Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4047: Dead but not stiff

After the black tongue entered the body of Zheng Zang in the abdomen to dry, Zheng Zang in the abdomen immediately made a painful scream, this kind of sound in the ears of people's ears is hairy.

"Red Zhan" didn't stop because the black tongue entered the body that was hiding in the abdomen. The light of the knife slashed towards the body that was hiding in the abdomen.


The abdomen Zhengzang was lazily cut by "Red Zhan", the painful screams of the abdomen Zhengzang stopped, and the two bodies fell heavily to the ground, and the dirty things in his body began to flow out with the blood.


"We... Are we saved?"

Seeing that the body hidden in the abdomen was cut into two pieces, the faces of the ninjas who had not had time to hide in Li Tian’s Di Xing Yasha space had already burst into tears, and the joy of the rest of their lives filled their faces. on.

They either have come to Li Tian and indicate to Li Tian that they are willing to follow Li Tian's attitude, or they are sitting on the ground and panting heavily, and some ninjas have come to know the true face of the abdomen. Fujiwara Chiji's side whispered something.

There was a tired expression on Li Tian's face, and his voice said hoarsely: "It's finally over!"

Since last night, Li Tian has hardly slept all night, and the rigorous fighting has made Li Tian highly nervous and extremely tired. Now the water level of the pond in Li Tian’s heart has dropped to the lowest point, and the rhizomes of the Jiu Color Corpse It has been exposed, only a layer of shallow water waves at the bottom of the pond, and the seven forty-nine small fishes that have finally condensed from the water waves are still swimming happily.

Fortunately, Li Tian can do three things with one heart. Even when Li Tian is fighting, he can control his mind to continue practicing. So although the water level in the pond on that side has dropped very low, it is in Li Tian’s veins. There is a steady stream of water flowing inside.

"It's not over yet! Li Tian, ​​it... hasn't died yet!"

Although Fujiwara Chiji's voice was not high, Li Tian could hear it clearly.

But Li Tian suddenly became alert.

"Yes, it seems that Zhengzang in the abdomen hasn't died yet! Otherwise, why would his body have been cut in half, but Hong Zhan didn't relax at all, still hovering on the body hidden in the abdomen? ?"

"Hey, have you seen that Li Tian's weapon will guard the corpse by himself? It's really amazing!"

"This is not playing an online game. The body hidden in the abdomen has been cut in half. I don't believe he can be resurrected!"

"If it is really resurrected, then we will be miserable. I think it is better to leave here as soon as we chase the number!"

"Where can I leave here? Almost all the masters and elites of the Iga Ninja Organization will be destroyed, and the Koga Ninja Organization will definitely launch an attack on us at that time, even if we go back, it will be a dead end. If it is better, we will follow Li Tian Kexi Jiuzhou Island, I heard that West Jiuzhou Island is a paradise for mankind."

"Yes, let's follow Li Tian! When we arrive at West Jiuzhou Island, we all follow Fujiwara Chichi's mother-in-law, so that our safety and life are at least guaranteed!"

"Hurry up and retreat quickly!" A hint of panic suddenly appeared in Fujiwara Chiji's eyes, shouting to the ninjas around him.

Although these ninjas didn’t know what was going on, they subconsciously followed Fujiwara Chiji to run back. While running, they looked back and found that the abdomen, which had been turned into two corpses, was actually standing up again. The long black tongue is attacking other ninjas.

At this time, Li Tian continuously sent the ninjas around him into the space of the ground travel Yasha, and those ninjas who were sitting on the ground and resting had no such good luck. They were instantly caught by dozens of them. The slender and long tongue entangled their bodies, and the spikes on that tongue had pierced into their bodies. These ninjas just screamed, and they were sucked clean by the tongue!

Fei Xuan's abdomen was "Red Zhan" above his body and immediately slashed towards the abdomen Zhengzo, but now the whole body of the abdomen Zhengzo was covered with such black tongues, and these tongues immediately blocked the "Red Zhan".



"Hong Zhan" kept releasing red light to these black long tongues, but at this time, the body hidden in the abdomen was almost full of these long tongues, even if a few were cut off, it would not be effective at all.

Seeing this situation, Li Tian performed several teleports to avoid the attacks of the black long tongues, and used the Heavenly Qiong Spear in his hand to break the long tongues continuously.


At this time, Li Tian had no way to hide his clumsiness. He used "heavy" again to temporarily suppress the long tongues that were hiding in his abdomen.

"Hong Zhan, it's up to you, let's show all your anger!" Li Tian shouted at "Hong Zhan".

In fact, there is no need for Li Tian to deliberately shout, "Red Zhan" can fully understand Li Tian's thoughts, then "Red Zhan" suddenly accelerates towards the sky, and then "Red Zhan" emits a red light all over the sky. , And the purple arc is still beating above the red light.

Immediately "Hong Zhan" brought this red light down from the sky, slashing from the head hidden in the abdomen, and those purple arcs swarmed into the body hidden in the abdomen at this moment.

"Boom!" A loud noise came out as the body hiding in the abdomen exploded, and in an instant, those phone calls swallowed the body hiding in the abdomen cleanly.

When the abdomen was exploding in the body, a broken bone piece the size of a thumb quickly flew outside. This bone piece was exactly one of the three bladed monsters in the legend of Iga Ninja.

"Hong Zhan" was waiting for this white-bone monster, how could it easily escape.

"Wow!" With a cry, "Red Zhan" nailed heavily to the white bone monster, and began to frantically absorb the energy matter in the white bone monster. Some dark matter kept moving towards the blade of "Red Zhan". Zhongyong, the "Red Slash" blade began to flicker at this time, it looked so strange for a while to be red and then black.

In less than a minute, the bone monster was sucked clean, and in the end even the outer shell of the bone was swallowed.

However, "Red Zhan" who had swallowed the bone monster changed back to its original form with satisfaction, and slowly fell back into Li Tian's hands.

While "Red Zhan" was absorbing the energy of the white bone monster, Li Tian also saw an object flying out of the body hidden in his abdomen. Li Tian's eyes were quick and he used a teleport to hold the object firmly in his hand.

Li Tian looked at something similar to a horn in his hand, and thought to himself: "This should be the legendary beast tail!"

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