Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3506: Double seconds (2)

"How is it possible? How can there be quicksand in the middle of the arena? Could it be that there are other players secretly helping Li Tian?"

"It's entirely possible, after all, this preliminaries are allowed to team up for battle!"

"Impossible. Li Tian will use his Qi to defend his sword and move instantaneously. There is no need to find a helper."

In the audience, after seeing Kong Qing sinking into the quicksand, the audience immediately began to talk.

This Li Tian gave many audiences too many surprises, first with the Qi Yujian, and then moving instantaneously, and now he can sink Kong Qing directly into the quicksand.

At this time, all the audience was full of joy and hope.

Everyone wondered what kind of surprise Li Tian could give everyone in this game, and how many points Li Tian would eventually enter the finals with.

Under the eyes of the public, Li Tian walked towards Kong Qing without rushing.

Kong Qing was still sinking, and the quicksand was already buried at Kong Qing's waist. Kong Qing shouted at Li Tian in a panic, "Li...Li Tian, ​​please help me!"

Seeing Kong Qing's panicked expression, Li Tian let out a cold snort.

Are you kidding me?

Now that the fight has been agreed, how could Li Tian easily let Kong Qing go, and how could he save Kong Qing?

That's a precious point!

As for why Kong Qing fell into the quicksand, and where did the quicksand on the ground come from, then it is naturally the credit to the ground Xing Yasha.

Li Tian blew a whistle. With this whistle, Kong Qing's sagging quicksand stopped sinking.

Kong Qing could not help but let out a breath when he felt that the quicksand stopped sinking.

At this time, Li Tian was getting closer and closer to Kong Qing, and the distance between the two was less than five steps.

"Opportunity, at such a close distance, if I suddenly launch a flying knife, even if Li Tian will teleport, I am afraid I can't avoid it! This is a rare opportunity!" Kong Qing thought in his heart.

"As for Li Tian's injury, this is the arena after all, and it is inevitable. As long as he is not killed, Duanmuying Army Commander can't take me!"

At this time, Li Tian was less than three steps away from Kong Qing.

A rare opportunity. Thinking of this, Kong Qing's hands suddenly fell towards Li Tian, ​​and the last four flying knives on his body flew towards Li Tian with a swish.

Of course Li Tian would not teleport, and he would not be unprepared against Kong Qing. When Kong Qing's arm moved slightly, Li Tian shouted: Knot!

The "Red Zhan" flew back to Li Tian's body, forming a white bone armor on Li Tian's right arm, and Li Tian directly used the "Red Zhan" in his hand and the white bone armor to block Kong Qing from releasing Throwing knives coming out.



After several metal-like crashes, the four flying knives released by Kong Qing were all knocked to the ground by Li Tian's "Red Zhan" without exception.

After it flew to the ground, it was not honest, and the handle of the knife was still shaking slightly, as if trying to take off again.

"Huh! It's really a squad who dared to play a flying knife in front of my Li Tian! Don't you know that our Li family is the ancestor of the flying knife." Li Tian thought with a sneer.

At this time, Li Tian shouted: "Solution".

The "Hong Zhan" in Li Tian's hand flew out, chopping all the flying knives that Kong Qing had landed on the ground into slag.

However, Li Tian was not satisfied, his mind controlled "Red Zhan" to continue flying towards Kong Qing, and kept flying back and forth on Kong Qing's head.

When Li Tian whistled, Kong Qing began to sink.

"Li...Li Tian, ​​I know I was wrong! You let me out!" Kong Qing begged for mercy.

"Li Tian, ​​you know that murder is not allowed in this arena, otherwise..."

Li Tian interrupted Kong Qing directly and said, "Don't worry, how could I kill you?"

Soon, Kong Qing sank directly to the position of his neck, leaving only one head, and then stopped.

And the "Red Cut" was flying fast on Kong Qing's head, and strands of hair fell from Kong Qing's head.

"Li...Li Tian, ​​you can't **** die!" Kong Qing cursed.

"Really?" Li Tian rushed over, facing Kong Qing's head with a kick. This kick directly caused the nosebleed from Kong Qing's kick, and at this time, Kong Qing's hair had been shaved by Li Tian with a "red cut". It's terrible.

Li Tian wanted to beat this **** a long time ago, but unfortunately if he did it outside the arena, it would attract a lot of speculation, and it would be disrespectful to Duanmuying.

But in this arena, it is completely reasonable.

Moreover, it was Li Tian who beat two people alone, even if it was anyone, he couldn't say anything about Li Tian.

Li Tian kicked Kong Qing's head with his foot abruptly, and then said with a sneer: "You'd better not move, my head shaving skills are limited. If your ears are cut off, it will be embarrassing."

"Li Tian, ​​you have the **** ability to kill me! Don't wait for me to get out of this arena, I will be the first to let you go!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for you!" Li Tian kicked Kong Qing again and said.

With his two feet connected, Kong Qing's nose and face were swollen.

Kong Qing's heart was bleak, he was regretting, why should he embarrass Li Tian.

Originally based on the relationship between Li Tian and Duanmuying, even if Kong Qing could not qualify for the first place in the group, he could still have a good relationship with Li Tian and easily qualify in this group.

But now, Kong Qing no longer considers the issue of qualifying, but Li Tian's humiliation to him, which makes him how to raise his head in Kyoto City in the future.

"I...I...I abstain! I want to quit the game!" Kong Qing said.

Li Tian squatted in front of Kong Qing, slapped a slap on Kong Qing’s face, and said with a sneer: “You represent the Army of Sakura. Now you are just losing Dian’s hair. Who told you to quit The game? Are you trying to cover me? You are leaving the game now, how do you explain to the Sakura Legion? You are facing the Sakura Legion, are you worthy of Duanmu Sakura?"

"I'm pooh, it's a big deal, I quit the Sakura Legion. With my Kong Qing's strength, that legion won't rush me!" Kong Qing said angrily.

"Okay! In that case, then I won't say anything!"


A red light flashed, one of Kong Qing's ears was directly cut off by Li Tian, ​​and Kong Qing immediately let out a scream.

A dozen fully armed staff members immediately rushed out of the passage. These staff members forcibly separated Li Tian and Kong Qing, and then announced loudly to the auditorium: "Kong Qing, deep in the mud, has lost In order to gain combat ability, the verdict was lost, and Li Tian added one more point."

From the auditorium, there was an exclamation of all the audience immediately, and over the arena, there was an announcement: Kong Qing, the army of cherry blossoms, out! <>

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