Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3563: Red Slash's Anger (2)

"Hong Zhan" was very manic, and "Hong Zhan" was very angry. It seemed that he had seen a strange enemy, and there was the possibility of an outbreak at any time. ,

"How could this happen?" Li Tian was surprised.

The anger of "Hong Zhan" surprised Li Tian.

In the past, even if "Hong Zhan" meant to express oneself, it was basically because "Red Zhan" felt the presence of corpse insects and wanted to hunt them.

That kind is not anger, but excitement.

But today, Li Tian can feel that this is a kind of anger.

Li Tian desperately controlled "Red Slash" to prevent "Red Slash" from getting out of his control, but at this time, the "Red Slash" body released the coquettish red light, above the "Red Slash" blade, the dead body The force is surging.

But the blade of "Red Zhan" actually let out a low roar.

Yes, this is the roar, like an angry beast.

Huangfu Kunpeng was shocked. He had never seen a blade that turned out to be like "Red Cut". Even the legendary sword with spirituality would not be so.

"Is it a sword spirit?" Huangfu Kunpeng thought in his heart.

Although the roar of "Red Zhan" is not loud, it is particularly harsh in this peaceful city of Kyoto. Fortunately, Li Tian and Huangfu Kunpeng are still tens of meters away from the other side of your river, or 100 meters away. This "Red Slash" was so noisy, it had already alarmed the sixteenth-level zombies.

Huangfu Kunpeng said: "Li Tian! Control your knife. If we are found by those super zombies here, I am afraid we will be in trouble!"

Li Tian's expression was bitter, not because he didn't want to control it, but because the "Red Slash" at this time was completely beyond Li Tian's control.



"Hong Zhan" seemed to be talking to Li Tian, ​​but Li Tian could only feel the feeling of "Hong Zhan" to "Hong Zhan", but didn't understand what "Hong Zhan" wanted to express at all.

Suddenly, the red light on the "Red Zhan" knife was flourishing, and a strong repulsive force directly exploded Li Tian's clenched hands.

Immediately, the "red cut" turned into a red light, rushed out from the window of this building, rushed directly into the sky, and galloped towards the National Television Station building.

The red light of this "Red Slash" in this darkness was more dazzling than a meteor, and instantly attracted the attention of countless zombies.

The National Design Institute building where Li Tian and Huangfu Kunpeng were hiding naturally became the target of the zombies' attention.


Dozens of Level 12 and Level 3 zombies screamed at this building. Then, these zombies rushed towards the bridges on both sides from the street on the other side of the river.

And seven or eight zombies of fifteenth and sixth grade rushed from the street to the side of the river, screaming, and they wanted to jump over the river that was more than tens of meters wide.



The silhouettes of these zombies flashed across the river. These seven zombies were only fifteenth and sixth-level zombies. Six zombies jumped over the river. Only one of them slammed on the river bank and plunged into it. It took several seconds to pull out from the embankment.

In the distance on the other side of the river, in the streets and alleys, the zombies were like hornets that stabbed a hornet's nest, and they kept leaping forward, and in a blink of an eye, the river was crowded in darkness.

There are a few thousand zombies at level 13.

The number of level 14 zombies is similar to the number of level 13 zombies, and there are also several thousand.

There are even hundreds of super zombies of this kind.

And the sixteenth-level zombies that were still flaunting their might, instantly changed from a leader to a small boss, bowing their heads and following behind dozens of seventeenth-level zombies.

"Li Tian, ​​you really stabbed a hornet's nest now. Among these zombies, there are still a few eighteenth-level zombies! Even if there are only a few zombies of this level, I need to be careful. If I want to kill them, I might even use them. Forbidden skills, but it's good now, you not only attracted so many eighteenth-level zombies, but also thousands of high-level zombies." Huangfu Kunpeng said with a somewhat ugly expression.

Huangfu Kunpeng didn't expect that Li Tian would poke such a big basket. If it weren't for the face of Li Tian's grandson of the army commander, Huangfu Kunpeng would definitely flee here directly.

Is Li Tian's heart happy?

This "Hong Zhan" the master who abandoned the Sun God and Li Tian has always been more like a cooperative relationship with Li Tian. Li Tian can suppress the "Hong Zhan", more or less because the self-consciousness of "Hong Zhan" is not Complete awakening.

But since this "Red Slash" swallowed the nine-color corpse crystal, it completely changed its appearance. When hunting the twelfth-level mutant zombies, it changed on its own terms, and this had the effect of Li Tian slashing the subway.

"Damn!" Li Tian roared in a low voice.

"After you come back this time, I must let you recognize the lord like Xiao Yasha, otherwise I, Li Tian, ​​will definitely not accommodate you in this way!" Li Tian secretly decided in his heart.

At this time, Li Tian could not tolerate any other ideas.

Those few fifteenth and sixth-level zombies that jumped over the river bank had already rushed up from the river bank several times, rushed through a parking lot, and arrived in front of the building of the National Design Institute.

"Anyway, Hong Zhan has already caused the matter to become a big deal, so it's better to have a good time and make the urban area of ​​Kyoto city upside down." Li Tian said to Huangfu Kunpeng.

Huangfu Kunpeng snorted coldly and said: "When the battle begins, you can do it yourself. I may not have time to take care of your safety. If... I mean if, once I get caught in those corpses, there is no chance to rush out, Then you use your teleporting skills to escape from Kyoto City. Then the commander of the army..."

Although Huangfu Kunpeng said that he would not take care of Li Tian, ​​but the latter was determined to let Li Tian escape.

Who said Li Tian is the only grandson of Mu Yunlong Army Commander!

If Li Tian and Huangfu Kunpeng died together, even if Mu Yunlong would not punish Huangfu Kunpeng, Huangfu Kunpeng would not survive.

Before Huangfu Kunpeng finished speaking, Li Tian interrupted him directly.

"Don't worry about it! If there is any accident, I will use my stunts to ensure your safety!" Li Tian smiled slightly and said confidently.

As soon as he finished speaking, Huangfu Kunpeng saw that Li Tian's body had flown out of the windows of the five-story building.

When Li Tianfei went out, he just climbed up from the outer wall of the building with one kick, and kicked a level 16 zombie who was about to pounce in from the window.



Immediately, Huangfu Kunpeng heard several violent noises coming from under the building, and the glass windows of the entire building shook violently.

"This bastard, if you make it to the finals, I will fight you everywhere!"

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