Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4005: Save people

"No...no opinion!" Said Otsuka Marina.

A smug smile flashed across Li Tian's face and said: "Don't take it too seriously, I just said it, now we still need to save people!"

Mr. Otsuka immediately brought Li Tian and the small hot pot to the laboratory where this space was divided. On the ground of that laboratory, he saw General Otsuka who had passed out!

Li Tian put his finger under General Otsuka’s nose, and could feel General Otsuka’s breathing weak. Li Tian suspected that when Otsuka would breathe in just now, he must have inhaled a lot of toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, but it was Li. It can be said that the people of Tianhe Otsuka do not know anything about medicine, and they cannot judge the current situation of Otsuka.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Otsuka has been confused, and has no idea how to deal with the current situation.

"Shut up!" Li Tian turned around abruptly and shouted at the Otsuka Kuangren.

The expression on Otsuka Marina was startled, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Li Tian stretched out his hand and tried to make Otsuka wake up by pinching people, but this trick seemed to be useless, and Otsuka would not have the slightest intention to wake up.

"Because the ventilation equipment in the explosion underground has stopped working, the oxygen content in this space is too low, and he may have inhaled some harmful gas when he was breathing just now. If he doesn't want him to become a fool or maybe If it's a vegetable, we must take him out of here." Li Tian said.

Li Tian blamed himself a little, why didn't he bring Windsor here when he came here.

But at this moment, when he fought with that Iga Ninja, he was unscrupulous and acted like a wolf like a wolf. Now he was at a loss and helpless.

No matter what Li Tian said, he agreed with him.

"Now I'm sending you to a place where the oxygen content is much higher than here, but don't feel strange no matter what you see, you should now wholeheartedly consider the safety of General Otsuka!" Li Tian said.

The man from Otsuka nodded repeatedly.

Li Tian directly reached out and sent Otsuka General and Otsuka Marina to the space of Void Yasha.

Kuangren Otsuka just didn't know what Li Tian meant by what he said. He also nodded to Li Tian politely, but his eyes blinked, and he appeared in another dimension in an instant.

This space looks like a luxuriously decorated room, and there are still a few people in this room staring at him.

As a ninth-level zombie, he has a preliminary feeling for people who are stronger than his own. The people of Otsuka Kuang did not expect that the strength of these people in this space would far exceed him.

And beside these people, there are a few strange little things. These little things are ugly and obviously do not belong to the creatures of the earth world, and these little guys also stared at him with unkind eyes, while four The energy released by the little guy is also stronger than him.

Fortunately, Li Tian also came to this space with him, otherwise Otsuka Kuangren's heart would be full of anxiety!

"You and General Otsuka will stay here first, I will take you out, leave this research institute and return to the village. Maybe someone in that village can treat Mr. Otsuka!" Li Tian said.

After speaking, Li Tian stretched out his hand and patted a few more times, and sent Gao Bi, the mysterious female lily, Shen Tao, Dixing Yasha and Feitian Yasha out of this space, leaving only the mutant crow, the void Yasha and the Hai Yasha. !

When the people of Otsuka Kuang saw those fierce and evil people being sent out by Li Tian, ​​his heart was slightly relieved.

And he just wanted to say thank you to Li Tian, ​​but Li Tian took the mutant crow and disappeared from the space of Void Yasha.

Void Yasha and Li Tian have already passed through the Mind God Gully, so Void Yasha knows the current situation very well. Seeing the worried expression on Otsuka Kuang's face, Void Yasha said: "Don't worry, since my master Li Tian He said he would be treated for this child, then he must have a way, so you don't need to worry anymore!"

It's okay for Void Yasha not to speak. As soon as he spoke, the surprised expression on Otsuka's face became even stronger.

Looking at Otsuka Kuangren's expression as if he was looking at a monster, Xu Yasha's heart was upset.

He directly took Hai Yacha and walked out of the space.

At this moment, Li Tian had already led everyone out of the research institute and entered the tunnel, and Li Tian had already arranged things for everyone.

Gao Bi, Shen Tao, Mysterious Female Lily and Xiao Hotpot are jointly responsible for the guardianship of this research institute. According to Li Tian, ​​this research institute already belongs to Li Tian, ​​no matter who does not get Li Tian's permission, Anyone who attempts to enter the research institute is an enemy, and people like Xiao Hotpot have the right to kill them.

As for Hetian was also sent into the space of Void Yasha by Li Tian, ​​perhaps at this time only Hetian stayed with Otsuka and his son, they would not feel pressure.

While Void Yasha and Hai Yacha thought about sitting on Li Tian's shoulders and following Li Tian, ​​but they were sent directly into the space by Li Tian.

Li Tian needs to know the situation of General Otsuka in that space at any time, so Void Yasha and Hai Yasha must stay in the space. Then Li Tian jumped on the mutant crow to let the mutant crow take him to fly to which mountain village.

This time, the mutant crow can fly at an open speed, and there is no need to follow that road or path. The flight speed is naturally much faster.

At this moment, the sky outside has cleared up, but the clouds have not yet cleared, the sun has begun to set west, and the entire western sky is red.

The mutant crow spread its wings and flew high, and after less than half an hour, it had returned to the mountain village before the afterglow of the sun had completely disappeared.

There was no change in the mountain village and when Li Tian left. Li Tian let the mutant crow fall in front of the only building with lights, and then opened the door and walked in.

"Little boss, why are you back? How about that kid Hetian? He didn't run away?" Tang Xiaolong asked suspiciously after seeing Li Tian.

Li Tian shook his head and came to this living room.

Seeing Li Tian, ​​the eyes of the children who were sitting in the living room just now eating dry food immediately looked behind Li Tian, ​​but they did not see He Tian.

There was a hint of fear on the faces of these children.

Li Tian didn't have time to explain to the children at this time, and directly shouted at the children in Dongying language: "Keep a little bit open and make this living room free for me!"

Speaking of Li Tian, ​​he brought Tsuruta and Otsuka Kuangren out of the space of Void Yasha, and then he brought Otsuka General from the space.

"Windsor, come and save people!" Li Tian shouted.

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