Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3474: Judgment of Dawn (1)

On the eighteenth floor of the Bounty Hunters Association headquarters, the entire floor belongs to Dawn.

Because the legendary area has eighteen floors, the number eighteen is not auspicious for high-rise buildings. On many high-rise buildings, the eighteenth floor is directly called the nineteenth floor.

This is the same reason that the room number of the hotel is not 4 and 7.

But for the dawn organization, they like this number, and they feel that this number has the meaning of death, and it can kill those zombies who have mixed into human society. Indeed, dawn, for the zombies who have mixed into human society, it is hell.

This is why once the identity of the Liming member is exposed, then this Liming member will definitely become the target of high-level zombies.

Of course, in Kyoto City, such a situation rarely exists for the time being, but it is not that there is no such situation.

In the lobby of the Bounty Hunters Association, another old acquaintance soon followed Li Tian. This person was Mo Jianyuan who came to the heavens with Jingtao and Xiao Qiuman.

With a helpless expression on his face, Mo Jianyuan grumbled to Li Tian and said: "It's so troublesome, can't you not come to Kyoto City? Let the people of Liming chase you down, what an interesting thing to do!"

Li Tian was helpless, he found that this Mo Jianyuan was not caring about everything, as if everything were troublesome.

"I can't say nothing!" Li Tiandao.

"Okay, you are convinced. But it's trouble me!" Mo Jianyuan said.

"Did Elder Gu Liang sent you?" Xiao Qiuman asked.

Mo Jianyuan nodded and said, "Elder Su was going to send Su Gulu. Do you know Su Gulu? It's the bald man standing on the square, who is nearly two and a half meters tall. But Su Gulu said he came to Auntie. Yes, Elder Su has no choice but to ask me to come for Su Gulu! Hey, what a trouble!"

Li Tian knew that what Mo Jianyuan was talking about was the bronze statue of the twelve powerful men on the square, and that Su Gulu should be the original shape of the tallest bronze statue.

But what's the situation with Auntie here? Li Tian couldn't figure it out.

"Su Gulu is very sensitive, especially for a few days every month. He is almost babbled. He is even more feminine than a woman, so we all call him the old aunt in the past few days!" Xiao Qiu Man explained.

What Xiao Qiuman did not say to Li Tian is that although Elder Su is not a hawkish elder, he does have the best relationship with Liu Elder. If Elder Su wants to appoint Su Gulu to come, he will definitely punish Li Tian. Up.

It's a pity that Su Gulu came to Auntie Su, so Elder Su had to retreat and let Gu Liang'an, the only female elder in the Five Elders' Association, come to Mo Jianyuan, the person who photographed her.

Elder Gu Liang is a neutral faction, and this person is a bit rigid, and is not the right person. Therefore, the person who gave this matter to Elder Gu Liang, Su and Liu have no opinion.

In this way, at least it can be guaranteed that Gu Liang's people will deal with it impartially.

Li Tian followed Xiao Qiuman and Mo Jianyuan to the eighteenth floor.

The eighteenth floor is not an imagined office area. Once you enter the eighteenth floor, it feels like you are entering the dark, without a trace of light.

And the entire eighteenth floor, over a few thousand square meters, seemed to be built into a maze, and Li Tian was in the darkness, following Mo Jianyuan and Xiao Qiuman, turning left and right.

I don't know how long he has been walking, Mo Jianyuan stopped suddenly, stretched out his hand and patted the wall, and a door appeared on the wall.

Mo Jianyuan said to Li Tian: "You enter this room and wait for a while. The members of Liming's trial office are busy with other things. They will come to the room to talk to you soon."

Then Mo Jianyuan looked at Xiao Qiuman like this, and didn't say anything Xiao Qiuman wanted to say, and was finally held in his stomach.

Mo Jianyuan shook his head helplessly and said: "It's so troublesome, who told me to always follow you on missions? Let me tell you! This room was built by our special talents at dawn. Ordinary people should not go in. After half an hour, you will lose consciousness, and you will say what others ask you!"

"I need to remind you in advance, don't force yourself, otherwise you will become an idiot! Hahaha"

Xiao Qiuman nodded, expressing his agreement with Mo Jianyuan.

The Li Tian that Mo Jianyuan was talking about was actually tempted and wanted to go in and find out.

Walking into the room, Li Tian found that the room was similar to the interrogation room before the end of the world.

There is only one chair in the room, which is placed in the center of the room. The walls, ceiling above and the floor below are all painted white, and the six white sides are irregular. Circle.

These circles are composed of concentric circles, large and small, colorful. At first glance, Li Tian found that these circles are static, but when Li Tian walked into this room and sat on that chair, Li Tian suddenly had an illusion.

Those circles all revolved, and Li Tian seemed to suddenly enter as if he had entered a space composed of countless vortices.

Among the meeting rooms at the headquarters of the Bounty Hunters Association, Mr. Liu, who was bedridden for a long time, was here today.

The picture on the huge display in the conference room was indeed the picture of Li Tian in that room.

"Go in, wait for half an hour, we can ask why Li Tian killed Liu Jun!" Gu Liangan said.

Old Liu coughed abruptly, and said: "This Li Tian killed my grandson Liu Jun. This is an ironclad fact. There is no need to trouble this time. Just a direct trial!"

"Everything has a cause and effect. On the first day Liu Jun arrived in the heavens, he had a conflict with Li Tian, ​​but Old Ande could get along with Li Tian in the heavens. Even Old Ande recommended Li Tian to join. Liming. Is there any other strangeness in this, we still have to find out, after all, Li Tian is also a member of Liming!" Gao said.

"Hmph, Liu Jun has become a past tense, but this Li Tian is a rising star, and more importantly, there is a world of Legion close to the first class behind Li Tian, ​​who is more important than you are. You should understand!" Old Wu said with a sneer.

"Then my grandson died in vain? My grandson is Dawn's genius, so young is already a level 9 bounty hunter!" Liu Lao said angrily.

At this time, in the interrogation room, Li Tian was sitting on the chair with his eyes fixed on the circle on the wall, but Li Tian sneered in his heart: "This kind of pediatrics is compared to The pictures of Buddhas in the sky in the underground palace of the Tashan Temple are not a little bit different. Half an hour, then I will break this record!"

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