Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3877: Qingyun Qi Jue (3)

Li Tian was overjoyed.

Li Tian had already cultivated Qingyun's first and second layers, and every time he practiced one layer, Li Tian's strength would be greatly improved.

Now, Li Tian's cultivation has entered a bottleneck period. If there are no other opportunities, Li Tian's cultivation may not be able to continue to improve in a short time.

"Ningbing, I haven't practiced on the third layer of Qingyun, I don't know if I can practice the fourth layer?" Li Tian said while looking at Situ Ningbing.

Situ Ningbing shook his head slightly, then nodded again, and said, "Li, you can now cultivate the fourth layer of Qingyun."

"But, as said in the first layer of Qingyun, Qingyun cultivates one layer after another. Cultivating Qingyun is like climbing the sky to see the scenery. Only by walking up step by step can you see the most complete scenery in the nine heavens. You have not yet cultivated the third level. If you cultivate this fourth level now, this fourth level is like a castle in the air. Although it looks good, it may not be solid. I am afraid that by then, you will be more powerful in cultivating the fourth level of Qingyun. discount!"

Li Tian frowned slightly, but this kind of reaction lasted less than half a second.

"I want to practice!" Li Tian said.

These four characters, although not decorated with gorgeous language, truly reflected Li Tian's eager mood.

That’s right, Li Tian’s luck is very good now. In just half a year, Li Tian encountered four Xiaoyachas and received the first, second and fourth layers of Qingyun in his hands, but Li Tian is not sure when he will find this third floor.

It may be found soon, but it may not be found for a lifetime. And even if Li Tian could find the third layer by then, it didn't seem to have that great influence on the fourth layer of cultivation.

For example, Li Tian can still cultivate the first two layers of Qingyun, and every time Li Tian cultivates, he always has some new feelings.

Li Tian believed that even if he had cultivated the fourth level, he might have some impact when he turned around to cultivate the third level, but it would definitely not have that big impact.

That being the case, why not catch it.

Situ Ningbing looked at Li Tianjian's eyes and stopped persuading Li Tian.

"We have two days left on this kitten island. We will use these two days to study the fourth layer of Qingyun for you, and then we can only rely on you to practice!" Situ Ningbing said .

"Good!" Li Tian said excitedly.

In the next two days, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing began to practice asceticism in the mountain buildings on Cat Island.

In the past two days, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing were completely immersed in this Qingyun Qi Secret Art. Situ Ningbing was originally an explainer to Li Tian, ​​but the more he explained, the more Situ Ningbing felt this. Qingyun Qi Jue is not simple.

There are dozens of changes in this short one hundred words, so there are dozens of possibilities for cultivating this Qingyun Qi Jue!

This practice of Qingyun Qi Jue is like climbing a mountain. There are many roads in front of you. You can make any choice. Because of the different choices, the scenery you will see will be completely different.

After Situ Ningbing explained the dozens of changes to Li Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing couldn't help but want to practice.

Situ Ningbing tried it. She now has no conflict between practicing this Qingyun Qi Jue and hermit killing technique, and even practicing this Qingyun Qi Jue is helpful for hermit killing technique. It feels like going to school. When you learned mathematics, you found that mathematics is helpful to both physics and chemistry.

At this time, Li Tian was completely silent in this Qingyun Qi Jue.

Li Tian felt the qi in his body, which was moving with Li Tian's veins.

This qi had already appeared when he was cultivating the first and second layers of Qingyun.

It is precisely because of the existence of this energy that the power of Li Tian's Xuantian Fingering, Broken Soul Palm, and Broken Soul Fist can increase after practicing Qingyun.

But now after practicing the Qingyun Qi Jue, this Qi seems to have come to life. It is no longer rigidly moving with Li Tian’s exercises, but like a small fish, in Li Tian’s context. Midstream.

Situ Ningbing's explanation of Qingyun Qi Jue continuously echoed in Li Tian's ears.

"Dozens of changes... Dozens of roads appear in front of me... I have one mind and three purposes. Can I choose three paths at the same time?"

The intermittent thoughts flashed through Li Tian's mind, but this thought directly made Li Tian's mind feel a sense of openness.

"Since I can do three things with one mind, why can't I walk three paths at the same time with my mind? If this is the case, wouldn't I be able to see three different landscapes?"

Thinking of this, Li Tian suddenly realized that the qi in his vein had been divided into three qi groups!

No, three little fishes to be precise!

One of the three small fish continued to swim in the same way as before, while the other two fishes turned around and swam in other directions, and then swam in other directions at the intersection of the other vein.

In Li Tian's body, three line patterns that walked with this innocent little fish immediately appeared.

The three patterns are completely different in size and shape, but if Li Tian can paint these three patterns on the ground, then Li Tian will see at a glance that these three patterns are actually three different plant leaves.

The leaves of the first plant are the size of a fan, the second leaf is the size of a fist, and the third leaf is only the size of a little finger.

The three small fishes swim according to these patterns, and they swim continuously.

Every time the little fish swims around, the fish’s size seems to be a little bigger, but if you look carefully, it seems that the little fish has not changed at all, but Li Tian knows that this little fish’s The body size is getting bigger.

Every time this little fish swims, the pattern becomes clearer and a little bit more clearly. Like the little fish's body shape, the pattern doesn't seem to change much, but the more Li Tian can feel the group's clarity.

Time flies, and these two days have passed in no time.

In the past two days, the three small fishes in Li Tian's veins are only bigger than the size of the little finger, but the pattern is clearer. It seems that the whole leaf meridian can be seen.

"Little boss, little boss! Captain Liu asked when you can leave?" Tang Xiaolong's voice sounded outside.


Li Tian let out a breath.

"Appear in!"

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