Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3879: Arrived in West Jiuzhou

Situ Ningbing no longer knew how to describe the monster Li Tian. .,

Seventeen little fishes, no, it should be eighteen little fishes now. Does that mean that if Li Tian's Qingyun Qi Art is cultivated to the extreme, there will be at least 18 changes?

The lotus that Situ Ningbing controlled in front of Li Tian could not help but faded and withered, the lotus disappeared in a few seconds.

As soon as the lotus flower disappeared, the little fish in Situ Ningbing's body veins appeared again.


Tang Xiaolong patted the door and walked in, with some excitement on his face and said to Li Tian: "Little boss, you can already see the land, we are about to arrive at West Kyushu Island! The four islands of Dongying, here we are!"

"Finally, we have arrived at the Dongying island country! Let's go up and see the scenery of this Dongying island country!" Li Tian said.

When Li Tian took Situ Ningbing and Tang Xiaolong onto the Cangshan splint, the front end of the splint was already crowded with people.

Duanmu Ying, Xue Ji, Bai Jing, Tang Feifei, etc. all looked at the land and cities that appeared in the blue water and blue sky in the distance.

Liu Guoqing also had an excited expression on his face. He strode forward to Li Tian, ​​saluting Li Tian, ​​and said loudly: "Report to Master Li Tian, ​​now we have arrived in West Jiuzhou, and the nearest to us is Ruhr. Dao County, Lord Li Tian, ​​please give instructions!"

Before coming to Dongying Island, Li Tian did not learn the language of the island country, but he did some homework.

Li Tian knows that this Dongying island country is composed of the four large islands of West Kyushu, Southern Shikoku, North Island, and Central Honshu, and more than 7,200 small islands. West Kyushu is located in the southwest of Dongying Island and is the country’s No. The three major islands, before the end of the world, were the powerhouses of the electronics industry in Dongying Island, and they were also called silicon islands.

At this time, the Cangshan ship had arrived at the southernmost county in West Jiuzhou, named Ruhrdao County. This Ruhr County is a large city with a population of nearly two million.

Any large city with a population of more than one million will be an area where high-level zombies gather. According to Li Tian's calculation, in a city with a population of two million, ninth-level zombies should have become the mainstream.

However, the ninth-level zombies now pose no danger to Li Tian and others.

"Captain Liu, why should I see outsiders? You are the highest officer on this warship, and you are a professional in navigation. Please let Captain Liu decide for yourself!" Li Tian said.

From leaving Cangshan Port to Dongying Island, Li Tian only asked Liu Guoqiang to detour to Cat Island. Other Li Tian had no requirements on Liu Guoqiang, let alone the instructions Liu Guoqiang said.

But since Liu Guoqiang saw the changes in Cat Island, Liu Guoqiang decided to follow Li Tian desperately.

For Li Tian's answer, Liu Guoqiang nodded slightly, and Liu Guoqiang was grateful for Li Tian's recognition.

Liu Guoqiang knew that Li Tian's goal was the entire four islands of the East.

Therefore, Liu Guoqiang said: "Master Li Tian, ​​we will first land on Ruhr Island, and then replenish some energy and food on Ruhr Island. At that time, we can have two choices. The first is to take the Cangshan ship along the coastline. To destroy several coastal cities in West Jiuzhou one by one. The advantage of this method is speed. Of course, for our brothers on the Cangshan ship, their safety can also be guaranteed because of the presence of Lord Li Tian."

"The second way is to land on Ruhr Island, and then Master Li Tian leads people to advance from the interior of the island..."

Li Tian waited until Liu Guoqiang had finished speaking before he said: "Captain Liu, the land area of ​​this Dongying island country is less than 38,000 square kilometers, and it is only the area of ​​two provinces in our country. This West Jiuzhou is even more of a bullet. We only need to hold a few key cities in this West Jiuzhou in our hands. As for other small places, no matter how many zombies are, they can’t beat the waves! Our focus is on the middle Honshu! Key cities such as Tokyo, Tsubasa, and Kosaka!"

Liu Guoqiang nodded and said, "Understood!"

Then Li Tian began to divide labor again!

This Cangshan ship must be guarded by someone. Of course, this task is entrusted to Tang Xiaolong and the mysterious female Lily. Now in the whole team, Li Tian is definitely the strongest one, and after Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong, Ouyang Man, and Situ The strength of Ningbing and the others was almost close, and Li Tian was relieved when he left the matter of guarding the warship to Tang Xiaolong.

And let Ouyang Shiqing take Ouyang Man, Xiao Tianyi and Liu Guoqiang with them, they need to supplement the supplies on Ruhr Island, and the safety of these people should be no problem.

Finally, there is the strongest team, Li Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, Windsor, Kobi, Shen Tao, etc.

Through a few landing craft, Li Tian and others, a total of nearly a hundred people came to Ruhr Island County.

"Now, we still don’t know anything about Ruhr Island County. I will take people to touch the town of Ruhr Island as soon as possible, and clean up the zombies here. Then I will control a group of high-level zombies for me. Come to take charge of this place, but before that, all of you must rush back to the warship before sunset!" Li Tian said.

The others nodded immediately, and fully complied with Li Tian's orders.

Then the soldiers divided into two directions and drove directly into the Ruhr Island.

The administrative division of Dongying Island Country is divided into cities, provinces, prefectures, and counties, which are parallel first-level administrations, and below this are cities, towns, and villages.

Landing from Ruhr Island Prefecture, the first place Li Tian and others entered was Minami Kyushu!

This so-called city is not the same concept as the city of China. Take Minami Kyushu for example, it has four towns under its jurisdiction, that is, four townships, and the population before the end of the world is less than 50,000, which is similar to a county in China.

After Li Tian and others entered this southern Kyushu city, the most advanced zombies they encountered were only Grade 6 or 7 zombies. These zombies didn't need Li Tian to do anything, and Gao Bi and Shen Tao were completely resolved!

"Brother Tian, ​​have you noticed that there are very few zombies in South Kyushu?" Windsor said to Li Tian.

"That's because it's daytime, so naturally there are fewer zombies! I'm saying that this is a small place, and it's not a big place like Tokyo!" Gao Bi said first.

This is exactly what Li Tian had in mind.

At this moment, Situ Ningbing stopped suddenly, and the butcher knife in his hand was already on her chest.

"Li, Windsor is right. I feel as if something is following us. Keep going and leave me alone!" Situ Ningbing said.

Speaking that Situ Ningbing had suddenly performed the hermit killing technique, a few flashes of her figure disappeared into the sight of everyone.

But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the distance.

"It's Liu Guoqiang and the others!" Li Tian said.

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