Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3993: Talking about the future under the month (1)

The incident in Xiaoyantian City seemed to be an episode, which did no harm to Li Tian and others.

However, through this incident, Li Tian already knew that the Iga Ninja Organization was also looking for the blamer, and the ability of the blamer seemed to be stronger than ordinary Shangren.

This made Li Tian's heart gradually more anticipation, looking forward to meeting the blamer as soon as possible, and then playing well with the blamer.

In fact, Li Tian can choose to explain to these ninjas today, saying that this matter has nothing to do with him. Even if the ninjas did it, Li Tian could simply educate the ninjas of Iga, and then let them go back and tell the chief of Iga Ninja’s abdomen that this matter was not what Li Tian did, not now. All the lives of these dozen ninjas were left in this small Yantian city.

But when facing these Dongying ninjas, Li Tian couldn't help the anger in his heart anyway. Because Li Tian understood that it was because his strength had enough deterrent to them, so those ninjas did not dare to act rashly.

And if Li Tian was replaced as a zombie three months ago, Li Tian's strength is not enough to form a deterrent to these people, then the situation today will probably be reversed. It was not that Li Tian beheaded them, but they would easily behead all the people who followed Li Tian and then capture Li Tiansheng back to the Iga Ninja headquarters.

Of course, if Li Tian's strength remained the same three months ago, then I am afraid that the culprit would directly take care of Li Tian instead of Li Tian, ​​who is now like this.

Although these ninjas were beheaded, Li Tian still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, as if he could not release a breath from his chest.

Li Tian knew that the reason why he held such a breath in his chest was because of the blamer.

This feeling is as if you have been misunderstood. Although you beat the person who bullied you because of the misunderstanding, the person who deliberately planted and framed you is still at large, and the feeling that he continues to discredit you is It's the same, but you didn't even plant the wrong person who didn't know the same aggrieved.

"Who is it?" Li Tian muttered to himself while lying on the roof of the small hotel, looking up at the moon in the sky.

At this time, Situ Ningbing and Xueji also turned upside down. Both Situ Ningbing and Xueji were holding some food in their hands. They tiptoedly walked to Li Tian's side, and then passed the food to Li Tian. Tian took it, and the two of them sat next to Li Tian.

Situ Ningbing said gently: "Li, in fact, whoever it is, there is only one result waiting for him, and that is failure! So, Li, why should you bother yourself with mediocrity? I know that your purpose of coming to Dongying is not just to occupy. West Jiuzhou Island, but the entire Dongying!"

Situ Ningbing was just a simple sentence, but Li Tian felt a sudden sense of relief in his heart.

Yes, since the goal is the entire Dongying, the final result must be that Li Tian wants to control the entire Dongying four islands and even other nearby islands in his hands, so why is there still a entanglement in who will blame him? What?

No matter who it is, just behead it directly.

As for controlling the four islands of Dongying, this was actually Li Tianlai's idea before Dongying Island.

The current army soul legion has basically controlled the overall situation in the country. Although the old man once hinted that Li Tian, ​​after the end of the world, the country may become the world of the Li family, but Li Tian also knows that because of the things that happened in the country and the domestic The complicated situation may not be easy to achieve in the Li family.

Even if it is achieved, I am afraid that this country will be unstable.

Moreover, Li Tian knew that he would definitely go to the Netherworld in the future, so Li Tian of the Li family dynasty was not very concerned. What Li Tian wanted to think about was to find a place for the brothers in the heavens. The place.

And this Dongying is the best choice.

"Ning Bing, after we have solved the problems of the Dongying Island Kingdom, I will go back and fight the Three Corpses upright. Then all I have to do is look for clues to my mother, and then I will most likely be Go to the Netherworld..."

Before Li Tian finished speaking, Situ Ningbing leaned over, resting her head on Li Tian's shoulder, and said, "Li, wherever you go, I will follow you! Let alone the Netherworld. , Even if it’s hell, I have to go through with you."

"There is also me! I am helpless in the earth world, and I am definitely going to follow you to explore!" Xue Ji also said.

Li Tian nodded, stretched out his hand to embrace Situ Ningbing and Xueji’s arms, and said softly: "My current strength is already considered the topmost existence in the earth world, but if it is divided according to the strength of the Netherworld, I am only now. It’s just a cultivator level, and going to the Netherworld at this level will definitely be full of danger..."

"Li, I know that no matter how dangerous the Netherworld is, it will definitely not be able to stop you, nor can it stop me, so you don't need to consider my side, but you have to consider Duanmuying, Ouyang Shiqing, Bai Jing and others more. And your little Li Tian!" Situ Ningbing said.

This is also a problem that has plagued Li Tian recently.

Duanmuying is pregnant, even if Xiaoli Tian is born, it is impossible for Li Tian to take Xiaolitian to the Netherworld together.

Bai Jing and other people also don't have the strength to go to the Netherworld. If Li Tian is allowed to protect them in the Netherworld as if they are in the earth world, it is also powerless with the current strength of Li Tian.

Of course, Duanmuying seems to enjoy the feeling of being a queen in West Jiuzhou Island very much now, and Duanmuying also intentionally or unintentionally told Li Tian that she did not want to go back to China again when she was chatting with Li Tian. Xiao Li Tian raised an adult in the island country of Dongying, and then let Xiao Litian become the true master of the island country of Dongying in the future.

"Duanmuying will stay in Dongying Island in the future. This is also her idea, so I will respect her idea. As for Ouyang Shiqing, the most urgent thing now is to develop the antidote to the zombie virus as soon as possible, and turn her back into a human first. If Bai Jing wants to go back to China, I will take her back and let her take charge of the domestic Celestial Legion. Then there is Tang Feifei..." Li Tian's mind outlines the way out for these women. Up.

Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji looked at Li Tian.

Although Li Tian was only drawing up the blueprint and was not trying to abandon these women, but Li Tian couldn't help showing some painful expressions on his face.

At this moment, Li Tian thought of Xia Xue and Han Yun, the two women who had been with Li Tian.

Where are they now?

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