The distance between Situ Ningbing and Li Tian was only two or three steps away. With such a short distance, such a fast speed, and such a powerful killer move, Situ Ningbing was afraid to use his full strength, fearing that Li Tian would be injured if he missed it.

However, as soon as Situ Ningbing's butcher knife and God Tushen pierced into the black shadow outside Li Tian's body, Situ Ningbing saw Li Tian's finger slammed at the butcher God butcher.

"So fast!" Situ Ningbing secretly surprised.

However, Li Tian's finger also did not touch the butcher knife and the **** but Situ Ningbing performed the hermit killing technique again, and suddenly disappeared in front of Li Tian.

Situ Ningbing's hermit killing technique is magical, even at such a close distance and such a small space, it can be fully displayed.

Li Tian was expressionless.

Because "Red Slash" has been completely combined with the nine-color corpse crystal to form this kind of armor on the surface of Li Tian's body, Li Tian doesn't have any weapons in his hands, but even if Li Tian has bare hands, Situ Ningbing can feel it. Extremely dangerous.

Li Tian's gaze swept across the room coldly, and he did not find Situ Ningbing's figure. Then Li Tian closed his eyes and stood in the center of the room with his hands drooping naturally.

After Situ Ningbing saw that Li Tian was not moving, he did not rush to start, but his body was like a shadow, hidden in this room.

Situ Ningbing looked at the black shadow on the wheel cover of Li Tian's body. Situ Ningbing could feel the black shadow as if there was life, staring at her firmly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this huge group of black shadows seems to have some mysterious connection with Li. As long as my blade pierces this group of black shadows, Li will definitely find that he will react!" Situ Ningbing's heart Thinking about it.

But at this moment, Situ Ningbing suddenly felt the butcher knife in his hand move.

This seemingly very slight shaking caused Situ Ningbing's hermit killing skills to fall short, and Situ Ningbing suddenly appeared from this room.

Situ Ningbing did not attack Li Tian, ​​but looked at the butcher knife in his hand in surprise.



The Slaughter Sword and God of Slaughter was still shaking slightly, although the amplitude of this shaking was small, the color of surprise on Situ Ningbing's face became thicker.

"Li, Li! My butcher butcher **** seems to be reacting to me!" Situ Ningbing said softly to Li Tian, ​​as if worried that his voice would affect the changes of the butcher butcher god. .

Li Tian looked at the butcher knife butcher **** in Situ Ningbing's hand, and felt that something in the butcher knife and butcher **** was awakening, and a powerful force was slowly germinating in the butcher knife and butcher god.

"Ningbing, the sword spirit of the divine tool in your hand is about to awaken!" Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing's conjecture was confirmed, and the joy on his face became even stronger.

"Now, what should I do?" Situ Ningbing looked at Li Tian at a loss and asked.

"Find a way to subdue the sword spirit, otherwise once the butcher **** butcher has his own consciousness, it may be against you!" Li Tian said.

Situ Ningbing nodded, and then placed the Butcher Sword God flat in front of him, sitting quietly on the ground, feeling the change of the Butcher Sword God.


Li Tian yelled, changing the "Red Zhan" back to its original state, and then sat beside Situ Ningbing.

However, Li Tiangang changed back to its original state, but the butcher knife and **** who had been shaking suddenly stopped, and then there was no response.

"What's the matter? Isn't this sword spirit awakening? Why didn't it respond suddenly?" Situ Ningbing asked.

"I am afraid that the sword spirit of the butcher **** butcher can awaken because of the red sword spirit!"

"I understand, this time I won't be afraid of my hands anymore, Li, get ready to withstand my strongest attack!" Situ Ningbing held the butcher knife in his hand, stood up and said to Li Tian .

"Okay! Come on!" Li Tian said with a big smile.



A loud noise came out on the kitten island, and a white house made by the Ethereal Tribe collapsed in the loud noise.

The dust was flying, and rubble was splashing everywhere.

A jungle near this house suffered from the collapse of this house.



Two figures suddenly flashed out of the collapsed white building.

Then the two figures rushed to the beach from the jungle one after another, and into the sea again.

Situ Ningbing kept fleeing in front of him. Although he fled again, Situ Ningbing did not panic.

In the process of fleeing, Situ Ningbing was fascinated, and the butcher knife in his hand would stab Li Tian from time to time.

"It's useless! The artifact in your hand is really a vain name, but that's it! I want to cause harm to Li Tian, ​​one hundred years ago!" Li Tian smiled wildly, and continued to slaughter the **** with the sword. Click to open.

Moreover, Li Tian would secretly use Xuantian **** every time he clicked on the butcher knife to butcher the god.

The Xuantian **** at this time was much stronger than before. Even if it was a level 15 zombie, Li Tian was confident that he could easily kill with Xuantian fingering.

Therefore, as soon as this Xuantian **** points on the butcher knife and butcher god, the butcher knife and butcher **** will suddenly let out a "Om!"

Situ Ningbing's heart was full of shock.

Yes, just shock.

It was just a few days, and Situ Ningbing seemed to have completely changed Li Tian.

Especially in this form, Situ Ningbing felt that Li Tian's strength had already left them far away.

At this time, Situ Ningbing had no reservations, but from the beginning of the battle to the present, Situ Ningbing had not even touched the scarlet skin armor in Li Tian's black shadow, let alone hurt Li Tian. .

Moreover, Situ Ningbing could feel that Li Tian didn't exert his full strength now.

Because Li Tian has only used Xuantian **** until now, he has neither used Soul Breaking Palm nor Soul Breaking Fist, nor has he used teleportation.



Situ Ningbing could feel the butcher knife in her hand full of anger.

This is the anger of the once strong.

"Awaken, kill the god! You are a divine weapon, so you must be very upset with this suppressed feeling!"

"Awaken, slaughter the gods! Are you sinking forever like this, just as a sharp ordinary blade?"

Situ Ningbing said to the butcher knife in his heart.

Seeing Li Tian fighting Situ Ningbing, Tang Xiaolong, Xue Ji and others on the beach didn't know what happened, but they saw Li Tian's changes, and they were so shocked that they stopped watching.

But at this moment, they suddenly felt a powerful force descending from the sky, instantly appearing in Situ Ningbing's hands.

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