Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3980: advent

When he was in the sky, Li Tian could see everything clearly.

Through the expressions on the faces of these onlookers, Li Tian could also guess the psychological thoughts of these guys when they saw the banner of the fierce warrior appeared in the city of Ruhr.

"Still hesitating?"

Li Tian's eyes swept around coldly.

The big guys who were swept by Li Tian's gaze felt like they were staring at a poisonous snake, shivering all over, and involuntarily stepped back.

"It seems that my Li Tian has been on this West Jiuzhou Island for too short a time. Although I killed the abdomen sky cluster and sank Zhongtong Island, the strength I showed was not enough to make them follow me desperately. Li God, and the deterrence I caused to them is still direct without the banner of fierce warriors."

"Dogs can't change the guys who eat shit! It seems that I have to sort out this West Jiuzhou Island in a short time, otherwise once I leave this West Jiuzhou Island, these guys will inevitably be spoiled!" Li Tian thought in his heart.

After Li Tian killed the abdomen Tiancong, Li Tian arranged for Yang Guo and Kazama Yinbingwei to start migrating the zombies from West Jiuzhou Island to Nanshiguo Island.

Now after half a month of operation, the vast majority of zombies on West Jiuzhou Island have migrated to Nanshiguo Island, and the remaining zombies are very few. Most of these zombies are basically against West Kowloon. The residents of Zhoudao will not cause major harm anymore.

However, the zombie crisis was temporarily lifted, but the various forces in West Jiuzhou Island, Li Tian, ​​did not come to rush to adjust. When Li Tian was in Northwest China, a head banquet basically surrendered all the forces in the northwest.

But that was because at that time Li Tian had already mastered the Sunset Fortress and the largest legion in the northwest. He had a deterrent to other forces. At that time, Li Tian asked the barbarians and Tang Xiaolong to surrender those forces that were unwilling to surrender. The big bosses beheaded, and they played that role in cooperation with the head feast.

But now, although Li Tian killed the abdomen sky cluster and sunk Zhongtong Island, his personal strength has been fully demonstrated, but Li Tian’s foundation on West Jiuzhou Island is not stable after all, and he only relies on the wind. The few ninjas of Ginbei, those of Kirishima City in Kitahara, and the few beheaded castle owners who had already taken refuge in Li Tian were not enough to control the entire West Kyushu Island.

These people who came to Ruhr Island City today are just afraid of Li Tian’s personal strength. Once Li Tian leaves West Kyushu Island that day, he will go to Honnakashu Island and Iga, Koga, and the warriors. If Li Tian can Fortunately, these guys will follow Li Tian like loyal dogs. But once Li Tian is entangled by Iga, Koga, or fierce warriors, these guys will definitely become restless.

The nationality of this country is like this bird.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the distance of the street, and even a lively sound of gongs and drums amidst the noise, and some people were still shouting loudly in Dongying: "The Erquan Mountain Abe Spring Wolf Falls All subordinates take refuge in Master Li Tian!"

"Erquan Mountain Abe Chunlang fell all subordinates to vote for Lord Li Tian!"

Soon, Li Tian saw a convoy of more than a dozen cars. The head of the convoy was a pickup truck. The car was covered with a horn, and the shouting sound and the noisy gongs and drums came from Shouted out of this horn.

And behind this car were several large trucks, which were either densely packed with people or filled with mess.

Several flags were hung on the convoy, and the content of the call was written on them.

"High-profile! It's hard work for this guy to be able to do such a high profile!"

"Very well, I'm worried that no one is available. Only those high-profile people like you who put themselves to death can I believe that you really came to surrender! If so, then I will give you a chance!" Li Tian Thought in his mind.

A smile gradually appeared on Li Tian's face, and he said to the Cangshan warship soldier who could speak Dongying: "What is your name?"

An expression of excitement immediately appeared on that person's face, as if he had never expected Li Tian to ask his name.

For the soldiers of the Cangshan ship, Li Tian is a high-ranking existence. Although they are fortunate to be able to see Li Tian often, there are not many who can make Li Tian call out his name.

And once Li Tianneng called out his name, it was equivalent to having entered Li Tian's sight, and the future could be said to be limitless.

The soldier said excitedly: "Go back to Master Li Tian, ​​my name is Liu Sen, you can call me Xiao Liu or Xiao Sen!"

Li Tian nodded and said to Liu Sen: "You guys go and stop this team for me, and bring me the person in charge of this team!"

Liu Sen led the order to Li Tianjing and gave a military salute, and then took the two of them and walked over.

"Stop!" Liu Sen stood in front of the convoy, hugged the gun in his arms, and shouted sharply.

Sitting in the car, Haruka Abe saw Liu Sen's decoration and knew that Liu Sen must be from Ruhr Island. He immediately opened the door and walked out of the car, and then trot two steps to Liu Sen.

"I don't know what this adult has to order?" Abe Haru Lang nodded and bowed, asked with a hint of anxiety on his face and a more flattering expression.

"Stop talking nonsense, our Lord Li Tian wants to see you!" Liu Sen said.

"Lee... Lord Li Tian?" Abe did not expect that he would have the opportunity to be received by Li Tian when he first came to Ruhr Island City, and he was full of ecstasy.

"It seems that my sword is going slant forward!" Thinking of this, Abe straightened up his waist involuntarily, and the enviable eyes of Abe were even more triumphant when looking at the people around.

"Then you will be able to lead the way!" Abe said.

Abe Haruwolf held his head high, and followed Liu Sen to Li Tian in the eyes of everyone's envy.

Abe didn't know Li Tian, ​​but before he walked in front of Li Tian, ​​he saw a corpse lying on the ground. The corpse looked terrible. It seemed to be beaten to death by a crowd, and blood was everywhere on the ground.

What made Abe more uneasy was the half of the banner exposed under the corpse.

"Fierce... the banner of the fierce warrior! This..."

Abe Haruka's heart was uneasy, he only felt his two legs were soft and swaying, and the envious eyes in his eyes also turned into schadenfreude.


Haruhiro Abe swallowed his saliva and pinched a few times on his leg, trying to stop his swaying leg.

Soon Abe Haruka's mood calmed down, and his eyes swept away and he saw Qiyuxuanang Li Tian.

Abe Haruwolf walked a few steps and knelt halfway in front of Li Tian, ​​and said loudly: "Erquan Mountain Abe Haruwolf led the entire army of men, women and children to take refuge in Li Tian!"

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