Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3924: Counterattack

Just as Li Tian had expected, the abdomen Tiancong launched all strength to prepare to attack.

After this belly Tian Cong learned that Li Tian had killed his six Shangren in succession, although he was surprised, he put more responsibility on Kazama Ginbei. Abdomen Tian Cong thought that if the traitor Kazama Ginbei had not appeared, Li Tian might not be the opponent of the other six Shangren.

In the heart of Tian Cong in the abdomen, Li Tian was only lucky to escape the siege of the other six ninjas.

As soon as the belly Tian Cong received the news, he wanted to appoint all Shangren in West Jiuzhou Island to attack Li Tian, ​​but he did not stop him from the army commander.

The commander of the Korean army, as the defeated officer of Abdomen Tiancong, has now been subdued by Abdomen Tiancong.

Seeing the arrogant and arrogant abdomen Tian Cong, if all the ninjas are sent to attack Li Tian, ​​it is very likely that these ninjas will be killed by Li Tian.

The commander of the Korean army suggested that the Abdomen Tiancong mobilize the most powerful forces in the entire West Jiuzhou, including the zombie army and the ninja army to attack Li Tian, ​​so as not to give Li Tian any chance to breathe, and kill Li Tian and his subordinates at once. . In order to make Abdomen Tiancong listen to his suggestions, the commander of the Korean army described Li Tian's domestic battle as an example, hoping that Abdomen Tiancong would pay attention to Li Tian.

Although Tian Cong believed that the commander of the Korean army was deliberately exaggerating Li Tian's strength, he finally listened to the commander's suggestion.

Abdomen Tiancong decided to overwhelmingly defeat Li Tian with absolute numbers and absolute strength, beheading Li Tian and his deployment at one time, without giving Li Tian any chance to stand up.

Now the abdominal sky cluster has mobilized all the strength of the entire West Jiuzhou Island, including the fifty thousand zombie army controlled by him and the upper ninjas in Fukuoka Prefecture, and the ten thousand members of the sky cluster ninja organization and affiliated ninja organizations, and It is Fukuoka Prefecture’s 40,000 large and small corps. The total number has reached nearly 100,000.

One hundred thousand, this number is no longer a small number before the end of the world.

This number of 100,000 is the possession of Xijiuzhou Island.

An army of one hundred thousand is divided into two groups.

The first road is dominated by the Five Zombie Legions, supplemented by the Ninja Legions. The strength of the zombies in this zombie army is basically above level 6, and there are 50,000 zombies above level 6, imagination one is very scary. And the auxiliary ninjas are the main ninja and middle ninja.

The main general of this road is the abdominal sky cluster, and the deputy general is the commander of the Korean army.

The first army came out of Fukuoka City, passed through Kurume, entered the west coastline, entered Kumamoto Prefecture, passed Kumamoto City, Yatsushiro City, Izumi City, and entered Ruhr Island Prefecture to attack Li Tian Base Camp in Ruhr Island City.

The second road is dominated by soldiers from the Fukuoka Prefecture Army Corps, with some Shimonin and other personnel as supplementary.

The main generals are Takuya Kurokawa, the deputy of the Ten Cong Ninja Organization, and Hidenaka Miyazaki, the lord of Fukuoka Prefecture.

The second road exits from Fukuoka City, passes through Kurume and Hita City, enters Dafeng City along the eastern coastline into Miyazaki Prefecture, and then enters Ruhr Island City via Kirishima City, thus encircling the people of Li Tian.

For this battle, the abdominal sky cluster is confident of victory.

Not only because the abdominal sky cluster has a strong number advantage, more importantly, there are military trucks, tanks, helicopters and other heavy weapons in the abdominal sky cluster.

Belly Tian Cong proudly thought that even if his zombie team only came to fight soy sauce, just using these tank and gunship shells and missiles could wipe out the ashes of Li Tian's bombing.

Regarding the optimism of the abdomen Tiancong, the commander of the army shook his head helplessly, but did not continue to persuade.

Although the commander of the Korean army did not participate in the battle of the three legions of Flamingo, Hall of Heroes, and Rock in the joint attack on the Sakura Legion and against Li Tian, ​​he knew the whole process and results of the battle very well. At that time, there were only a lot more tanks and gunships in the three major legions than there were in the sky in the abdomen.

But the end result?

Li Tian still had the last laugh.

But the three major legions were wiped out.

At this time, a Toyo-made luxury convertible car was slowly advancing in the direction of Kumamoto Prefecture along the highway on the west coast. The commander of the Korean army sitting in the co-pilot, blowing the sea breeze, can watch the beautiful scenery on the coastline, and gradually feel better.

The driver in this car was a thin man with glasses. Driving the car, the man with glasses looked a little nervous, his eyes never leaving the road ahead. On the back seat of the car, the sky cluster in the abdomen was standing like a head of state in a military parade.

With a smile on Tian Cong’s face in his abdomen, he pointed his finger at the ragged zombie legion and said, "Cao legion commander, how do you say my zombie legion is better than your previous pilgrimage and holy legions? If all 50,000 zombies attack Li Tian, ​​how long can Li Tian and his people support?"

This tattered army of zombies is heading towards Ruhr Island along the highway along the west coast.

The commander of the Korean army naturally thought of his pilgrimage and the holy army.

If it were not for Li Tian, ​​the current pilgrimage and holy legions would still be one of the top ten legions, and the pilgrimage would still be one of the most powerful legion commanders in the power circle of Kyoto.

But now, Chao is reduced to the assistant of Tian Cong in the abdomen. He wants to watch the humiliation of Tian Cong in the abdomen. If the commander of the Chao Army wants to restore his glory, he can only take Li Tian's head back to the country and give it to the three dead bodies!

"My lord, naturally your zombie legion is stronger. These zombie legions have no life and are not afraid of death. As long as the adults control them properly, their combat effectiveness is naturally stronger."

A triumphant smile appeared on Tian Cong's face in his abdomen. He knew the answer. The reason for asking this was just this feeling.

"However, the strength of this Li Tian is strong, and this kid has a lot of ancient spirits and weird methods. At least three of the commanders of the top ten legions have been folded in his hands. The adults should be careful." Chao said.

"Huh! A little Li Tian scared you out of your courage, it's really useless!"

"I have an army of 50,000 zombies here. I don't believe that Li Tian's personal strength can kill 50,000 zombies. As for you, he has a lot of quirky and strange methods. My tank and gunship are powerful. Under the firepower attack, what is the use of his methods?" Tian Cong said with a sneer in his belly.

The driver wearing glasses also immediately agreed: "Yes! Abdominal Celestial Cong-sama is the owner of the Celestial Cloud Sword. He is the best among Iga Ninjas. Even the Three Corpse-sama admires the abdomen Celestial Cong. , How could he Li Tian be the opponent of Master Tiancong in the abdomen!"

The pilot said a few words in his belly Tian Cong felt a little refreshed, and he didn't go too much with the commander of the army.

"Chao, when it comes to Ruhr Island, I will let you see my true strength! Let you see the strength of my Tian Cong Yun Sword!" Tian Cong said with a sneer in his belly.

Having said this, the driver with glasses shivered suddenly, his hands tightly grasping the steering wheel, even the expression on his face became a little stiff.

The head of the Korean army was full of curiosity and surprise.

"Isn't this abdomen Tian Cong used his full strength when he was fighting me? How strong is his strength? Who is stronger than Huangfu Kunpeng?"

At this time, the zombie team entered Kumamoto Prefecture.

After entering the border of Kumamoto County, Tian Cong found that there were basically no zombies on the road, even when passing through towns.

"I have to admire Li Tian for being able to empty all the zombies in Kumamoto Prefecture in just a few days," said Tian Cong in the abdomen.

"Li Tian has nine-color corpse crystals, and he can control thousands of zombies at the same time. It is not surprising that he can empty these zombies!" said the commander of the army.

"But I want to say that he is an idiot, an out-and-out idiot! If he controls these zombies as you said, guards this Kumamoto Prefecture and fights with me, even if he is defeated by me, at least he still There is a way to retreat. But now? He gave up the entire Kumamoto prefecture and retreated to Ruhr Island. Once he is defeated by me, he can only jump into the sea to feed the mourning fish!" Abdomen Tian Cong said with a sneer.

"My lord, there are a few idioms in our country, which are called breaking the boat and fighting back. Maybe Li Tian has other ways, so adults should be careful!" said the commander of the army.

"You? Domestic? Hahaha, have you forgotten what happened seventy years ago? Our Dongying island country has occupied more than half of your land area with a small amount of land. If not for the intervention of the United States and Russia, I am afraid your country has become The colony of our country. In the face of absolute strength, you talk to me about morale. It seems that you are as stupid as Li Tian!" said Tian Cong in the abdomen.

The commander of the North Korean army was called back several times in a row by the abdomen Tiancong, and was reprimanded and insulted by the abdomen Tiancong. The commander of the Korean army was full of anger in his heart.

At this time, the head of the Korean army was extremely contradictory, thinking that the abdomen Tian Cong could kill Li Tian, ​​so that his grievances could be reported back to the Three Corpses, and he wanted to make Li Tian fiercely. Teach the arrogant Dongying devils.

"Are you thinking of me being arrogant and arrogant, thinking that Li Tian will teach me harshly?" Tian Cong suddenly asked in his abdomen.

The commander of the Chao Corps shook his head quickly and said, "Don't dare!"

"Huh! Not the best!"

"Give my order, go forward at full speed, and be sure to reach Ruhr Island before tomorrow morning!" said Tian Cong in the abdomen.

The abdomen Tiancong’s order was issued, and various strange whistles were heard from the huge team of zombies. As this whistle continued to pass through the team of zombies, the zombies gradually became excited and jumped out of the team one after another. Fast forward to the direction of Ruhr Island.

Abdomen Tiancong looked towards Ruhr Island, thinking in his heart: "Li Tian, ​​let my abdomen Tiancong see the strength of you who is touted as a **** by the commander of the army!"

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