Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3416: Something happened (1)

Suddenly appearing behind the Dragon God Shimen, Situ Ningbing still couldn't believe his eyes, looked at Li Tian suspiciously, and said to himself: "Is this an illusion?"

"No! This is not an illusion. Look at the wounds on our bodies, these are all bitten by snake teeth!" Li Tian said with certainty.

Only then did Situ Ningbing noticed that all her body was actually traces of teeth that had been bitten by snakes. Fortunately, these snakes were not poisonous. Situ Ningbing just felt excessively tired and her body was a little sore.

Li Tian immediately stretched out his hand to support Situ Ningbing, and said with some remorse: "This time I am Meng Lang, and almost put us in a dangerous situation. If you have three long and two short, Li Tian will be ashamed for the rest of my life! Now we will pass this channel. Check it out, then go out! This underground maze waits for us to explore later!"

Situ Ningbing shook his head, somewhat cherishing Li Tian, ​​and said, "Li, in another world, you have reached the top of that world. You are a well-deserved king, with endless glory and wealth, and you are at your fingertips. . But you are sentimental and righteous, or you gave up all illusions and all cultivation techniques and returned to Earth. This kind of thing is easy to say, how many people can easily do it?"

"I know that your heart is as high as the sky. After you became an ordinary person from the top of the world, you also felt a sense of loss in your heart, but you never mentioned it or showed such a loss. At all times, it was me and Xue Ji Strong backing."

"This underground palace is full of dangers, but now there is no danger in this world or place? Zombies are rampant, the strong are everywhere, the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive. If we do not seek progress, those zombies will walk in front of us. It’s just an occasional peace in the northwest region, but how long can this kind of comfortable life last?"

"The old saying is that you want wealth and wealth in danger. No one can succeed casually! Coming to the underground palace, I have already got the weapon I dream of. Now even if I face the tenth-level zombies alone, I can take it easy. This is ours. It’s a kind of progress, but I don’t want to stop here. I want to become stronger with you and stand on top of the earth again."

That's right, after returning to the earth world, Li Tian felt a little lost in his heart, but as Li Tian had more and more brothers around him, Li Tian's loss gradually turned into a sense of powerlessness.

To survive, you must be strong.

If you want not to be bullied, you must be strong.

If you want to develop, you must also be strong.

Li Tian hugged Situ Ningbing tightly. This woman, who understands the righteousness, can always think and consider for Li Tian.

"Thank you, Ningbing!" Li Tian said affectionately.

The mutant crow is incomprehensible, and at this moment, it actually flew on Li Tian's shoulder. A very stinky look, stretched out its wings, looked at its wings that had been infested by the dragon god’s blood, and then said very narcissistically: "Do you see me beautiful?"

Li Tian directly gave the stinky mutant crow a blank eye.

When Situ Ningbing was released, Li Tian only noticed the bead falling on the ground.

This bead is only the size of a thumb, and is still irregularly round, but elliptical.

In the hand, there was a chill from this bead, but there was a touch of warmth in the chill.

Look carefully before your eyes, this bead is like jade but not jade, like stone but not stone.

"Ningbing, look at this bead!" Li Tian handed the bead to Situ Ningbing.

Situ Ningbing held it in his hand, but he couldn't see why he came, and he returned it to Li Tian.

"After the stone gates of the heavens, we found the divine tool, the butchering god, the bead found in the dragon god's stone gate is naturally not an ordinary grade. Put it away first, and then slowly study it later!" Situ Ningbing said.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing searched after the Dragon God Shimen again. In this cave, they found two giant python fangs. These fangs are about a foot long and seem to have been preserved for thousands of years. There was a layer of spar-like substance on the fangs, but the two fangs were still extremely sharp, much sharper than ordinary steel knives.

Walking out of the Dragon God Shimen, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing couldn't help but let out a breath.

This time the encounter in the Dragon Temple was really dangerous enough, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing took the time to rest for a while, and decided to enter Yasha Shimen again.

"Xiaolong don't know if they have retreated?" Li Tian said to himself with some worry.

Situ Ningbing said: "We made an agreement before entering the Tashan Temple. If we did not come out within two hours, let them go back first! Now two hours have passed, Xiaolong and the others should have already retreated. Go back! Besides Xue Ji and Xiao Tianyi, the three of them are still very powerful together. There shouldn't be any major problems facing these ninth-level zombies, so don't worry!"

Even though Situ Ningbing comforted Li Tian so much, Li Tian was still a little restless, feeling as if something was going to happen!

Could it be that there is something magical in this underground palace calling Li Tian?

"Okay! Let's enter Yasha Shimen!"

At the same time, Wat Phnom.

The gaps in the walls of the temples on both sides were almost filled with the corpses of zombies and crows, but the fighting continued.

"Li Tian doesn't know if it succeeded, time has passed so long!" Shen Yunyang stabbed one of the ninth-level zombies that leaped at him into the skull, stabbed the ninth-level zombies to death, and then raised his foot. Kicked the zombie away and said to himself.

"I'm afraid it's a failure! It's been more than two hours, and we haven't come out yet. According to the agreement, we can retreat! We have done our best!" Song Zijin's body has been pierced by the Raven Rider with several holes in his cheeks. There was a wound with the thickness of a finger, which looked terrible.

Shen Yunyang felt a little lost. He had great hopes for Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian did have this strength, but Li Tian still did not come out, so it can only show that there is a powerful existence in Tashan Temple that they don't know. .

"Retreat!" Shen Yunyang ordered.

"Do you want to make a detour and tell Li Tian's brothers to retreat together?" Xiaopangdun He Hua asked.

"Forget it! They won't retreat without Li Tian coming out!" Shen Yunyang said.

By the eastern wall, after two hours of intermittent guerrilla attacks, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Ji both felt a little exhausted.

But Li Tian hasn't come out yet, and they are not willing to just retreat.

Xiao Tianyi rode a little bat into the sky, tearing the raven knight in the air into a few pieces, and the ninth-level corpse crystal became Xiao Tianyi's belly lunch.

At this time, Xiao Tianyi saw the far north, black and crushed zombies rushing madly through the city streets, like a tide rushing towards Tashan Temple.

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