Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3409: Eight Dragons

"This...this..." Situ Ningbing said two words, but in the end he didn't say anything else.

This underground palace is not as dark as imagined. On the top of the underground palace, a basin-sized night pearl is cleverly inlaid in the center of the top, just like the sun in the sky. And around the Ye Mingzhu, there are ninety-nine eighty-one night pearls inlaid according to certain rules.

It is with these night pearls that will shine by themselves in the darkness, there will be some light in this underground palace.

With the help of the less intense light of these night pearls, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing saw that the huge top was actually a lifelike portrait of a fairy Buddha. These portraits have different shapes. If you stare at the top for a few more seconds, You will feel these fairy Buddhas as if they had come to life, slowly rotating around the biggest Ye Mingzhu.

As for the water surface drilled by Li Tian and Situ Ningbing, although the undercurrent surging below, the water surface is as calm as a mirror surface. The mirror surface reflects the image of the top of the underground palace. Li Tian and Situ Ningbing seem to be These fairy Buddhas surrounded the sky.

Involuntarily a little light and fluttering, it feels as if they are also flying with these fairy Buddhas.

"Don't look at these portraits, the top portrait is weird!" The mutant crow suddenly said.

Looking at these lifelike fairy Buddha portraits for a long time, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing will have a dizzy feeling, as if the first fairy Buddha is flying up, and is constantly collecting from Li Tian and Situ Ningbing. Same strength.

As he said, the mutant crow flapped its wings vigorously, and made waves on the calm water.

And the feeling of the sky full of fairy Buddha soaring disappeared immediately with the shaking of the water.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing woke up in shock.

Li Tian felt scared for a while. The design of this underground palace is absolutely brilliant. If it weren’t for the mutant crow to be a bereavement, and would not be fascinated by this design, I’m afraid Li Tian and Situ Ningbing would fall into this unconsciously. Unable to extricate himself from this illusion.

"Listen! It's the sound of water!" After Situ Ningbing woke up, he immediately returned to his killer qualities.

Li Tian couldn't wait to help Situ Ningbing out of the water, while the mutant crow was allowed to squat on Li Tian's shoulders.

Walking out of the water, Li Tian found that this huge underground palace had a door on all sides, and at the bottom of each door, there was a statue of a dragon head, and the water was constantly flowing out of the mouth of the dragon head. This dragon head was just a few centimeters away from the ground. , So the sound of water is not loud.

These eight waters fell into the ground, and then meandered on the ground according to a certain rule, and finally merged into the water surface drilled by Li Tian and Situ Ningbing.

Looking at the eight stone doors, each door is engraved with different patterns. These patterns appear to be looming because they are not illuminated by the night pearl, but for Li Tian and Situ Ningbing, they will not be affected by the darkness. .

"There is a pattern on each door. They are the heavens, the dragon god, the Yaksha, the Gandapo, the Asura, the Garuda, the Kinnara, and the Mahuraga, collectively called the Eight Heavenly Dragons." Ningbing looked at the patterns on these doors and said.

This underground palace was built after the eminent monks of the prosperous Tang Dynasty came back from Tianzhu. It is no wonder that the eight doors in this underground palace have these patterns.

But what needs to be explained is that the dragon **** inside is not a blue dragon, but a naga.

Each of these doors should have a certain meaning, but Li Tian and Situ Ningbing didn’t understand this. They asked the little crow, the little crow was also confused, saying that he only knew the entrance of the underground palace, as for the inside of the underground palace. He is also not clear about the situation.

"Li, do we go in through that door?" Situ Ningbing asked.

Li Tian sneered and said: "We have already arrived in the legendary underground palace, so the legendary scriptures, relics, and weapons must also exist. Since I don't know what is behind each door, then We pass through door by door. There is always something behind the door that will surprise us!"

"Let's go through the doors one by one in the order of the eight dragons!" Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing had no opinion, and even if Little Crow had an opinion, it was completely ignored by Li Tian and Situ Ningbing.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing slowly came to the stone gate with portraits of the heavens. Li Tian let out a sigh of relief and held "Red Zhan" firmly in his hands, pushing hard towards the stone gate.

When Li Tian's arm touched the stone gate, Li Tian seemed to feel that "Red Zhan" was trembling. This feeling was so familiar to Li Tian. In the previous battles, "Hong Zhan" "This kind of excitement quivered before.

Could there be zombies in this underground palace? Immediately Li Tian rejected his idea.

During the prosperous Tang Dynasty in this underground palace, how could there be zombies at that time.

The only explanation is that there is a treasure behind this door, and this treasure is the culprit that caused the excitement and tremor of "Red Slash".

The weight of this stone gate is more than several hundred. As Li Tian continued to increase Li Tian, ​​the stone gate was slowly pushed open by Li Tian, ​​and a light stronger than the Ye Mingzhu in the main hall came from the stone gate. Shine out.

This kind of glare flashed, and when Li Tian and Situ Ningbing completely pushed open the stone gate, there was darkness behind the stones.

Fortunately, this darkness had no effect on Li Tian and Situ Ningbing.

Li Tian saw that behind this stone gate was a huge passage about two meters high and more than three meters wide. This huge passage was like a black dragon winding into the distance. Li Tian couldn't even see the end of the passage at a glance.

After the Shimen opened, the "Red Zhan" in Li Tian's hand trembled even more.

The mutant crow said a little nervously: "Why don't I guard you outside this gate, I always feel that there is a powerful murderous intent behind this stone gate!"

"Don't you feel that the murderous aura on me is heavier?" Li Tian said to the mutant crow.

"Haha, I saw that the atmosphere was too nervous, so I just joked and laughed." The mutant crow quickly changed his words.

Ignoring the mutant crow, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing looked at each other and walked directly into the passage.

Entering the passage, Li Tian found that there were also some carvings on both sides of the passage. Everything was normal when he first walked tens of meters, but as Li Tian and Situ Ningbing went deeper and deeper, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing It seemed to hear those carved paintings actually speak.

No, it's not that these carvings are talking, but something is whistling in the passage.

A strong light suddenly burst out from the passage, and that strong light came toward Li Tian and Situ Ningbing like a meteor.

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