Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3549: System failure (3)

3549 silly

"Yes, points are not the most important thing. Li Tian, ​​even if your points are the lowest, your strength has been unanimously recognized throughout Kyoto City!" A member of the organizing committee The staff member said with some comfort. The little lady handed a box of videotape to the staff of the TV station and said: "So it is so? If yesterday's videotape was a sensation in the city, then today's videotape is shocking the city!" "What?... …Shocked the whole city? I heard that Li Tian didn't come back at noon? Didn't it...?" the TV station staff asked with some trembling hands. "Yes, you didn't guess wrong. Li Tian and the others came back to the camp and rested with enough confidence!" The little lady smiled, and then asked the staff of the organizing committee: "I asked about mutation yesterday. Regarding the corpse crystal, I don’t know if the organizing committee has discussed the results?" The staff member immediately said seriously: "About the mutated corpse crystal, after discussion and decision by the organization committee, a mutant corpse crystal is equivalent to the same level. Ten corpse crystals!" Li Tian took out the corpse crystals of all the zombies hunted last night, including the corpse crystal of the twelfth-level mutant zombie, from the skin, and handed them to the organizing committee staff. "No...impossible? It turned out to be the corpse crystal of the twelfth-level mutant zombie. That doesn't mean that Li Tian, ​​your team has already reached 10,000 points for this corpse crystal? So, the first day. You are definitely not the last in the finals!" The organizing committee staff member said with some excitement. Originally, they were worried that Li Tian, ​​the number one in the preliminaries, would be eliminated on the first day of the finals, but now it seems that they are thinking too much. This staff member can't wait to increase the points of Li Tian and others. In front of the LCD monitor outside the TV station tent. "Look, the Li Tian team's points have increased, and this time it has increased by 10,000 points, directly from the last to the bottom third!" Someone exclaimed loudly. "Look, there is a line of remarks added after the points. What? It turned out to be a twelfth-level mutant zombie. No wonder Li Tian and the others returned to the camp at 12 noon with confidence!" This is the courage of a master. But it is also hanging enough. They only went from the bottom to the bottom third, and their points were only a few tenths away." These people immediately began a round of comments. Li Tian was also mixed. "It's just from the bottom to the third. You know that since the finals, every day's points are accumulated. The greater the difference in the front, the harder it is to catch up. According to this situation, the most The day after tomorrow, his Li Tian team will also be eliminated!" Long Aoqiang resisted the anger in his heart and said disdainfully. However, as soon as Long Ao's voice fell, the points of Li Tian's team began to grow wildly.

"Look, look, the Li Tian team's points are starting to rise again!" "No, I just surpassed the points of five teams in a row!" "Damn! It's about to catch up with the dragon. Ao team’s results!" Long Ao watched the Li Tian team’s continuous increase in points, and the flesh on the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He could no longer hear other people's voices, only felt his dry mouth. , The heartbeat is fierce. "Stop! Hurry up!" Long Ao screamed in his heart. "Zhi, it's already over Long Ao Team, and now I'm going for the first-place score!" Long Ao saw Li Tian's score, and he felt that his heart was completely ashamed, and there was a fiery pain on his face. I remember that when he was outside the arena, Long Ao still laughed at Li Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that it was only the first day that Long Ao's face was severely drawn by Li Tian. "Thirty thousand points..."

"Fifty thousand points..." "Your sister, I'll catch up with first place soon." Someone exclaimed. "Fuck, sixty thousand points... already surpassed the first place!" When Long Ao watched Li Tian's points surpass Xu Yuan's team, he felt a sense of pleasure in his heart, as if he was talking to himself like self-comfort. He said: "Hey, as long as you are accompanied by Xu Yuan, my Long Ao's face is not so ugly!" "70,000 points..." "More than 80,000 points..." "It's not that the system is malfunctioning again, right? ?" Suddenly someone raised this point of view in doubt, and his view was immediately recognized by many people. "It should be. I already have 90,000 points. It's completely impossible. I can kill 80 level 12 zombies 24 hours a day!" "Don't think about it, it must be a system failure." Long Ao's heart again There was a glimmer of hope. "Failure! It must be a failure! The strength of the members of my Long Ao team is much stronger than that of your Li Tian team members. How could I lose to you Li Tian so much! Go up, keep going up! I think I will wait for Li Tian When you came out of it, what face did you have to face this result!" "There is a problem with the system, and now it has passed 100,000 points." "Still rising? Is there any mistake? Even if it is a system failure, this It’s also gone up too much!” “Finally, it’s over 110,000 points, nearly twice that of Xu Yuan’s team.” “Hey, the organizing committee staff also watched this. These idiots, I made the same mistake as the TV station.” “Yes, first the approval rate broke down, and now even the points are broken. The Kyoto TV station and the organizing committee have a group of wine bags and rice bags. It’s better to let me go. Yeah!" Li Tian didn't know what happened outside the tent.

When Li Tian took out the one hundred twelfth-level zombie crystals from the space of the Void Yaksha, the staff of the organizing committee were indeed shocked. Members of the organizing committee even thought that Li Tian was cheating. But soon, the organizing committee saw the answer in the video tape that the little lady gave to the TV station. "Guru!" "Guru!" In the tent, the sound of these staff members swallowing saliva was heard from time to time, and they were all shocked by Li Tian's battle scenes. "Nima, this Li Tian is so guarded against the sky, almost one person has resisted a small team. A hundred twelfth-level zombies! What a perverted strength this requires!" "Quick, Li Tian quickly The results will be announced!" When Li Tian walked out of the tents of the TV station and the organizing committee, he immediately attracted the attention of the onlookers in front of the display screen. Li Tian smiled coquettishly, and thought in his heart: "You stupid, right? Lao Tzu's strength has blinded the twenty-four titanium alloy dogs of your group, right?" 21053dsuaahhh27204396>

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