Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3432: The secret of nine-color corpse crystal

After the guardian zombie saw Li Tian, ​​he didn't care at all, and continued to control the three hundred and twenty white bones that got out of him.

After passing through the window, these white bones continued to bend down and grow, and soon took root on the ground. Numerous white bones were shaped like umbrella bones, like a blooming wild chrysanthemum, and this clock tower is the wild The stamens on the chrysanthemum.

Li Tian saw the dead corpse insect that was thrown on the ground by the guardian zombie. The corner of Li Tian's mouth turned slightly, and he stretched out his hand to take Hong Zhan back, and said with a sneer: "Get ready to die!"

"Hold on!" The Guardian zombie suddenly stopped.

"Why? Know you are afraid?" Li Tian sneered.

"Hahaha, what an arrogant kid! You know, but at the twelfth-level zombie peak, the Nine-Colored Corpse Crystal is already in the third rank! How can you be afraid of you kid? But I've been alone in Beitang for three years and want to find someone Just come to talk."

"Boy Li Tian, ​​I know you. Half a year ago, you got the old ghost's nine-color corpse crystals in Ewa Village, and the fusion was successful. After that, you wounded the master's corpse insects in the mine, and then killed them in Fancheng. The red-robed zombie killed the master’s corpse insect. Counting the corpse worm you killed today, you have already killed two of the master’s corpse insects and injured one of the master’s corpse insects!"

"Then I want to ask you, do you know how many corpses the owner has? How many guardians are there?" The guardian zombie said.

Li Tian shook his head. He didn't know these things, but what does this have to do with Li Tian's killing of the Guardian's zombies?

With a move, Li Tian controlled the "Red Sword" and suddenly attacked the guardian zombie's head.

"Puff!" With a sound, "Red Slash" cut open the head of the Guardian zombie, and the black mucus came out from the head of the Guardian zombie.


"I don't have the strength of level 12 zombies, but that's it. Killing level 12 zombies is even easier than killing level 10 zombies!"

"No!" Li Tian suddenly awakened.

As a level twelve zombie, how could it be so simple to be killed by Li Tian!

"What a despicable kid, he knows sneak attacks! But what a pity, what a pity! Even though you are the owner of the Nine-Color Corpse Crystal, you don't even understand the simplest truth!" The head of the guardian zombie was cut open. Speaking, and as the guardian zombies began to speak, the severed head gradually began to heal.

"How could this happen?" Li Tian was shocked!

"Boy, isn't it weird? I'm obviously a zombie, why am I still alive if I cut my head?" The Guardian Zombie said in a mocking tone.

Li Tian did not speak, and took "Red Slash" back into his hand, staring at the guardian zombie vigilantly.

"Is it the chest?" Li Tian released two brilliant lights in his eyes and looked at the guardian zombie.

At the same time, "Red Slash" has galloped towards the chest of the guardian zombie.

"Qiang!" With a sound, "Red Slash" did not break through the defense of the Guardian zombie, and was bounced back.

"Boy, isn't it good! My mind is not so stupid as to be hopeless!"

Speaking of that, the guardian zombie tore open his shirt abruptly, revealing the dry figure in the clothes.

In front of the chest of the guardian zombie, countless bones formed a cover, and went into his chest to completely cover it. And when the Guardian zombies ripped off their clothes, the bones retreated one by one, revealing a whirlpool above the chest.

This vortex was almost exactly the same as the vortex in Li Tian's chest, and the nine-color corpse crystal was in the center of the vortex.

The only difference is that Li Tian's nine-color corpse crystal is now black, while the guardian zombie's corpse crystal is black and purple.

"Why do you have this vortex too?" Li Tian asked somewhat surprised.

"Hey, this whirlpool, naturally the nine-color corpse crystal brought me! Since you asked about this, then as your predecessor, I will tell you about the nine-color corpse crystal, the corpse insect, and Master’s matter, so that you can understand in death!"

"Ordinary people will confuse the nine-color corpse crystal with the ninth-level corpse crystal. In fact, these are completely two concepts. The ninth-level corpse crystal is the corpse crystal owned by the ninth-level zombies. Tenth-level corpse crystals, eleventh-level corpse crystals, etc. The number of zombies controlled by these zombies will also continue to increase. But at most they can only control the number of zombies and zombies of their level."

"But the nine-color corpse crystal is different. The nine-color corpse crystal does not upgrade but only turns color, and the maximum is nine turns. I believe your nine-color corpse crystal should also start to change color!

"So where is the nine-color corpse crystal stronger than the ninth level thing? Naturally, this is the vortex. Have you seen the corpse crystal particles on this vortex? Do you feel that these corpse crystal particles are similar to the corpse crystal particles in the corpse insect body? What?"

Li Tian nodded.

"The power of the original corpse contained in any zombie corpse crystal is limited, and the power of these original corpses is the root of the changes in the zombies. For example, you killed the tenth-level zombies in the dungeon of bones. Those white bones are all the power of the original corpse in his body. If you keep cutting off the bones in his dungeon, the power of the original corpse in his body will be exhausted. He will be degraded as a waste, not even as a primary zombie."

"Hey, but if you have nine-color corpse crystals? You can borrow the power of the original corpse crystals in the broken corpse crystals above the whirlpool. Think about it, ordinary zombies only have one corpse crystal, and what about us? We can have two One, three, even nine!"

Li Tian suddenly remembered what happened at the Tai Sui Bar, and now after the guardian zombie said so, Li Tian understood completely.

"Going back to the question I asked you originally, the master ghoul has nine, ninety and eighty-one corpse insects. These corpse insects will mutate after ingesting a certain number of corpse crystals and form corpse crystals in the body. The ghost master can also pass through these corpse insects and use the power of the corpse original among these corpse insects!"

"Li Tian, ​​why don't you follow the ghoul master and let us build a zombie kingdom that belongs to our zombies!" the guardian zombie said.

Li Tian sneered and said, "You are wrong! Even if the corpse worms in the village ran away, there should be seventy-nine corpse worms now! There will be fewer and fewer in the future! Zombie Kingdom?"

"Let him go to hell!"

Li Tian thought, "Red Zhan" flew directly to the chest of the guardian zombie again.

At this moment, the guardian zombie seemed to have completed something, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly shouted: "Turn!"

Immediately, the guardian zombie began to turn quickly like a top, and the three hundred and twenty white bones were turning with the guardian zombie like a sharp blade.

With a "boom", the supports on all sides of the bell tower attic were instantly destroyed, and the top of the bell tower collapsed.

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