Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3955: Tree hidden (2)

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This voice suddenly appeared, and even the Ginbei Kazama next to him did not react. .

At this moment, the ninja sword of that figure hand had already gleamed to the back of Li Tian's neck!

In fact, there was no extra action when this figure flashed, and even when it was slashing Li Tian, ​​the voice had no extra action.

Only the sentence just said was said by this figure when he saw that the blade was about to chop off Li Tian's neck.

In his mind, in the next second, he should see a scene of blood rushing to the sky, or Li Tian's head rumbling to the ground.

However, the ideal is full, the reality is skinny!

When his Ninja Sword just touched Li Tian's neck, Li Tian's figure suddenly disappeared, and his Ninja Sword only cut through the afterimage of Li Tian.


The ninja sword slashed the afterimage in half, but the shadow suddenly disappeared because of Li Tian's, causing his ninja sword to slash and lose his balance.

"Not good, be it!" the shadow heart cried out.

And when he whispered this bad sound, the figure was already adjusting his body, and at the same time he had begun to perform his escape stunts, as long as his toes can hit the ground, then he has absolute confidence to hide stand up.

However, as mentioned earlier, there is often a gap between ideals and reality.

This gap directly affects the final result.

This shadow only felt that someone suddenly appeared behind him.

Without turning his head, he would know that the person behind him was Li Tian.


There was a trace of alertness in this shadow's heart, and he had subconsciously twisted his body forcibly, and the ninja sword in his hand had already been drawn towards Li Tian.

But his body hadn't been turned around yet, and a vigorous and powerful palm came out from the back of his head, and this palm slammed down, directly pressing the shadow's face to the ground, and a shot was flashing cold. The spear tip has reached his back cervical spine!

"Quick! How did he do it!" The shadow was already thinking about the scorching pain in his face.

"I don't care who you are. Since you attacked me, you have to pay a painful price for the attack! But Li Tian said to do it, I will give you three chances to attack me again. Remember, there are only three chances, if you do this After three chances, I haven't hurt me a bit. Either you follow me, follow me like the loyal dog Hachiko you mentioned just now, or I will get rid of your entire organization!"

"Don't challenge my patience, and don't doubt my ability! Because you are not worthy!" Li Tian said with a sneer.

"Now, I let you go, you can use all your strength to escape, I will never chase you!" After saying this, Li Tian suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the shadow's back forcefully. With a strong fall, the shadow was directly thrown out like a rock!

All this came too quickly, when Kazama Yinbingwei reacted, Li Tian had already thrown this shadow out.

"Lee... Master Li Tian, ​​you are... really too powerful!" Kazama Yinbingwei unexpectedly knelt down in front of Li Tian.

This is really please take my knees! "

Although Kazama Yinbingbei knew that Li Tian killed the abdominal clump, and even the bones that Li Tian destroyed the abdominal clump did not exist, this was enough to prove that Li Tian was powerful.

But after all, it had only been heard by Kazama Ginbei, and he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. This kind of shock was completely different from the current one.

It seemed that Li Tian gave Kazama Ginbei's feeling completely different from when he and Li Tian fought before.

This is a different change in existing strength, but more of a change in Li Tian's attitude.

Now Li Tian exudes this kind of self-confidence, even with one look and one movement, he feels that Li Tian is full of this powerful strength.

In just a few days, strength can no longer be described by leaps and bounds, but by earth-shaking changes. How many people in the entire world can do this kind of genius?

Thinking of this, Ginbei Kazama felt relieved.

"What can I do if my soul is imprisoned? What can I do if I am scolded as a loyal dog? The most important thing is that this time I chose the right person and followed the right person!"

"From ancient times to the present, those great ninjas, including the legendary ninja, didn't they treat their owners like loyal dogs?"

"As long as I follow Master Li Tian wholeheartedly, I believe that our Fengma Kotaro will soon be restored to glory!" Kazama Ginbei thought.

At this time, Li Tian's sight had fallen on the body of the little hot pot.

Kazama Ginbei naturally stood behind Li Tian, ​​and also focused his attention on the body of the small hot pot.

The speed of the little hot pot is super fast, his speed even exceeds the speed of Kazama Ginbei's eyes.

Kazama Ginbei was only in the blink of an eye, the small hot pot had already rushed to the front of a big tree with a thick embrace, and then blinked again, the small hot pot hit the big tree with a punch, and then the big tree with a thick embrace The big tree snapped instantly, and the broken place immediately began to burn flames.


A figure had escaped from this big tree before the fist of the small hot pot hit, and then hid into another big tree, and the figure of the small hot pot also flashed, already in front of the big tree .


With another punch, the big tree with thick arms collapsed again.

Repeated this way, but in less than a minute, dozens of big trees with thick arms in this mountain forest were bombarded by the small hot pot, and those trees with thick bowls were not counted.

This little hot pot is a saboteur as a whole, as long as there is a spot where the little hot pot figure flashes, the place will be a mess, and the flames will skyrocket.

"There is no art at all! There is no sense of beauty at all! Let this little hot pot continue to be destructive like this, I am afraid that, as you said, this win Yanshan will be destroyed by him here!" Li Tian said.

In fact, for those shadows hidden in the book, their sneak attacks have failed since they were discovered by Li Tian and Xiao Hotpot.

But no matter the attack of this little hot pot or Li Tian's attack, it was too fast. They hadn't had time to retreat, were subdued or stuck, they had no choice but to retreat.

At this time, the shadow entangled in the small hot pot really wanted to scold his mother, but instead he began to envy the shadow that was subdued by Li Tian.

"The woods here are almost destroyed by this lustful monster. Once these trees are destroyed, then my time of death is approaching!" This shadow thought to himself, and in the next second he completely involuntarily shouted out " Who will save me, I don't want to die!

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