Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3904: Soul Detention (2)

Kazama Ginbei's body shuddered, shaking like sifting chaff, and some white foam even spit out from the corner of his mouth.

"Soul Detention Dafa!"

These words popped out of Li Tian's mouth. Although these words were simple, let Li Tian say them, coupled with Li Tian's tone, immediately gave people an indescribable cold feeling.

Last night, Li Tian consulted Xukong Yacha overnight, and that Xukong Yacha also did not hide his selfishly and taught Li Tian the soul detention Dafa.

It is said that this Soul Detention Dafa is an extremely cold exercise from the Xiaoyacha clan.

Because this kind of exercise does not have much damage, there are not many people in the Yasha clan who practice this kind of exercise, and only the weakest beast will practice this kind of exercise to control the summoned beast to assist. They fight.

According to the introduction of Void Yasha, this kind of Dafa in the legend can not only control the souls of humans and beasts, but may even control the souls of the gods.

In this regard, Li Tian hehehe.

The weakest Yaksha Beast Yaksha's cultivation technique can actually detain the soul of the Protoss. Who would believe this? This is definitely putting gold on your face.

If this soul detention Dafa is really so powerful, then this world has already been ruled by the beast Yaksha, and it will be the turn of the three corpses to rule the world in this area, and it will be the turn of those venerables and domain masters to claim it in the Netherworld. King dominates.

At this moment, Kazama Ginbei’s face was full of painful expressions, and under the skin on his face, it seemed as if insects were crawling past. His pupils had lost their spirit, and he felt that it might be at any time. It's the same after closing your eyes.

As for Li Tian, ​​the expression on his face has not been relaxed since he performed this Soul Detention Dafa.

When practicing, Li Tian felt that this Soul Detention Dafa was an extremely simple method, but after less than an hour of practice, Li Tian completely successfully practiced this Soul Detention Dafa.

After seeing the speed of Li Tian's cultivation, Xukong Yasha even claimed that Li Tian was a genius.

Void Yasha said that even the smartest Beast Yasha would need to practice for more than a year, but Li Tian actually spent less than a night.

According to Li Tian, ​​that is the problem of brain capacity.

The Yasha tribe is only the size of an adult's palm, and their life span is basically thousands of years. What's the matter if they practice slowly.

But when Li Tianzhen put it into practice, he realized the pain.

Don't look at Li Tian now standing in this hotel, reaching out to press Kazama Ginbei's head, but at this time Li Tian felt that his body seemed to be distorted.

Space is no longer in this hotel, and time has no concept at all.

Li Tian seemed to see a kind of curved light flying around his body, and this strange light under his feet and above his head, and the Kazama Ginbei who was kneeling in front of him was also a distorted existence. . It seems that Li Tian is the only person in the whole world in a normal state.

At this moment, Li Tian felt his palm draw a colorful line from the head of Ginbei Kazama.

"What is this place?"

Li Tian suddenly felt an extra space in his consciousness.

This space can be large or small, as if there is nothing.

"Is this the consciousness space?"

Li Tian suddenly remembered that Void Yasha had talked about consciousness space when he was teaching this soul prison Dafa.

Consciousness space, as the name suggests, this space is illusory, it is your consciousness. If you say it exists, then it will exist, if you say it does not exist, then it will not exist.

This feeling is as if you close your eyes and imagine a blank space in your mind out of thin air.

You can imagine this space is infinitely large, or you can imagine this space is infinitely small.

It is for this reason that this consciousness space will be like the space of the Void Yaksha, which can hide and contain things, and has no practical use.

To paraphrase a popular saying on the Internet now, that is, they are all.

Of course, this space of consciousness will be automatically opened when you perform this soul-detention law and need to detain other people’s souls, and this space will become a cage. A cage of souls will become a real existence, indeed. Useful space.

At this time, Li Tian could feel that the line drawn from the mind of the Kazama Yinbingwei seemed to be swimming vaguely, and he did not know how it was connected to the consciousness space. When Li Tian reacted, the consciousness space There was already a Kazama Ginbei who appeared to be the size of a little finger.

The body of this Ginbei is still as vague as the light, but it is the soul of Kazama Ginbei.

Once this soul appeared in Li Tian's consciousness space, Li Tian felt the light around his body receding rapidly, and the images under Li Tian's feet and above his head quickly dissipated.

A few seconds later, Li Tian returned to the hotel.

Kazama Ginbei was still there, but he had fallen to the ground and passed out.

Li Tian felt that he had not changed, nor could he feel the existence of the consciousness space.

As if none of this happened.

"Silly Man'er, did something happen just now?" Li Tian asked Silly Man'er.

Silly Man'er shook his head, but said nothing.

Li Tian took out a glass of water from the space of Gu Xukong Yasha and sprayed it directly on Kazama Yinbingwei's face.

Kazama Ginbei immediately woke up.

At the moment when Kazama Ginbei regained consciousness, Li Tian felt that there was a small space in his head, and it was Kazama Ginbei who was detained in this small space.

This picture is as if the thoughts generated in the heads of the characters in cartoons and comics are drawn through comics or animation.

"Lee... Lord Li Tian, ​​what's going on?" Ginbei Kazama asked in surprise.

When Yinbingwei woke up, he immediately noticed the difference between before and after the coma. The current Kazama Yinbingbei felt as if he could be pinched to death by Li Tian later.

Kazama Ginbei’s heart was full of fear of Li Tian, ​​and also full of jealousy towards Li Tian. His mind was thinking about how to get rid of Li Tian’s control, but as soon as he came up with such an idea, his body was It was painful as if being burned by flames instantly.

Kazama Ginbei couldn't help screaming in pain and rolled around on the ground, as if he was trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

"Huh!" Kazama Ginbei, your soul is now controlled by my soul detention Dafa, and you are now my servant. If you dare to think about being bad for me again, your pain will multiply next time! "

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. The feeling that your whole body was on fire just now was not an illusion, but a real one. It was I who was burning your soul. Once your soul was burned out, then you would become An idiot!"

"If you don't believe it, you can try again!" Li Tian said disdainfully.

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