Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4089: : Timeline (3)

Li Tianzhen wanted to kick the small hot pot to death.

Is there any mistake, this light and shadow woman is just a blank check that makes you so excited? If it really allows you to restore the power of the venerable in the underworld and have a place, don't you jump to the sky?

Situ Ningbing looked at the light and shadow woman and said, "Can you give me an explanation now? What do you mean by me?"

The light and shadow woman said: "You will understand soon! The reason why you feel familiar with me now, but you have no memory of me, is because I am just you, but you are not me! If you want to become me, Then you need to become strong, become very strong, very strong! Only then you are me!"

"However, since I am you and we can meet here again, I can't help but express it. The rest of you will withdraw for the time being. If I have something to do with her!"

Li Tian saw that Situ Ningbing nodded to him and signaled not to worry. Li Tianzheng wanted to turn around but was yelled by the light and shadow woman.

"Li Tian, ​​you should have a map in your hand, right now you should be wondering what the two lines on the map mean?"

Li Tian nodded.

"You only need to follow the two staggered lines on the map, and you will find the answer you want when you get to the intersection of the cross! Now you can go, leave it to us here!" Guangying said.

Although Li Tian was puzzled, he could only take Xue Ji and the small hot pot out of the cave, and found a flat place to sit down and wait for Situ Ningbing.

"Little Hotpot, who is she? Why does she say that she is Ningbing, but Ningbing is not her?" Xue Ji asked impatiently.

The little hot pot shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly who she is. I only know that she is a domain master, one of the eighteen domain masters in the Nether Realm, but although this light and shadow is also very powerful, it is obviously not. Her deity. Now I can feel that she is at the highest level now."

Li Tian has been completely speechless, what is called the Venerable Level, this Venerable Level can easily kill any strong person on the earth now!

"Then do you know what the relationship between this female domain master and Ning Bing is? After all, you have known each other a long time ago!" Li Tian is now most concerned about this issue, so he asked.

"Woo, I'm just a victim, how do I know so many things? I'm just waiting for you according to her request and following you." Little Hot Pot said with a sad face.

"It seems that now we have to wait for Situ Ningbing to come out to answer our questions!" Li Tian said.

It's just that Li Tian and the others didn't expect it to be seven days and seven nights. Li Tian tried to check Situ Ningbing's situation many times, but the small hot pot prevented him.

"Li Tian, ​​the anger of the domain master is not something we can bear now, even if there is only a clone or phantom of the domain master now!" Little Hot Pot said.

After seven days and seven nights, Situ Ningbing walked out of the cave. At the moment Situ Ningbing walked out of the cave, the entire mountain range above the cave collapsed silently.


As soon as Li Tian just called out Situ Ningbing's name, he felt that there seemed to be some changes in Situ Ningbing's body at this time, and this change made people feel that she and her seven days ago were no different.

"Ningbing, where is she?" Li Tian asked.



Situ Ningbing smiled slightly at Li Tian, ​​and as soon as he stretched out his arm, a series of purple lotus appeared on the palm of his hand. These flowers were like a pagoda composed of lotus flowers. It looked like a small snake, and the lotus pagoda was still spinning.

"This...this is?" Li Tian's face was full of surprised expressions.

Before coming here, Li Tian knew that Situ Ningbing's Qingyun could only release a purple lotus. This was the result of Situ Ningbing's cultivation of the Qingyun Art. But now, Situ Ningbing can release so many lotus at will.

"She gave me strength and then disappeared! Li, now I finally feel that I can stand with you and fight side by side!" Situ Ningbing said with a little excitement on his face.

"Then who is she?" Xue Ji asked enviously as she approached her.

Situ Ningbing said: "She is me, but I am not sure yet. Let me go to that place on the map now. She said where we can find the answer we want!"

Situ Ningbing's face was full of excitement.

Now she has the power in her body that she has never had before. Since Li Tian's strength gradually surpassed her, Situ Ningbing felt that she was chasing Li Tian's footsteps. Deep down in her heart, she was actually very worried. One day he will be pulled away by Li Tian, ​​and then he can only see Li Tian from behind.

But now, Situ Ningbing knew that she was almost standing with Li Tian again.

The little hot pot’s face was full of shocked expressions, and said to Li Tian: “Student! Master Situ Ningbing is now in the realm of cultivators. I’m afraid Master Situ Ningbing’s personal cultivation level is now comparable to yours. !"

"This... this is amazing!"

It's amazing, but what's impossible for the domain owner?

According to the map, Li Tian and others quickly came to the place where the two lines intersect. There are four towering peaks on all sides. The center of the four peaks forms a flat valley, and the valley has four ravines on all sides. Far away.

At this moment, a circle of sharp white boulders stood in the center of the valley. These boulders seemed to be Stonehenge, and the Stonehenge looked ordinary and nothing magical.

"Here, it should be here according to the route on the map!" Li Tian said, pointing at the Stonehenge.

Situ Ningbing said with some doubts: "It looks like there is nothing to do, but what guidance can this Stonehenge give us? Little hot pot..."

"No, this is not Stonehenge but a legendary timeline!" Little Hot Pot said with a serious expression.

"Timeline? What is this again?" Li Tian and others asked in unison.

"This is a magical formation that can be created with the power above the Lord level and the wisdom of the Void Spirit Race. It is like a gate to a forbidden zone. However, I have only seen this timeline once. I don't know exactly what it does." Little Hot Pot said.

At this time, Situ Ningbing had slowly walked to the center of the time axis.

As Situ Ningbing stepped into the boulder, thirty-six purple lotus flowers appeared on the periphery of Situ Ningbing's body, and these purple lotuses burst completely and turned into electric arcs into the boulders. Among.

The world has changed color!

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