Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3914: Shame

Void Yasha issued a military order to Li Tian to ensure the completion of the mission.

But Di Xing Yasha couldn't stand the soft and hard foam of Void Yasha, and finally agreed.

Mutant Crow, the single Wang Ze, was already crying in the space of Void Yasha.

After the three little things left, only Li Tian and Bai Jing were left in the entire hotel.

The two were relatively speechless, but they saw tenderness in each other's eyes.

Li Tian took Bai Jing's hand and walked towards the hotel quickly along the highway.

A lot of weeds have grown in the courtyard of the hotel, and seven or eight cars parked in the courtyard.

"Brother Tian, ​​you see there are signs of cars driving, and they look very new. There should be people in this hotel! Why don't we go in?" Bai Jing said alertly.

When he said this, Bai Jing had already taken the sniper rifle he was carrying on his back, and held it in his arms, carefully facing the hotel building.

"Silly girl, what are some people afraid of? Have you forgotten our purpose in the mountains? Put your guns away! What if these people run? After all, I have come to this hotel. How can we not enjoy the hot springs here? ?" Li Tian said.

Bai Scenic Spot nodded, put away the sniper rifle, with a shame on his face, and said, "Everything is up to you!"

But as soon as Bai Jing put away the sniper rifle, a dozen men from the East rushed out of the hotel to surround Li Tian and Bai Jing.

Seven or eight black holes pointed their guns at Li Tian, ​​and several shining Dongying knives had surrounded Li Tian.

When these men looked at Li Tian, ​​all of them showed fierce and wicked faces, as if as long as Li Tian resisted, they would cut Li Tian into pieces.

When they looked at Bai Jing, they immediately turned into a perverted look, their eyes kept sweeping on Bai Jing's chest and buttocks, and subconsciously licking their lips with their tongues.

"どんなにセクシーな妻よ, accident にも active home delivery が来た! 一緒に游びましょう?" One of the men who looked extremely threatening said in bird language.

If translated, it probably means: "Such a **** wife would take the initiative to send it to the door, so let me be refreshed, uncle!"

The lewd man smiled obscenely, while walking a few steps forward to Bai Jing, stretched out his paw in the direction of Bai Jing's chest, and grabbed it twice.

There was a look of disgust on Bai Jing’s face, and he could not help leaning against Li Tian’s side, but the molested man had just walked a few steps forward, staggering under his feet, and knelt in the distance. There are two steps in front of you.

It was as if his conscience had found out in an instant, and he suddenly fell to his knees to admit his mistake to Bai Jing.

This came down extremely suddenly. The Dongying men who surrounded Li Tian and Bai Jing didn’t know what was going on. It was only when this man fell to the ground accidentally when he was walking, and even these men uttered for a while. Mocking laughter.

But their laughter stopped abruptly, as if they were suddenly stuck in their necks.

And the lewd man who fell on the ground was holding his leg in pain and screaming incessantly.

Taking a closer look, everyone found that the knee position of the man's left leg was bloody, and even bone scum pierced from the kneecap.

If this molested man walked carelessly, his leg would definitely not suffer such severe damage, and now the wound on his leg seemed to be broken by someone using a gun.

But there were no gunshots heard all around.

The dozen or so men looked at each other, wondering what happened.

But soon someone seemed to have discovered something. This person saw that Li Tian's finger seemed to move slightly just now, so this person set Li Tian as the biggest suspect.

"Baga! Are you doing a ghost, are you?" The man shouted at Li Tian in Eastern Ying.

The seven or eight gunmen with guns around Li Tian suddenly lifted the guns in their hands, poked their guns in front of Li Tian, ​​and shouted at Li Tian in bird language.

Although Li Tian couldn't understand it, it probably meant to make Li Tian raise his hand and not to move.

Facing the muzzle of this black hole, Li Tian didn't have the slightest fear, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Do not move!

Although Li Tian's body hadn't been moved, with Li Tian's mind moving, the "Red Slash" on Li Tian flew up suddenly and directly slashed at the seven or eight spears.


A flash of red light suddenly flashed, and the "Red Cut" cut on the seven or eight firearms in an instant, as simple as cutting tofu. The guns were directly turned into two pieces, becoming a pile of scrap iron.

And this red line also crossed those Dongying knives.



With a crisp sound, these Dongying knives were also cut off.


"Is this man the Shinobu? Otherwise, how could he have such a ghostly attack power!"

There were expressions of horror on the faces of these more than a dozen men, bent slightly, and kept backing carefully. They were already full of fear for Li Tian in their hearts, and at this time they just wanted to turn around and run away.

At this moment, Li Tian felt a murderous aura coming from a distance.

As soon as Li Tian raised his head suddenly, he immediately used Xuantian **** in the direction where the murderous aura came.

"Swish!" "Swish!" Several gas bullets ejected by Xuantian's **** flew to the distant hotel window.


The glass of the room on the fifth floor of this hotel near the left was smashed open with a gun from the inside, and a black hole sniper rifle was aimed at Li Tian and Bai Jing in an instant.

But at this moment, the gas bomb of Xuantian **** had already attacked and hit the sniper gunner's head directly.

"Bang!" With a sound, the sniper's head was directly exploded by Li Tian's several gas bombs.

At this time, Bai Jing turned around abruptly, took the sniper rifle from his back, and raised his hand at several places in this hotel.

"Bang!" "Bang!" With a few shots, there were more dead souls in this hotel.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be able to run! If you dare to take a step, I will chop off your legs." Li Tian said with a sneer.


After listening to Li Tian's words, although these Dongying people did not understand, they could still feel Li Tian's murderous aura.

These men's legs trembled, let alone running away, they felt very strenuous even to stand still, but two of them sat on the ground with their butts, and some irritating yellow soup came out of their crotch.

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