Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3937: Okami

"Kitahara! We all followed you to Kirishima City because we believed you, but what about your master now? Where did he hide?"

"We have been here for one night. Although this night is relatively safe, there has been no zombie attack, but we can't live in this tent forever." A dozen men and women surrounded Beiyuan Qizui. Said eight tongues. 800

Kitahara was impatient and sweating profusely, shouting to the people surrounding him, "Listen to me, you can already see the walls of Kirishima City. There are absolutely no zombies inside the walls! If you trust me If so, we will find a way to climb the city wall, from now on we will never be attacked by zombies!"

"I still believe you? I won't wait for us to exhaust all our efforts and finally climb the city wall. What changes will happen?"

"Yes, it's better if we live on this hillside temporarily. If your master returns, we will follow you inside the city wall. If your master does not return, if something happens again, we can be together Return to the mountain in a moment!"

Beiyuan's voice was hoarse, his lips were chapped, and he continued to shout, "The mountain volcano erupted, and the volcanic ash has already destroyed the crops. What are you doing to destroy the mountain? I believe Master Li Tian will definitely come back!"

"Then you continue to believe, anyway, after the end of the world, I only believe in myself!" someone said disdainfully.

At this time, the crowd in the distance suddenly had a commotion, followed by several gunshots.

Someone yelled in horror, "No...it's not good, there is a bereaved attack!"

Everyone looked up and saw that there was a huge mourning bird with its wings spread over four or five meters in the sky.

"Quick...Run! Even firearms and bullets can't hurt this bereavement at all!" someone called out.

"It's over, it's over, let's play now! Looking at the size of the bereavement, the level of the bereavement is at least tenth level!" Someone sat on the ground and said blankly.

"They are all pretending to be dead, and the bereaved birds prefer to eat fresh food, maybe pretending to be dead can deceive the bereaved!" Someone suggested.

Soon the people who were still noisy just now fell to the ground and started playing the game of pretending to be dead.

Only Beiyuan stood alone, looking at the sky with tears in his eyes.

"Kitahara, you don't want to live anymore? Pretend to be dead!"

A man who still had something to do with Kitahara whispered to Kitahara.

"Don't pretend! Don't pretend to die, my master is here!" Kitahara said excitedly as he walked past a corpse.

"Your master is the bereavement bird?" the man asked.

Beiyuan shook his head and said, "No, my master is the man standing on the dead bird!"

After hearing Beiyuan’s words, other people nearby who fell to the ground pretending to be dead also stood up. At this time, they also saw a man standing beside the mutant crow. The man was dressed in white and was holding a silver gun. , Looked up from the ground, and suddenly felt that the man was so extraordinary and magnificent.

And that strong breath of contempt for everything makes those men obsessed with respecting women.

"Kitahara, your master really seems to be a **** descending from the earth!"

"The gods descended to the earth? Yes, my master is descended from the heavens! And the **** Amaterasu descended to the earth!" Beiyuan thought.

At this time, Kitahara was full of pride after being excited.

Beiyuan is not an idiot. At this time, he immediately learned how to use tiger skins as a banner. He said proudly, "You see that huge bereavement. It is my master's mount. I was fortunate to ride this with my master. Mount!"

The people around immediately showed envious expressions, and the look in Beiyuan's eyes was already a little wrong.

At this time, his son who ran to Beiyuan's side also showed a proud expression on his face after hearing Beiyuan's words.

Beiyuan watched the mutant crow hovering in mid-air for a few times, and slowly landed. Before Li Tian jumped off the surface, he walked a few steps and walked to the mutant crow in a very pleasing tone. The crow said a few words to prove that his relationship with the mutant crow is indeed close.

Seeing that the mutant crow didn't even tear and eat Beiyuan, and seemed to understand Beiyuan's words, nodded frequently, and everyone believed Beiyuan's words even more.

Li Tian and Little Hotpot jumped down from the mutant crow.

"Master Li Tian, ​​fortunately not insulting your life!" Beiyuan directly bowed to the ground, knocking his brain heavily on the ground and said.

Li Tian hurriedly lifted Kitahara, without talking nonsense, and said, "Kitahara, you immediately organize people to go to the corresponding wall, I will arrange for someone to send you into the wall of Kirishima City. From now on, Kirishima City will be yours. Managed!"

Beiyuan was touched by the shock, nodded heavily, and vowed to Li Tian, ​​as if he wanted to be a cow and horse for Li Tian.

Li Tian spent less than an hour in Kirishima City, and in less than an hour, Li Tian brought a small hot pot to blow up all the leaking zombies in other areas except the Tiandi Herringbone area. Beheaded.

Standing on the city wall, I saw Li Tian show his strength with his own eyes. These residents admired Li Tian even more. Some people even secretly decided to build a temple of Amaterasu in the appearance of Li Tian to worship Li Tian.

In this hour, these residents even saw the pontics that suddenly appeared out of thin air in the ten areas.

These bridges are like viaducts, and they will be a perfect connection of areas, so that the ten areas are no longer absolutely independent.

And seeing the appearance of these bridge bodies, the island residents knelt to the ground, and they now really treat Li Tian as a god.

Of course, in this hour, the little hot pot also showed his ability.

To tell the truth, the strength of the current small hot pot definitely exceeds that of any of the top ten legion commanders. If the level of the zombie is more than 20, then the strength of the small hot pot is definitely more than 20.

However, the strength of the performance of the small hot pot is more on the killing side, and this kind of visual impact does not have the bridge body built by the Dixing Yasha come to be stronger.

Therefore, the small hot pot is very hurt.

The little hot pot originally thought that he, the Lord of Fire, was considered a cultivator in strength, and he could definitely be Li Tian's right-hand man, and he might even be able to give some pointers to Li Tian's cultivation. But when Little Hot Pot learned that Li Tian had four Xiaoyachas to help, Little Hot Pot knew how ridiculous his thoughts were.

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