Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3907: Sniffing Rose

Mount Kirishima is a collective name for the volcanoes located at the junction of Ruhrshima Prefecture and Miyazaki Prefecture in the southern part of Western Kyushu. It is also called Kirishima Mountain, Kirishima Mountain, Kirishima Mountain, and Kirishima Volcano Group. It is an active volcano that erupts repeatedly, especially Shinnendake and Gobachi, where active volcanic activity continues.

It is precisely because of the existence of this volcano that Kirishima Mountain is the most famous one is Kirishima Onsen. Every year, domestic and foreign tourists come here to experience Dongying culture, soak in hot springs, and overlook the Bay of Ruhr Island. At the same time, apart from the development of tourism, Kirishima Mountain is also well-developed in agriculture, especially the several cities around the Kirishima Mountain Range, which is an important agricultural town in the entire West Kyushu.

It is precisely because of this that after the beginning of the end times, this Kirishima Mountain poured into a large number of humans.

And Li Tian’s goal is to make these humans return to the city, back to the city of Ruhr Island designated by Li Tian. Now the entire Ruhr Island County is empty, and a lot of farmland has been deserted. These Dongying island nations The humans, they can be farmers in Ruhr Island County.

As for the major agricultural towns near Kirishima Mountain, that is Li Tian's next plan, letting Tang Feifei establish an agricultural and industrial association in the eastern island country.

It was already evening, standing on the beach and looking out to the sea, where the sea and the sky alternated, there was a red sun.

The afterglow of the sun shone on the sea, sparkling.

The sunset glow in the sky, set against the sea, looks very beautiful.

Li Tian had no intention of appreciating the beauty, and took Bai Jing to fly on the body of the mutant crow.

In addition to Bai Jing, Li Tian's followers were Dixing Yasha and Void Yasha. Feitian Yasha and Haiyasha were left in Ruhr City by Li Tian.

The mutant crow is now in the shape of a big peng, with a huge body. Even if he is carrying Li Tian and Bai Jing, he does not feel any difficulty. Moreover, the mutant crow is also very interesting, knowing that it is the world of Li Tian and Bai Jing. It is not suitable to interrupt, so he closed his mouth and soared intently.

From time to time, the mutant crow would tremble deliberately when flying, causing the pale Bai Jing to hold Li Tian's arm tightly, and half of his body leaned into Li Tian's arms.

The mutant crow departs from the coast of Ruhr Island City, and flies along the coastline all the way north to a slightly easterly direction. After flying over Jinjiang Bay, the mutant crow begins to fly northeast toward Kirishima City.

At this time, Li Tian and Bai Jing were already full of oceans. From a distance, they could still see the coast. Bai Jing gradually calmed down in fear, but she still held Li Tian's arm.

The breeze was blowing, and Bai Jing's long hair drifted back.

The sky was extremely quiet, and there was no sound except the sound of wind.

In Bai Jing's heart, he really hopes that this kind of flight will never end, and she and Li Tian live as a couple of eagles.

Bai Jing leaned her head against Li Tian's chest again, and she could hear his heartbeat.



This is the most beautiful movement Bai Jing has ever heard. From time to time, Bai Jing looked up at Li Tian's face. At this time, her heart was full of happiness.

The last afterglow of the setting sun seemed to have been absorbed halfway by the sea, and the sky was gradually covered by darkness.

Many people are full of fear of darkness, feeling that there may be dangers in the darkness at any time.

The mutant crow is no exception, so the mutant crow flies more than a hundred meters high.

The higher the flight, the stronger the evening breeze, even in midsummer, the temperature drops sharply.

Li Tian felt that Bai Jing's hug was getting tighter and tighter. Li Tian also stretched out his hands and completely embraced Bai Jing in his arms. He lowered his head and asked gently, "Is it cold?"

A smile barely appeared on Bai Jing's face and said, "It's not cold!"

"Why don't I send you to the space of Void Yasha?"

Bai Jing shook his head quickly and said, "No, I want to be with you! This is the chance I finally won back!"

"Silly girl!" Li Tian stretched out his hand and scratched Bai Jing's nose and said.

The breeze blows, and Bai Jing's hair blows on Li Tian's cheeks, making Li Tian feel itchy. Lowering his head and sniffing lightly, Li Tian could smell the faint body scent of Bai Jing. Li Tian looked at Bai Jing carefully and found that Bai Jing was even thinner than when Li Tian met her.

A woman who gave her most important things to Li Tian, ​​did not ask for anything, but worried Li Tianfen, even if Li Tian was always surrounded by other women, she was still unknown, and she paid silently behind Li Tian , Do not fight or grab.

Li Tian's heart was full of warmth.

Li Tian felt that he really owed Bai Jing a lot, not only Bai Jing, but also Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji, Duan Mu Ying...

There is a tiger in his heart, bowing his head to sniff the rose.

"Wait, wait, wait until I have conquered all the four islands in the East, I will definitely spare time to accompany you well!" Li Tian thought in his heart.

After two hours of flying and jumping over the ocean, I have entered Kirishima City. There is no longer the ocean at my feet, but large tracts of farmland. In the distance is the urban area of ​​Kirishima City.

The mutant crow was already showing some fatigue. Li Tian let the mutant crow land on a highway, and then jumped off the mutant crow with Bai Jing.

"Come on!" Li Tian pointed to his shoulder and said to the mutant crow.

The mutant crow did not expect that Li Tian would take the initiative to let him stand on his shoulders, and he couldn't help being touched, but the mutant crow also knew whether Li Tian was with Bai Jing, even if they really looked like a companion of the eagles The crow is not willing to make this light bulb.

"Come on, I might as well enter the space of Void Yasha and sleep well!" The mutant crow said with disdain and affection.

"Hurry up!" Li Tian trailed.

Li Tian's heart moved, and Void Yasha came out and brought the mutant crow in.

At this time, the surrounding area was full of darkness. The crickets in the farmland on both sides of the road were croaking and croaking. After hearing the movement of Li Tian and others, the frogs on the roadside had stopped calling, but those frogs in the distance, But the insects still kept screaming.

Li Tian took Bai Jing's hand, as if a loving young couple were walking slowly along the highway towards Kirishima City.

"Brother Tian, ​​thank you! I am very happy today!" Bai Jing said, holding Li Tian's arm and leaning his head on Li Tian's shoulder.

This is Bai Jing, who has no desires and desires, just being with him makes him feel extremely satisfied.

"Silly girl!"

This was a beautiful picture, but at this moment, Li Tian saw a figure stumbling towards him on the road far away, and behind this figure was less than twenty meters. The place was followed by a large group of zombies.

Hundreds of zombies.

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