Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3870: Steel Fortress (1)

Before landing on Xiaoxiaodao Island, Li Tian thought that Xiaoxiaodao Island might be a big island, but when Li Tianzhen saw Xiaoxiaodao Island, he realized that Xiaoxiaodao Island was really too small.

Seeing this small island, Li Tian didn't know how to start.

Before, Li Tianneng thought of building this little cat island into an island like the Maldives. Even if the end of the world is over, the island will attract many tourists. Many tourists will come here for vacation and make this island a real island. Use the island of value so that it can be under long-term jurisdiction.

But now it seems that Li Tian's idea is a bit too simple.

Li Tian boarded the Cat Island, then Liu Guoqiang immediately followed him, saluting Li Tian, ​​and then said, "Master Li Tian, ​​now this Cat Island has been occupied by us, what instructions will Master Li Tian give next? "

Looking at Liu Guoqiang's hopeful eyes, Li Tianzhen did not want to disappoint Liu Guoqiang.

"Why don't you let Dixing Yasha build a tall wall around this little cat island to enclose this little cat island?" Li Tianxin thought, but soon Li Tian completely dismissed his idea. .

"Master Li Tian, ​​have you forgotten the Void Spirit Race? There are not only the Void Spirit Race, but also My Di Xing Yasha, and Hai Yasha! What kind of island do you want to transform Xiaoxiaodao into? Tell me first , See if we can finish it?" Dixing Yasha said to Li Tian through his mind.

That's right, why did I forget that there are still Ethereal Races!

Even at the bottom of the sea, the Void Spirit Race could build a city, not to mention the kitten island now.

Li Tian immediately informed Dixing Yasha and Hai Yasha of his thoughts through his mind.

Dixing Yasha and Hai Yacha whispered for a long time, and then both Xiaoyasha nodded excitedly.

"Master Li Tian, ​​just take a look! This little cat island is left to us to deal with, but, except for the Ethereal Race, you need to bring everyone to the warship, at most one night, We can complete the transformation!" Dixing Yasha said.

Liu Guoqiang looked at Li Tian not speaking, and his heart was a little disappointed.

He knew that his hopes were too high.

Don't mention Li Tian alone. Before the end of the world, our country didn't know how much time and financial resources it took to build the intentional island in the West Sea.

"Give me one night, let me think about how to deal with it. By tomorrow morning, I will give you and everyone on the Cangshan ship a satisfactory answer!"

Li Tian went on to say: "Now everyone is following me on the warship. No one is allowed to stay on this kitten island!"

Although I don't know what Li Tian was thinking, Liu Guoqiang still carried out Li Tian's orders!

After boarding the warship, Li Tian leisurely and elegantly put the tables and chairs on the deck of the warship, and ordered the chef of the warship to cook a delicious meal, which was regarded as a reward for the Cangshan ship landing on Xiaoxiaodao.

Then Li Tian took Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, Ouyang Shiqing and other women, and Tang Xiaolong, Shen Tao, and Gaobi sitting on the deck chairs, blowing the sea breeze, bathing in the evening sun, watching the sunset and the setting sun. .

The other soldiers on the Cangshan ship saw Li Tian taking a group of women and brothers, eating, drinking, and playing around, and they even had a party on this warship, and they were suddenly very angry.

Following Li Tian, ​​these soldiers thought that they would go to Dongying Island to kill a few more island zombies, so that Dongying Island could really become a province of the Chinese Legion as they thought before.

And after landing on the Cat Island, these soldiers seemed to see a little hope, but... But this Li Tian directly dared everyone off the Cat Island, and then watched them on this warship!

The contrast between the front and the back filled the hearts of these soldiers with anger.

At the beginning, many soldiers just whispered and cursed Li Tian, ​​and occasionally had the courage to vent their grievances and complaints.

But this kind of dissatisfaction continues to fill the air, and more and more people are affected by this.


A soldier slammed the dinner plate in front of him on the table, ignoring that the soup from the dinner splashed over him, and said angrily: "After the end of the world, how many brothers of our military soul have shed blood and sacrificed for this country. How many brothers often lack food and clothing, but have you seen Li Tian? This **** who was exiled, actually hugged so many women with him, really regards our Cangshan ship as his yacht!"


A soldier angrily opened the gun safety latch in his hand, and angrily agreed: "Yes, this is a military camp. Even if he is not a soldier, Li Tian doesn't even have this common sense? The smog of the Cangshan ship. . Let me sweep this bastard..."

The soldiers in the warship restaurant became more excited and angry as they spoke. Gradually, other people were also infected. It seemed that these people would rush out to kill Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong and others with machine guns.

Liu Guoqiang kept delivering food to his mouth, chewing the food and looking at the troubled soldiers coldly. Liu Guoqiang did not speak, but this attitude was like Liu Guoqiang indulging the soldiers making trouble like this.

"Captain, these guys are getting more and more angry. If you don't keep everything, they will go out and ask Li Tian to question, what do you mean?" The first officer Gao Zheng asked in a low voice beside Liu Guoqiang.

Liu Guoqiang pushed the plate forward, threw his chopsticks on top of the plate, touched his mouth with his hand, and said, "I'm full and sleep well! Who the **** dares to make trouble tonight, I shut him up! The dungeon on our warship has not been in for some days!"

Hearing Liu Guoqiang's words, the soldiers in downtown suddenly stopped.

After Liu Guoqiang left, several of his cadre-like soldiers leaned in front of the first officer Gao Zheng and asked, "What the **** does this captain mean? This **** is his Cangshan ship! Who was there before? When he spit on the warship, his **** thing will be locked up. Now that Li Tian is carrying a woman on the warship, why is he dumb?"

"Don't you wear ears? The captain said that no one can cause trouble tonight, but that doesn't mean we can't cause trouble tomorrow!"

"But is there any difference between tonight and tomorrow?"

"Pig brain, didn't you listen to the captain? Li Tian made a promise to the captain today. Regarding how to transform Xiaoxiaodao Island, Li Tian will give the captain and us an answer tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll let the brothers bear with me for another night. If the answer Li Tian gives us tomorrow does not satisfy us, then don't blame the brothers for being rude for a long time. The big deal will be Li Tian, ​​who is expelled, directly with his wife and brother Throw it on this kitten island!"

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