Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3530: Surprisingly Win (2)

The tyrant Gao Gang did not follow Li Tian and others. ,

His fat figure was already sweating profusely without taking a few steps, and he couldn't keep up with the speed of Li Tian and others. The tyrant Gao Gang had to give up.

However, the tyrant Gao Gang said that he would sit on an elephant and go one step ahead along the subway line, and the tyrant Gao Gang and Li Tian agreed that Li Tian and others would need to send someone to the ground once every three subway stations. To determine the safety of Li Tian and others.

If Li Tian and others did not send someone up, then the tyrant Gao Gang would enter the subway station to search and rescue Li Tian and others.

But this is just an agreement.

For Li Tian, ​​who entered the final with the first place in the preliminaries and showed unfathomable strength in the preliminaries, the tyrant Gao Gang still has some confidence.

And Li Tian was also accompanied by a little lady who was in charge of the shooting mission, which made Gao Gang almost safe to leave Li Tian's team.

This little lady is a member of the Army Soul Corps Mu Yunlong, it is absolutely impossible for him to ignore the safety of Li Tian and others.

Li Tian controlled the "Red Zhan" to fly seven or eight meters in front of Li Tian with his divine mind, and walked slowly towards the subway entrance, while behind Li Tian, ​​Windsor assisted Zhu Jinhua to follow Li Tian.

Luo Xin and Liao Jie acted as the flanks, and Jing Tao was at the back.

As for Gao Shuai, this kid had already rushed into the subway station with an iron chain.

A person who was repaid by the tyrant Gao Gang's high hopes was naturally not weak, so Li Tian did not stop him.

Walking into the subway entrance, all the way down, before entering the subway station, Li Tian heard fierce fighting and zombies hiss from below the subway.

"Has Gao Shuai already encountered a zombie?"

Li Tian didn't dare to neglect, he leaped slightly and rushed into the subway station.

Li Tian saw seven or eight ninth-level zombies besieging Gao Shuai in the deserted subway station, and Gao Shuai's stupid appearance was not afraid at all, and his face was even excited.

Behind Li Tian, ​​the flashlights in the hands of Windsor and others shone towards Gao Shuai, and they could see clearly that the iron chain in Gao Shuai's hand that was three feet long was actually brandished by Gao Shuai like the red ribbon in the hands of rhythmic gymnasts. He got up, forming a spirally rising circle around his body.

Seeing Li Tian and others have rushed in, Gao Shuai's mouth showed a silly smile, and he shook the iron chain in his hand.

With a "pop", the iron chain was drawn directly on one of the ninth-level zombies. At that moment, Li Tian seemed to see a red light flashing on the iron chain in Gao Shuai's hand, and then it was chained. The powerful chest of the ninth-level zombie that was drawn suddenly sank inward, and then an explosion occurred.

The entire ninth-level zombie's body was blown into a pile of minced meat, leaving only one head rumbling on the ground.

The little lady had already pointed the camera at Gao Shuai when she rushed in, and she cried out beautifully when she saw this scene.

Except for Li Tian and Jiang Jingtao, the other players were stunned and their mouths grew involuntarily.

"Is this still that idiot? How could it be so powerful? That's a level nine zombie, and a whip is directly drawn into a pile of minced meat!"

Immediately, there were six or seven clear cracks in this subway station, and each clear crack would take away the name of a ninth-level zombie.

Soon, all the ninth-level zombies in the subway station were beheaded by Gao Shuai, and Gao Shuai had dug out all the corpse crystals of those zombies and handed them to Windsor.

At this time, Zhu Jinhua was not just stunned, he realized that his strength in this team was really the weakest, and he was not qualified to shout.

Although the players participating in the preliminaries, basically everyone can easily kill level 9 zombies, even level 10 zombies.

But the contestants are strong and weak after all, and like Gao Shuai, under the siege of seven or eight ninth-level zombies, they can also lightly kill these zombies, and those who are not harmed at all are already outstanding. .

At this time, the other team members stopped talking and all turned their sights on Li Tiansheng.

"Captain, it seems that we are betting right. There are high-level zombies in this subway. Maybe we can hunt enough zombies without getting into the city and get enough points!" Windsor was a little excited! To say.

"No! Windsor, the level of these zombies is too low. How many points can we kill in one night? If another team kills an 11th-level zombie, that is 100 points, which is enough for us to keep looking for zombies, no I stopped looking for a night, and what if another team killed a level 12 zombie? That would be a thousand points!" Li Tian said.

Several other players nodded one after another.

Li Tian and others chose the right direction, jumped off the platform, and walked slowly along the subway line towards the city.

The exhaust system in the subway is completely broken. Li Tian and others can smell the rotten flesh coming from the subway tunnel, and from time to time can hear a zombie hiss from the distance of the subway tunnel. .

"The battery is limited. When not in combat, the flashlights are turned off, and only one flashlight is left!" Li Tian said to everyone.

For Li Tian, ​​this darkness is not much different from daytime.

Soon there was only the light of a flashlight behind Li Tian. With the light of this flashlight, the other players walked slowly.

And in this small space, there were only the gasps of everyone, and the sound of the iron chain in Gao Shuai's hand hitting the rails.

This subway station in Kyoto City, the distance between each station is two kilometers. At the speed of Li Tian and others, it takes ten minutes to walk through a subway station.

At this time, Li Tian and others had been walking for almost 30 minutes, but Li Tian and others did not encounter a zombie.

Everyone's nervous mood gradually relaxed. At this moment, everyone did not feel a trace of tension, but it was as if they were taking an interesting adventure in this dark tunnel.

In the ears of these contestants, the sound of the high handsome hand's iron chain hitting the railroad track is not so harsh anymore.

Gao Shuai also hummed his own small song, singing something in a low voice.

Suddenly, Li Tian twitched his nose. Li Tian was used to the smell of rotten flesh under the subway and suddenly smelled a **** smell.

Li Tian said, "Did you smell it, it smells bloody."

As soon as Li Tian's words fell, a zombie's angry roar came from the distance of the subway tunnel in the darkness.


This roar was full of anger, as if it had the power to shred everything.

Li Tian and the others felt a fishy wind blowing from the subway tunnel.



Immediately afterwards, Li Tian and the others heard the rapid footsteps of zombies running towards them in the darkness.

"Om!" "Hong Zhan" controlled by Li Tian screamed loudly.

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