Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3406: Kill the crow (3)

Entering the sixth floor of the Buddha Pagoda, Li Tian saw that the walls and the ground of the sixth floor were full of blood. The blood flowed down from the top of the Buddha Pagoda and infected the statues of gods and Buddha on the walls of the tower. .

Situ Ningbing reached out and touched it, and found that the blood was cold, but it hadn't completely condensed. He placed it in front of his nose and sniffed Situ Ningbing and said in a low voice: "It's human blood! "

Li Tian nodded, and then whispered to Situ Ningbing: "You wait for me here first, and I will go up and take a look at it by myself! I have killed many mutant bats before, so I shouldn't be able to deal with this mutant crow. what is the problem!"

"Be careful!" Situ Ningbing did not object. Each floor of the Buddha Tower is not very large, and can accommodate up to ten people. If Situ Ningbing rashly follows Li Tian to the seventh floor, then there will be a battle. , Li Tian will inevitably be distracted by Situ Ningbing.

Li Tian controlled "Red Zhan", stepping on the blood-stained stairs, and walking up the seventh-story tower step by step.

As soon as he stretched out his head and entered the seventh-story tower, Li Tian was shocked by the scene inside the tower and couldn't speak.

This Buddha Pagoda is a hexagonal pagoda. At the intersection of the six walls inside, there is nowhere where a person is nailed with bones more than one meter long. These people are male and female, old and young, but these people are naked and naked.

These people are dead, their chests are completely cut open with a sharp weapon, and the abdomen is empty and there is nothing, and the limbs of these people have been cut with a sharp weapon, and the blood is flowing out of the limbs.

After the blood flowed out, it flowed down a blood trough at the foot to the bottom of a platform in the center of the tower, and finally spread to the entire surface of the tower, flowing along the steps of the tower to the sixth floor.

Looking closely at the faces of these dead bodies, without exception, the faces of these dead bodies seemed to have suffered a great deal of pain. Their faces were hideous and distorted, and their eyes were still staring at a platform in the middle of the tower when they died.

And on the platform, there was a mourning crow covered in blood and blood-stained red. The mourning crow was only half the size of an ordinary crow. At this time, the mourning crow seemed to be dead and motionless!

"Is this the mutant crow?" Li Tian wondered in his heart.

How did these people get up to this tower? Who nailed this wall with bones? These questions are in Li Tian's mind.

Li Tian speeded up a few steps, walked up, and walked to the dead bodies. The dead bodies had no temperature. According to this speculation, these bodies should have died before Li Tian arrived at Tashan Temple.

"It would be great if I came a few hours earlier! At least I can rescue you!" Li Tian said with some reproach.

"I don't blame you! Even if you come a few hours earlier, they won't be able to escape from the Tashan Temple!" Situ Ningbing's voice came from behind Li Tian.

After Situ Ningbing saw Li Tian ascend, there was no fighting sound from the tower, so he followed.

"In the last days, it's not easy for people to live, but human lives are like grass and mustards, and they may be lost at any time! These people can survive stubbornly in this dangerous city of Beitang and ruled by zombies. It's been three years, what a great thing. But such a great thing stopped abruptly today." Li Tian said with sadness on his face.

The list that Li Tian gave to Ande, Ande did not give Li Tian back to Li Tian before leaving news of other people, so in all likelihood, these people have already encountered an accident!

"Li, we are here to kill the zombies, and then kill the guardian zombies, at least to give other human beings in Beitang a little more chance to survive! Don't be too sad!" Situ Ningbing comforted.

Li Tian turned around abruptly, staring at the mutant crow covered in blood, and said: "Yes! It's not too late to mend the prison. I will kill the mutant crow!"

And at this moment, the red eyes of the mutant crow rolled around, and the beast moved a little to the side, as if he was a little afraid to avoid Li Tian deliberately.

This stuff turned out to be alive!

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing couldn't help being stunned by this mutant Lost Crow's behavior.

"You did all this?" Li Tian asked angrily.

Li Tianming knew that the mutant crow couldn't understand what he said, but he couldn't help but ask.

But I didn't expect that after Li Tian finished asking, the beak of the mutant crow swayed from side to side, as if to say that this was not his talent.

Li Tian was a little surprised, but at this time he could not tolerate the sophistry of this mutant Crow. He held "Red Zhan" in his hand and slowly walked towards the Crow step by step.

The wandering crow's neck shook slightly, and there was a voice, saying: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing were both taken aback. Why did this crow speak?

It is said that animals are not allowed to become refined after the founding of the country?

But there is something Li Tian hasn't seen, vampires, blue dragons, zombies, etc., and there is no fuss about seeing a refined zombie again.

"Why don't you kill you? You killed all these people?" Li Tian shouted angrily!

The crow quickly shook his head and said, "Slander! This is absolutely slander! Think about it, how could my little crow kill so many people?"

"You are all refined, why can't you kill these people?" Li Tian said.

"Injustice! This is a great injustice!"

The mutant wandering crow seemed aggrieved, and continued: "I am not a ghost! I turned out to be human too, but since the end of the crisis broke out three years ago, I suddenly became this crow. I thought I was born again."

"Since I became like this, I have neither dared to speak human or bird language, I really have a dead heart. But then suddenly one day, this Beitang is responsible for guarding the ghouls and insects. The guardian zombie suddenly found me and wanted me to be his mount. He told me that I was detained by Master Soul using the Soul Detention Dafa to detain my soul into this mutant crow, so I would say Human!"

Corpse? This is Li Tian hearing this name again.

According to rumors circulating in the kingdom of corpses, the three corpses are ghouls, corpses, and corpses.

Li Tian knew nothing about the abilities of the three corpses except that the ghoul had some bugs.

Now hearing the mutant crow talking about the corpse soul, Li Tian immediately asked, "What ability does the corpse soul have?"

The mutant crow shook his head and said, "I'm just a little crow controlled by Lord Soul using the Soul Detention Method. How can I know Lord Soul's other abilities?"

"In that case, it's useless to keep you. Go and die!" Li Tianjiang waved "Red Slash", preparing to kill the mutant crow.

The mutant crow immediately said in horror: "Don't! Don't kill! I know a huge secret in this Tashan Temple! If you let me go, I will tell you this secret!"

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