Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4056: The strongest battle

"Li...Li Tian!"

After hearing this name, several other warriors were so scared that they didn't even make their hair, and some even just sat on the ground.

The warrior who was sitting on the ground without being scared turned around and ran, shouting as he ran, "It's not good, it's not good, Li Tian is back, Li Tian is back!"

This warrior had gone to report to the fierce warrior, but Li Tian did not stop him and let him escape.

Li Tian lowered his head to face the silly man who was hanging in the air, and then jumped down, while in the midair, Li Tian once again summoned the mutant crow out and landed on the mutant crow.

Li Tian's heart moved to control the "red cut" to cut off the wire that was hanging the silly man, and directly hugged the silly man in his arms, looking at the silly man now that people are not like humans, ghosts, or ghosts. The body of the corpse, Li Tian's face was full of anger: "Silly Man'er, I'm back! Li Tian, ​​I'm back!"

"Brother Tian, ​​are you back? Silly Man'er is useless, and failed to save Master Duanmuying and Master Bai Jing!" Ouyang Man said with a bit of self-blame.

Li Tian shook his head and said: "Don't say that you are silly, it's not to blame you, the fierce warrior is very strong, he keeps it for me to deal with! I will hold you on the wall in a while, I want you to see Watch how I tortured and killed the fierce warriors."

Ouyang Man nodded slightly.

Li Tian let the mutant crow fall on the wall, then said that Ouyang Man also put it on it, and brought Windsor, Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji, Xiao Hotpot and others from the space, even the injured Tang Xiaolong Li The sky is also brought out.

Seeing Ouyang Man’s appearance, everyone’s hearts were full of anger. Windsor’s medical abilities had almost negligible effects on the zombies, but Windsor still began to carry out emergency treatment for Ouyang Man, while Situ Ningbing, Xue Ji and others They all started to lay hands, and soon wrapped Ouyang Man's body with a bandage.

With the shout of the warrior, the residents of Ruhr Island City walked out of the room and came to the wide street. Although it was only a little more than a day, it seemed to the residents in fear that it was a long time. same.

But for those organization leaders and legion leaders who knelt at the gate of the heaven yesterday begging to see the fierce warrior side, their hearts at this time were anxious.

"Damn, why did Li Tian come back so soon? Didn't he go to Bennaka Island? If I had known that he was back so early yesterday, I would not go to see the martial artist! This is bad, if the martial artist wins , But if Li Tian wins, I'm afraid my days on Ruhr Island will come to an end!"

But their words can only be said secretly in their hearts.

At this time, the fierce warrior who received the news that Li Tian had returned has calmly walked out of the Skyrim headquarters building, and Duanmu Ying and Bai Jing followed him, and behind these two women were the others. Warrior.

"Look, the fierce warrior is here! There are also Master Duanmu Ying and Master Bai Jing!"

"It's great that Duanmuying-sama is okay. She is much more patient and kind to us residents than others!" a pregnant woman said in a low voice.

"This is really a good show. For those of us, whether it is Li Tian wins or the fierce warrior wins, we will not say that it is some bounty hunters who lick blood on the knife edge, but we are lucky. It's really lucky to witness the two strongest people fighting in this island country now!" said a bounty hunter who came to Ruhr to beg for life.

The fierce warrior looked at the distant city wall from the moment he walked out of the Heaven Realm headquarters. Although he still couldn't see Li Tian's figure, he could feel a powerful force on that city wall.

This is a force of anger, a force that can explode at any time.

"Very good, very good! I didn't expect you to return to Ruhr Island so soon, and I didn't make me wait for a long time. Hey, let me be the face of all the residents of Ruhr Island to defeat you and defeat you. Kill it!"

"Li Tian, ​​only your Li Tian's blood and head are qualified to be the steps for me to set foot on the new **** position of the East Ying Island Kingdom." The fierce warrior thought in his heart.

The footsteps of the fierce martial artist are smooth, as if they are walking, but as the fierce martial artist continues to move forward, the murderous aura of the fierce martial artist has begun to gradually release, and the space around the fierce martial artist's body is somewhat condensed and the temperature is Also with the decline.

Wherever the fierce martial artist went, the residents on both sides of the street retreated one after another, as if they were afraid that the fierce martial artist would suddenly be angry and behead them.

At this time, Li Tian, ​​standing on the city wall, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the fierce warrior.

"A fierce warrior! No loss is the most powerful man in the Dongying island country. I have already felt your fighting spirit from such a distance. Good, good!"

Li Tian jumped straight from the wall.

But after Li Tian jumped down, he didn't fall down. Instead, he teleported continuously, and Li Tian continuously summoned the mutant crow out and sent it into the space instantly, as if walking in the air.

"Look, look quickly, Master Li Tian can actually walk in the air, this is not a vicious warrior!"

"Yes, it's too cool, it's too awesome!"

"Yes, yeah, this time I believe Master Li Tian will be able to beat the fierce martial artist into the water and drive the fierce martial artist back to his Jingdong city!"

"Get out? You are too naive. As long as Li Tian has this strength, he will inevitably behead the fierce martial artist!"

"As long as the fierce warriors mean, then there will be two ninja organizations, Iga and Koga, and we will finally be able to reunify the Toyo Island country at that time!"

These onlookers talked a lot.

Li Tian turned a deaf ear to these discussions, clutching the Qiong Spear of the sky tightly in his hand, and "Red Slash" around his body continued to whirl and slowly walk towards the fierce martial artist.

Like a fierce warrior, every step Li Tian took, his aura would rise by a bit more murderous aura every step he took.

And at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly began to blow. This gust of wind was also very strange, only rotating between Li Tian and the fierce martial artist, but everything was normal in other areas after the two.

One thousand meters...

Eight hundred meters...

Five hundred meters...

The distance between Li Tian and the fierce martial artist is getting closer and closer, and as the distance between them gets closer and closer, other onlookers start to back up, seeming to know that the danger is coming, these onlookers even start to turn around and run. Up.

The warriors behind Duanmuying had already stopped, and were afraid to take a step forward. After a few steps, Duanmuying and Bai Jing also stopped.

The fierce warrior seemed to have known that Duanmuying and Bai Jing had stopped, but he did not respond, his eyes seemed to be on fire, staring at Li Tian firmly.

Three hundred meters...

Two hundred meters...

One hundred meters, suddenly Li Tian and the fierce warrior moved at the same time, and the two rushed towards each other like lightning!

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