Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3576: Accept the interview (2)

At this time, Li Tian and his team members who were far away in the camp were ready to be interviewed by the TV station. The interview location was naturally in the TV station's tent.

In order to cooperate with this interview, the TV station staff in the camp also set up a simple stage in the tent. Two three-person sofas and two single leather sofas have been placed in the furniture city near the camp. Above the stage, three cameras were aimed at the stage from the center, left and right directions.

At this time Li Tian and others had already walked into the tent.

Regarding Jing Tao as one of the top twelve of the former Bounty Hunters Association and one of the top 500 members, he has also been interviewed by a TV station. When he walked into the tent of the TV station, he could still maintain the usual heart. But Luo Xin, Liao Jie and others looked exactly like this.

In order to accept this interview, Luo Xin and Liao Jie were absent-minded from the morning. When they went out to hunt zombies, the two also rushed into a men's clothing brand store. Several suits were uncovered from the warehouse of this clothing store.

The two wore suits and leather shoes, more like a pre-apocalyptic insurance practitioner.

Although Zhu Jinhua said that he didn't care about this interview, he cleaned it up secretly, washing himself completely, and changing into a set of clean casual clothes. He even ransacked a cosmetics company near the camp. I found some expired gel creams and put them on my hair.

The tyrant Gao Gang knew that his son was going to be interviewed by the Kyoto City TV station. He also dressed Gao Shuai. However, Li Tian disagreed with the tyrant Gao Gang’s taste. What made Li Tian most incomprehensible was that, This Nima is now in May, and the highest outdoor temperature has reached 30 degrees, but what does Gao Shuai mean with a certain Lei Feng hat? Do you want to say that the people in your northeast region are all living Leifeng?

In contrast, Windsor was the most usual one. This little loli just changed and washed a set of clean clothes.

After watching Li Tian walk into the tent of the TV station, the host in charge of the interview stepped forward immediately, reached out and held Li Tian's hand, and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Li Tian for accepting our interview in his busy schedule. , Is Mr. Li Tian ready?"

Li Tian nodded.

"Okay, then after you get my instructions for a while, you will walk onto the stage in order. Now I will go over and prepare!" said the host.

Then the host repeated to Li Tian and others the details that need to be paid attention to during the interview, including the walking order and arrangement of the personnel when they walked onto the stage later, and explained Li Tian and others in detail.

All three cameras were pointed at the host, and the host slowly walked to the stage and stood in the middle of the stage, first calmed down, then he raised the microphone in his hand and said in a gentle tone: "Hello, viewers in front of the TV. I am Xiao Lei, the host of the Forbes Power Tournament of Kyoto TV. Welcome to the most powerful show of this issue."

"In the past half month, a very grand event is being held in Kyoto City, which is enough to make the audience in front of TV the most concerned about. That's right, this event is the Forbes personal strength match!"

"I believe everyone still has fresh memories of the preliminaries about ten days ago. In the preliminaries, there were three players who broke the Forbes power contest preliminaries in a row and entered the finals."

"The best performance among these three players is naturally Li Tian, ​​who entered the finals in the first place. As we all know, in the finals, Li Tian's team also leads all the way, and is the first to ensure the qualifications for the finals. !"

"Today we are fortunate to have invited Li Tian and all the members of his finals. Now let us invite them to the stage."

The camera slowly moved to Li Tian and the others, while Li Tian and the others slowly walked onto the stage in order, shaking hands with the host one by one.

"Please sit down, please sit down, everyone." The host returned to his seat and said.

But as soon as the host took a seat, he found that Li Tian and the others were not sitting in accordance with his request. The single sofa closest to the host was originally reserved for Li Tian, ​​the captain. At this time, the seat was actually Jiang Jingtao.

The host was very surprised.

"It should be that Li Tian respected Jiang Jingtao, the top 500 player of the previous session, so he gave this seat to Jiang Jingtao, but that's okay. After all, Jiang Jingtao is a veteran. It shows Li Tian's humility, and it also allows Jing Tao to reflect Li Tian's strength from the side." This host thought in his heart.

"As everyone knows, when the random grouping results come out, you are not very optimistic. Some people even predicted that your group will be eliminated in the first day of the finals. But the final result is that your group will not only be eliminated on the first day. He was not eliminated in the finals, and the leading position was established from the first day, so I would like to ask, how did you do it?" the host asked.

According to the requirement in the interview notice that the host gave to Li Tian, ​​the leader of Li Tian should have answered this question, but what the host never expected was that Jiang Jingtao would answer this question.

Jiang Jingtao stood up slightly and said: "Before the start of the game, it was not just people who were not confident in our team, but in fact, our team was also not confident in our team. You must know that our team was the only one who was the last one. The top 500 members, and the others are newcomers."

The camera slowly swept over Li Tian and others, Jiang Jingtao continued: "At this time, as a veteran, the first thing I must do is to build up confidence in these newcomers and let them know that even our team I am the only one among the top 500 players in the previous session, and it does not mean that we will be eliminated.

"The prince and general Xiangning is kind, and how many of the top 500 players in the last top 500 have made it to the finals as newcomers. After my words and deeds, these newcomers finally built up their confidence. Of course. All the members of our team are not weak, especially Li Tian, ​​who entered the final with the first place in the preliminaries. I am very optimistic about him!"

The host raised his eyebrows involuntarily. He knew clearly that what Jiang Jingtao said was not all the truth. But at this time, as the key subject of this interview, Li Tian was completely silent, which surprised him too much.

"No, this is an interview opportunity that I finally won. I can't just miss it!" Xiao Lei thought to the host.

"Next question, I want to ask Captain Li Tian."

"According to the video on the first day of the finals, we know that your team was attacked by a hundred twelve-level zombies. According to normal people’s thinking, the first choice for encountering so many zombies must be to escape and seek help. How do you think about it?"

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