Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3988: Contact (2)

"Little boss, what did you find?" Tang Xiaolong asked puzzledly.

Li Tian did not answer Tang Xiaolong's question, and said: "Follow me, you will understand soon!"

Speaking that Li Tian had already walked quickly towards a street corner in front, Tang Xiaolong didn't ask anything anymore, and followed Li Tian.

The speed of the two is so fast. Sometimes in order to cut corners, Li Tian would even cross the wall and pass through the houses of some residents, and even directly collapse a certain wall.

After passing through three or four streets in a row, Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong came to a complex of buildings. The height of this building is no more than two stories. However, it can be seen from the text in front of those buildings that this building is in the last days. The former belonged to a local chamber of commerce.

The steel fence surrounding the building was originally not high, it was about 1.5 meters at most, but the steel fence was obviously processed, making the height of the fence more than two meters, and the steel fence There are tribulus terrestris everywhere, giving this wall a certain defensive effect.

On the fence, some steel bars are welded. These steel bars are welded at an angle of about forty-five degrees, which is like a rejection.

Of course, in front of this wall, there is also a channel with a width of more than two meters and a depth of more than three meters. In this channel is green water with some debris and hair floating on it, and there are several dead bodies in this channel. These corpses have become white bones, which shows that these corpses have been around for some years.

"Little boss, what is this place?" Tang Xiaolong asked.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the station of Iga Ninjas in Xiaoyantian City!" Li Tian said.

Li Tian only guessed this because the only place in Xiaoyantian City had such defensive measures. It said that after the end of the world, there should be human life or garrison here. These walls are like a condensed version of the city wall, and this canal is like a condensed version of the moat.

However, it is obvious that the city wall and the moat have not played a corresponding role. At the gate of the main street, the wall has been twisted together by the bombardment, and the steel gate of the courtyard has also fallen on Above the canal, it looks like a steel plate bridge.

Through the steel fence, you can see that there are still some vegetable plots in the courtyard of the building complex. It is already more than September at this time. These vegetables are growing well. It can be seen that people have been taking care of them carefully.

But at this time, in a corner of the courtyard, two zombies were lying on the ground, devouring these things. It means that no one has been guarding at least recently, otherwise these zombies would not be allowed to walk in.

"Go, let's go in and take a look!" Li Tian said.

Tang Xiaolong nodded, and followed Li Tian across the canal and through the vegetable field in the courtyard. The low-level zombie obviously saw Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong, but the two zombies did not get up, but kept on constantly. Put something in their mouths.

"Little boss, it looks like a human corpse! Could it be that this place has been captured by zombies?" Tang Xiaolong asked.

Li Tian shook his head and said, "Xiaolong, you also saw the steel fence just now. How many levels of zombies do you think have the power to twist the steel fence into that way?"

"At least zombies above level nine!"

"Then you think Iga Ninja's upper ninja or ninth-level zombie is better?"

Tang Xiaolong thought for a while and said, "Although I haven't played against the upper ninjas of Iga Ninja, from the strength of Kazama Ginbei, of course the upper ninjas of Iga Ninja are better!"

"Yes, according to my speculation, even if these upper ninjas encounter zombies at level 14 or 5, they definitely have the ability to escape, and these ninjas more or less have the ability to control zombies, then plus the time The location is right, it is almost impossible for these zombies to capture here!" Li Tian said.


"I suspect it's the blamer!" Li Tian said with certainty.

At this time Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong had already arrived at the door of this building. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, the wooden door seems to be "creaking" because of moisture.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a group of flies suddenly flew out from behind the door. Li Tianyi lowered his head to avoid the flies and did not let the flies fly on his face.

As soon as the wooden door was opened less than a foot wide, a smell of corruption has floated out of the wooden door.

Li Tian walked in with Tang Xiaolong. The first thing that caught his eye was a corpse crawling at the door. The decay of this corpse was slightly less than that of the zombies in the Qiaotou Fortress, but the same above. There are already some maggots. These maggots crawled around the corpse, and people couldn't help nauseating.

"Little boss, really is the one who blames you!" Tang Xiaolong said.

Li Tian glanced suspiciously at Tang Xiaolong who was standing behind him.

"Little boss, you see that the corpse was obviously cut in the waist, and the trace covered with pus and blood on the ground, these are very similar to those in the Qiaotou Fortress!" Tang Xiaolong said.

Li Tian nodded and pointed to the **** words on the right wall, and said, "Yes, but the most important thing is the words on it!"

Pushing the door in is a hall with an area of ​​about 100 square meters, and on the right side of the hall is a wooden screen, but this screen obviously cannot stand the huge blood on the wall!

Tang Xiaolong took two steps, kicked the screen with one foot, then turned his head and asked, "Li Tian?"

Li Tian nodded, it was an answer to Tang Xiaolong!

Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong continued to inspect the building. There was not much difference between this and the bridge fortress. There was only one corpse in the lobby on the first floor, and dozens of corpses in the second floor were chopped up.

Judging from the destroyed walls and furniture, there was a fierce battle on the second floor, but it seemed that resistance was useless, and the appearance of those ninjas was just a bit worse.

Although the ninjas were cut in half, their corpses were all nailed to the wall with wood. There were all such corpses on one wall on the entire second floor.

The blood stained the entire wall, and maggots continued to fall from the corpse, and then those maggots continued to climb up the wall. Even Li Tian felt a chill in his heart when he looked at the whole picture.

"This person who puts the blame on is really cruel, he is so cruel to put the blame on!" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help sighing.

"Let's go! The place of right and wrong should not be stayed for long. I suspect that the blamer may have caused the trouble in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Maybe the ninjas of Iga have noticed!" Li Tian said.

Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong had just come downstairs and just opened the wooden door, they saw a dozen black shadows suddenly flying out of the buildings in all directions and falling into the courtyard.

"Li Tian! Let us finally wait for you! You thief, I didn't expect you to come back here again after doing such a thing!"

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