwise you must die without a place to be buried." One of the soldiers shouted.

The head banquet at the Celestial Banquet not only shocked the leaders of the parties who participated in the conference at that time, but now everyone in the entire Celestial World knows nothing about it. For Li Tian, ​​these soldiers are extremely worshipped. .

"Tibetan land of death? Hahahaha!" Liu Jun laughed wildly.

Suddenly, Liu Jun's body flashed past like a figure, rushing directly to the team leader who had just called him.

"Da da da!" A series of bullets flew behind Liu Jun, but none of them touched Liu Jun's body.

Liu Jun's speed was so fast that he was in front of everyone almost in a blink of an eye.

"Kacha!" Liu Jun directly crushed the small captain's neck with his hands, and grabbed the small captain from the ground.

"Who died without a corpse?" Liu Jun said to the team leader in a mocking tone.

But the team leader was unable to say a word at all, his head hung weakly to one side, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground. The strength of Liu Jun's hand has exceeded a thousand catties, so how could this little captain be able to resist it.

"Hahaha!" Liu Jun laughed wildly.

"Huh!" With a sound, a ball of flame began to burn around the captain's neck, and the skin of the captain was quickly engulfed by flames, and a scorched question began to fill the air. .

"Humph!" Liu Jun snorted coldly, and threw the corpse of the team leader directly into the burning house.

"This...this...too powerful!"

"How is it possible? How could a flame suddenly appear on Liu Jun?"

"Squad leader is a third-level bounty hunter, he was pinched to death by Liu Jun when he met him!"

"too frightening!"

"Is this the strength of the alienator?"

Everyone was completely frightened by Liu Jun's sudden hand.

The soldiers who fired just now had forgotten to continue firing, and looked at Liu Jun in surprise, feeling a sense of powerlessness involuntarily.

The little nurse Xiaomei was also surprised. She knew that Liu Jun possessed the strength of a burning flame, but she did not expect that the dozen or so soldiers from the heavens surrounding Liu Jun would still make Liu Jun an easy shot.

Xiaomei was desperate, and she began to regret why she didn't just run away, but chose to report to Heaven.

"Escape! I have to escape! I finally escaped, I can't just die here!" Xiaomei thought in her heart.

Xiaomei just turned around to escape, only to find a hot feeling on her back, and this hotness came directly from the chest of her predecessor. And in the palm of this arm there was a beating heart.



Xiaomei had forgotten the pain, she looked down and saw a hand sticking out of her chest, as if an arm had suddenly grown out of her chest. Looking at the heart held tightly in the palm, Xiaomei still thought: "Is this my heart? How ugly!"

"I'm not dead! I can't die!" Xiaomei moved her body a few steps forward before turning her head to look at Liu Jun behind her.

"Little bitch, do you think you can escape the palm of my hand? Since you want to die, then I will meet your requirements!" Liu Jun looked at Xiaomei grimly, and said with a smile.

"Da da da!" A series of gunfire sounded, Liu Jun turned Xiaomei's body around and blocked him.

The bullets shot holes in Xiaomei's body, and Xiaomei was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

But Liu Jun didn't give up his anger at all.


A ball of flame began to burn from Xiaomei's chest.

"Sister!" A scream came from behind Liu Jun.

Tang Chao was escorted back to the satellite city by Shelipuding and He Zhizhuo. He saw that his home was already full of flames, and he rushed in desperately. As soon as he rushed into the courtyard, he saw Liu Jun burning Xiaomei in a flame Fire man.

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