Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4036: Collect the corpse

Kumasaka's body exploded.

And at the moment of the explosion, the purple electric snake basically swallowed his body almost, even if the sporadic venom flew out, Li Tian could easily avoid it.

There was a trace of sadness flashing across Fujiwara Chiji's face watching the explosion of Kuma Saka Narita, but the sadness only flashed past and soon she returned to normal.

Just now, Li Tianxin still communicated with Feitian Yasha and Dixing Yasha, telling Feitian Yasha and Dixing Yasha if Fujiwara would save you and let them both trap him anyway.

Li Tiansi didn't mind killing one more person.

But what Li Tian didn't expect was that Fujiwara Qianji couldn't say that he didn't make a move, and he just watched Kumasaka Narori being killed.

"You must be wondering why I chose to sit on the sidelines?" Fujiwara Chiji asked.

Li Tian nodded slightly and said, "It is true! Although you are not my opponent with your strength, if you want to escape, I will definitely not be able to keep you!"

Fujiwara Chiji smiled and said, "Yes, but I won't run away! Although it's the first time I saw you today, I know you too well. You are the kind of person who will be ruthless. If I guess right, All these ninjas who attacked you today will not escape death, including me."

"It doesn't matter if I die or not. Anyway, I can live by my age. Even if I can die in your hands, it is not unacceptable! But I can't die, at least I can't die in our country. He Ninja’s leader’s abdomen is hiding in front, because I can’t watch him throwing corpses into the wilderness after his death, his body is torn at will by those zombies and zombies!"

"Our Dongying island nation pays more attention to land security than China, so I want to save my cruel life to collect the corpses for the ninjas of Iga Ninja! After I collect these corpses and bury them, I will come personally. Lead death." Fujiwara Chiji said.

"Hey, we shouldn't be an enemy of Iga Ninja! I really don't know that after I die, I still have a face to face the former dead soul of Iga Ninja!" Fujiwara Chiji said sadly .

Li Tian never thought that Fujiwara Chiuji would explain this way, and Li Tian seemed to have no reason to refuse Fujiwara Chiuji's request.

"Since you have made this decision, it seems that I have no reason to refuse you, but you still have to hand over the weapons in your hand, so you can safely collect the body!" Li Tian said.

Fujiwara Chiji looked at the ninja sword in her hand with tenderness in his eyes, as if he was looking at a lover who had been in love for many years.

After a while, Fujiwara Qianji put the ninja sword in her hand in a scabbard, held her hands in her hands, and said to Li Tian, ​​"The name of this sword is Raiqie, which was originally called Chidori. It is said to have been worn by Tachibana Doyuki. The famous sword. Tachibana Snow once wore this sword to cut thunder and lightning in the historical legends of the eastern island country, hence the name. But unfortunately this sword has never exerted its original strength since it left Tachibana. Now it can be handed to you It’s better to make the best use of it than in the hand!"

"But this knife is spiritual, and I hope you can treat it well, as if you are treating your own relatives!" When he said this, Chiji Fujiwara had humbled his body and raised Rachel's hands above his head.

Li Tian has the "Red Slash" and the Heavenly Qiong Spear. No matter that weapon is much stronger than Leiqi, Situ Ningbing has the butcher knife and the **** of killing, Xueji has the dragon sword, so Li Tian is not so fancy of the so-called The famous knife Leiqie.

It's just that Li Tian felt that the knife was in the hands of Fujiwara Chiji.

Li Tian walked to a position of two or three meters in front of Fujiwara Chiji, stretched out his hand to force a spear with the spear of the sky, and directly picked Lei Che up, and Li Tian reached out his left hand and received it.

As soon as Lei Che started, Li Tian immediately felt the small fishes in his body gushing out of that pond with excitement, constantly wandering through the veins in Li Tian's body. If it weren't for Li Tian's control, those The little fish must have rushed out of the body and turned into a purple electric snake.

"Strange, how could the little fish trained by Qingyun Qi Jue make this kind of reaction by Lei Che? Could it be that Lei Che is a demon sword that would hinder me, so the little fishes would react this way?" Li Tian's heart Thinking about it.

The more Li Tian suppressed the small fishes in his body, the more joyful those small fishes would swim, and judging from the performance of those small fishes, they seemed to be quite excited, as if they had known Lei Che a long time ago.

At this time, Fujiwara Qianji had gone to dig a pit to bury Kumasaka Narita, who was turned into pieces after the explosion. Li Tian decided to take the opportunity to study this Leiqi.

Li Tian first controlled the little fishes, first let a little fish rush out of his arm, and then let the purple electric snake move freely.

With a sound, the purple electric snake got directly into Rachel after coming out. Everything seemed to be normal. Rachel’s blade was not damaged, but the purple electric snake disappeared like a mud cow into the sea. Without a trace.

"Strange, I have done experiments before, and ordinary swords cannot withstand the attack of this purple electric snake. Ordinary swords will instantly disappear without a trace. Even a well-forged sword will shatter into a pile of powder, but this Rachel seems to be completely immune to this purple electric snake!"

"It's no wonder that when he fought with Fujiwara Senji at the time, even though he was very embarrassed, he didn't suffer much damage. No, I have to experiment again to see what the secret of Lei Che has! Can I withstand this purple lightning after slashing thunder and lightning?"

Li Tian released two small fishes at the same time this time, and after the two small fishes turned into purple electric snakes, they got into Lei Chee equally quickly.

With the same effect, Raeche still had no response.

"It's weird! I remember that when seven or eight electric snakes were released at the same time, Fujiwara Chinji did not respond. In that case, I will release eight purple electric snakes at once!"

"No, Lei Che had already endured eight electric snakes at the same time. This time, he should release 16 small fish at the same time!"

Thinking of this, Li Tian immediately controlled the sixteen small fishes in his veins to slowly gush out of his veins. However, what Li Tian didn't expect was that when he released these sixteen excited little fishes, the other little fishes rushed into Li Tian's veins like wild horses.

Although Li Tian had already tried his best to control it, at least thirty fish rushed out this time, and these little fish formed more than thirty purple electric snakes on the left hand of Li Tian, ​​and then rushed into the thunder frantically Cut into the body of the knife.

Li Tian only heard a "click" from Lei Che's blade, and then Lei Che's blade broke every inch, leaving only one handle in Li Tian's hands.

"Damn, how could this be?"

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