Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4060: Hard fight

A loud noise came out in the city of Ruhr Island, and a huge energy fluctuation centered on Li Tian instantly rushed out towards the surroundings.

Bai Jing and Duanmu Ying were immediately rushed out by this huge energy fluctuation, and the warriors of the fierce warrior organization could not avoid it either.

The buildings and houses on both sides of the street only a few tens of meters away from Li Tian disappeared instantly, and all the buildings within 100 meters of Li Tian’s body were turned into ruins, and the houses even further away were toppled. It collapsed a lot.

The dust is flying, and purple arcs are constantly flashing in the surrounding air.

The entire city of Ruhr was quiet in an instant. Everyone stared at the figure in the dust in a daze. Almost at the same time, almost all the onlookers swallowed their saliva involuntarily.


Although the sound was not loud, the movement of nearly tens of thousands of people swallowing saliva at the same time was not small.

The onlookers around Abe Haruka looked at him gratefully at this time, thinking in their hearts that if it weren't for Abe Haruka's reminder to let everyone run to the wall, I am afraid that by this time the ruins of those houses would have been corpses everywhere.

Abe Haruwolf enjoys this look. At this moment, his heart is full of pride and pride. He feels that he dragged his family to beat the gongs and drums to defect to Li Tian was the wisest thing he did in his life. After the warrior occupied the Ruhr Island city yesterday, he carried all the pressure and did not want the warrior to give in. This was the second most correct thing he did.

As long as the murderous warrior dies, Iga and Koga ninjas will definitely not become great weapons. By then, the Eastern Kingdom will be the world of Li Tian, ​​and he, as the first veteran to follow Li Tian, ​​will not say at least that the land will be sealed. It's also very rich!

At this time, an onlooker yelled excitedly: "Let... zoom in! Hey, you have seen it, Master Li Tian finally zoomed in. I said that a master will definitely look like a master now. You all believe it!"

The people around nodded stupidly. How could they have thought that Li Tian would be so domineering, that a single shot could destroy all the buildings in this tens of thousands of square meters?

By this time, those who had doubts about Li Tian's collapse of Zhongtong Island obediently closed their mouths.

What about Zhongtong Island is just a little bit bigger!

Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji jumped off the wall in an instant and rushed in the direction of Duanmu Ying and Bai Jing. They knew that Li Tian's attack was strong, and Li Tian also tried his best to control the attack to prevent the attack from hurting the innocent. In this case, Duanmuying shouldn't be injured, but Duanmuying was pregnant after all.

The figures of Situ Ningbing and Xueji flashed past Li Tian quickly, and at this moment, they saw another figure standing in the dust.

"Li, be careful..." Situ Ningbing reminded him.

However, Situ Ningbing's voice was just halfway out, and a pressure from the sky instantly pressed her to the ground and made her completely immobile, and the same was true of Xue Ji on the other side.




The continuous light of the knife flashed through the dust. In the dusty smoke, although Li Tian was also evading quickly, but Li Tian's avoidance seemed to be slower every time, and every knife light was accurate. Cut on Li Tian's body without error.

Li Tian looked at Oda Nobunaga who was constantly flashing by his side. Although Oda Nobunaga’s attack could be captured every time by his sword, but when Li Tian reacted. It's too late!

Seven or eight swords, this Oda Nobunaga slashed on Li Tian's body for seven or eight consecutive swords. Li Tian’s skin armor instantly got a few more wounds, and Oda Nobunaga slashed two of them at the same time. One location, the wound at that location immediately began to ooze blood.

When the blood flowed out of the body, it was quickly covered by the flying dust, and the dust instantly turned blood red.

Li Tian was injured.

Li Tian no longer remembers when he was injured last time, but now he is already injured, but this small injury can do nothing to Li Tian.

What Li Tian wants to consider is how to continue fighting with the fierce fighters in this situation, and how to crack the attack of the fierce fighters.

The fierce warrior Oda Nobunaga looked at the blood on Li Tian's wound, completely disregarding Li Tian's instant release to break open Situ Ningbing and Xueji under his control, and said with a sneer: "How is Li Tian's painful taste? As I said earlier, this is the beginning!"

Situ Ningbing and Xueji, who were rescued by Li Tian, ​​rushed towards Duanmuying's direction quickly, and soon found Duanmuying and Baijing thousands of meters away.

Both the bodies of Bai Jing and Duanmuying were slightly bruised, and there was no major problem, but the warriors of the fierce warrior organization did not have such good luck. Their strength was originally relatively low. When the impact force came over Many people were blasted out before they had time to react. Many warriors were injured by the warriors' swords behind them, and some warriors were hit by the impact force on the building, ranging from broken arms and legs to severe ones. It was directly buried by the collapsed building.

"Duanmuying, Bai Jing, are you two all right? Are you injured? Does it matter?" Situ Ningbing asked.

Duanmuying shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter, how is Li Tian now?"

"Believe Li, he will be fine, now I will take you out of here!" Situ Ningbing said.

"If you want to go away, kill all the dogs and warriors of the fierce warrior before you go too late!" Duanmuying had already stood up, and a purple light sword appeared in her hand in an instant.

Xue Ji handed the sniper rifle behind her to Bai Jing, and the Dragon Sword in her hand also rushed forward. Situ Ningbing didn't want to stay in this place so as not to be distracted by Li Tian, ​​so she directly used Qingyun Qi Jue to release one. Purple lotus, attacked those warriors.

The strength of Situ Ningbing and others has far surpassed these warriors, and the battle is completely a second kill, and these warriors organized by the fierce warriors were beheaded cleanly within a few seconds.

At this time, the fierce warrior Oda Nobunaga has already felt the battle on this side, and the person who looked at him fell into a pool of blood instantly and suddenly became angry.

"Danki Sakura, I don’t kill you but you hurt me. Today, I want to wash the city of Ruhr and kill all the members of the heavens!" Oda Nobunaga rushed towards Duanki Sakura. .


Li Tian teleported in front of the fierce martial artist, sneered and said: "Now it's time for me to attack!"

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