Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4023: Join hands

Li Tian jumped a few meters back to get a little bit away from Kumasaka Narita, looked at Kumasaka Narita vigilantly, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Li Tian knows that his power will never belong to this old man, but now, whether it is speed, explosive power, or power, Li Tian completely suppresses Li Tian. If Li Tian does not want to be suppressed by the old man, then he only Can rely on "Red Slash", or directly launch the strongest attack to let Qingyun Qi Jue solve the battle.

But Li Tian didn't want to solve the battle like this.

There must be my teacher in a three-person line. If there is no gain in a battle, then what is the point of victory even if it is won? And Li Tian urgently needs to learn this ability to control power, not only for him, but also for Tang Xiaolong.

If Tang Xiaolong can control this skill, then Tang Xiaolong's strength will increase exponentially. At that time, Li Tian will have a powerful helper by his side, and Li Tian will be more confident when fighting the Three Corpses.

"You kid is really naive, now it's your life and death fight, am I going to be stupid enough to hand it over to you, old man?" Kumasaka Narori said with a smile.

"Really? Since you don't want to teach me, then I will comprehend it myself!" Li Tian let out a loud shout, and rushed to Kumasaka Chengliang again.

Kumasaka Chengliang sneered, and instead of retreating, he rushed forward with the force of his legs, and his palm faced Li Tian's iron fist and attacked again.



Whenever Li Tian’s Soul Breaking Fist is evaded by Naruto Kuma Saka and falling in the distance, it will blast the asphalt road out of a big pit, but if Li Tian’s Soul Breaking Fist falls into the palm of Naruto Kumasaka. , But it was like a mud cow entering the sea without any reaction at all.

And just at this moment, some changes began on Kusumasa's body.

A puff of white smoke rose from Kumasaka's white hair, just like it was when practicing exercises on martial arts TV a long time ago.

But as the white smoke came out, Kumizaka Narita's movements became more and more expressive. Li Tian only felt a flower in front of him, and saw as if countless arms were attacking in his direction, even if it was Avalokitesvara It's just that.

And this Kuma Saka Narita's palm is not only fast, but the attack is also getting more and more lingering. Once Li Tian can't dodge, even if the iron fist intersects with the palm, Li Tian's boxer immediately feels like it is piercing ten million silver needles at the same time. It was the same, even Li Tian was unbearable.

The situation reversed in an instant, and Li Tianyou's offensive side became the evasive party.

But Li Tian couldn't back down. Even if Kumamoto Chengliang's attack was only for evasion and defense, Li Tian would never allow him to back down.

"Boy, are still trying hard? Don't forget that we are ninjas, and we will be dead if we try harder!" Kumasaka said with a smile.

Li Tian didn't know what Kumizaka Narita meant by this sentence.

"Old man, if you don’t show up some housekeeping skills, don’t blame me Li Tian for not respecting the old and loving the young! Your skills are not as good as the abdomen Tian Cong and Kurokawa Ieyasu! You want my life to be very early. What?" Li Tian said disdainfully.

"is it?"

Kumamoto Chengliang sneered, his face showing a bit of sullenness, and his attacking movements became faster and faster.

"Almost again? No... wrong!"

Suddenly Li Tian realized something and tried his best to throw a punch at Kumasaka Narita, and then he backed away quickly.

During this retreat, Li Tian immediately realized that something was wrong: Kumsaka Nariyao's movements were getting faster and faster, on the contrary, Li Tian's movements inadvertently became slower and slower.

In such a comparison, it is that the speed of Kumizaka Narita will only get faster and faster in Li Tian's eyes!

At this moment, Li Tian felt that some stone-like things suddenly appeared in the river of his body, these things hindered the flow of the river in the vein, and also hindered Li Tian's ability.

It's no wonder Li Tian's movements will be slower and slower, if it weren't for Li Tianshi, I would not know the danger of the situation!

"What's the matter? Are these attacks?" Li Tian asked in horror.

"I realized now that it's a bit late? Boy, I reminded you that if you don't use your skills, you will lose your life!"

"You can't let your guard down at any time in front of my pharmacist ninja!" Kumizaka said with a smile.

This Kumamoto Nariya is the most famous pharmacist ninja among Iga ninjas.

This pharmacist ninja is different from the medical ninja. The medical ninja is a ninjutsu that studies healing, while the pharmacist ninja is a ninja that studies deadly killing.

These pharmacist ninjas have received the cruel training of non-human half since childhood, and he is even more so like Kumsaka Narita. From the beginning of his memory, he has been feeding on various poisonous herbs and poisonous insects, which made his body already It is a hundred poisons invaded, and his attacks are also extremely poisonous.

Kumamoto Chengliang wouldn't have such a status as just that. He was even more powerful because he could control the toxins in the body as he pleased, and even used ninjutsu to completely turn him into poison.

The smile on Kumizaka's face gradually turned into a fierce light, and he sneered with his hands folded and said: "Li Tian, ​​I can spare you not to die by handing over the zombie virus antidote reagent, otherwise..."

Li Tian's body shook slightly, then stepped back, and said, "Dreaming!"

After that, Li Tian's heart moved, and the Jixing Yasha, who had already been ambush underground, instantly generated four walls around Kumsaka Narita's body, which were more than one meter thick, completely binding Kumsaka Narita inside.

On the other side, the mother-in-law of Fujiwara Chiji has been pestering the old Shiji.

"Why haven't you shot yet? Kumasaka Narita has been trapped by Li Tian, ​​what good is it for you to continue to pester me here?" Shiki God Ninja said.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this, so why don't you take it? Do you want to wait for me to force you to take it?" Mother-in-law Fujiwara Chiji said.

"Fujiwara Chiji, we are all ninjas of the Eastern Islands, and even if we have any deep hatred and grievances, we should put it aside first. After all, Tiancai Li is our common enemy."

"We must first settle in the outside world, why don't we unite to deal with Li Tian? After we have killed Li Tian, ​​it will not be too late for us to solve our problems at that time!" said the old Shigod.

The mother-in-law of Fujiwara Chichi was amused by the words of the old Shiji. Her shriveled mouth smiled as if it were a flower, and said with a smile: "Joining hands? Okay, it depends on what you can do?"

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