Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4019: : A blessing in disguise (2)

Seeing this picture, Li Tian was already surprised and didn't know how to express it.

"This... can you play like this? It's... it's so exciting!"

Li Tian was ecstatic. He didn't play around and didn't expect that even the helpless little bugs of Windsor would be swallowed by these little fish and become food for the little fish.

It's really one thing to drop one thing.

After the small fish in the pond swallowed the small bugs, they pulled out some excrement and landed on the bottom of the pond.

In fact, after these yellow bugs swallowed the spiritual power in Li Tian's veins, they became bugs with rich spiritual power. No wonder the little fish like to eat this kind of bugs.

But at this moment, Li Tian was surprised to find that the excrement of those small fishes was actually entangled by the rhizomes of the nine-color corpse lotus, and it was directly absorbed in an instant.

In just a moment, Li Tian felt that the nine-color corpse lotus in the square pond grew stronger, the leaves were more plump, the greenery was very gratifying, and the budding flower bones were also bigger.

"This... this... how is it possible? This pond is the purest spiritual power. Isn't this spiritual power as good as the excrement of a small fish?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, haha, disaster and blessing depend on it! As long as the nine-color corpse lotus can thrive, as long as it can swallow the little bugs!"

Seven is a blessing for Ma Yan, and Li Tianwan didn't expect him to be a blessing in disguise.

"I don't know what changes the Nine-Colored Corpse Lotus will have after its lotus blooms. Now I only need to guide these **** yellow bugs into the pond to feed the fish!"

Having said that, it is extremely difficult to do it.

After all, now Li Tian has no contact with the little fish in the pond, and it is impossible for the little fish to swim in the veins and eat insects.

But fortunately, those yellow bugs don’t need to greet Li Tian, ​​they will trace their roots, come to the pond and feed the fish automatically. The only disadvantage is that these bugs wander around in Li Tian’s veins and destroy Li Tian’s veins. , Making Li Tian anguish.

No pain No gain.

By now, Li Tian is no longer anxious, and Li Tian can still bear this bit of pain, which is suffering from Little Windsor.

After the energy of Windsor's power entered Li Tian's body, those yellow bugs swallowed Windsor's power, and the split speed doubled, from the first dozen yellow bugs to 30 or more, and then to 70 or 80. Now Li Tian has hundreds of yellow worms in Li Tian's body.

If Situ Ningbing and others had the perspective ability, they would see that Li Tian's blood was filled with small yellow solids, and these small solids were the yellow bugs.

Windsor was almost crying, tears falling down.

Windsor did not expect that her treatment would not only be ineffective, but would harm Li Tian. Windsor could feel that there were at least hundreds of bugs in Li Tian's veins.

But Windsor couldn't stop, it should be said that she couldn't stop at all.

Although the yellow bugs are constantly splitting after receiving the energy supply from Windsor, the bugs are lazy and just split on their own, relative to calm, but once Windsor stops treatment, the bugs will become manic. At that time Li Tian's wound would keep bleeding out, and Li Tian would also convulse in pain.

Drinking poison to quench thirst, Windsor is doing this now, but she can't help it.

Li Tian closed his eyes and didn’t know that Windsor was crying. He was practicing Qingyun wholeheartedly, trying to use the spiritual power he cultivated to irrigate the shrinking veins. Of course, Li Tian’s ultimate goal was to create a few drops of spiritual power. Lidiao used as fishing bait, to be precise, insect bait, and tricked those **** little bugs into the pond.

Time is constantly passing by, and the hospital is still silent. Xue Ji and Tang Xiaolong went to the treatment room where Windsor and Li Tian are located several times. The results brought back were not ideal. The expressions on the faces of people gathered outside the hospital It is also getting more and more solemn.

"Tang Xiaolong, what is going on? Didn't Xiao Litian have killed the ghoul? How could he be so badly injured?" the old man Wuji asked.

Tang Xiaolong shook his head and said, "We don't know very well. We were not involved in the battle except for the small hot pot."

The old man Wuji immediately stared at the small hot pot again, and said, "You said, what is going on?"

The old man Wuji could feel the strong energy fluctuations in the little hot pot, and he was not rude to the little hot pot, but now Li Tian's injury was too much for him, and his tone was not very polite.

At this time, the little hot pot was not in the mood to be familiar with the old man Wuji, and told him about the process of fighting with Li Tian, ​​and then said: "You have to believe in Li Tian, ​​he will definitely be lucky!"

Long Yin snorted coldly, walked to the entrance of the hospital, and shouted loudly at the hospital: "Li Tian, ​​you scumbag, I will fight against the three corpses, safe and sound! Huangfu Kunpeng fights against the three corpses, safe and sound! You! How can you suffer such a severe injury?"

"Li Tian, ​​you are the opponent of my Long Yin's life. If you want to die, you can only die in my Long Yin's hands. Now I definitely don't allow you to die here!"

Long Yin's voice was loud and loud, even Li Tian, ​​who was lying in the hospital, could clearly hear what Long Yin said.

"Fucking, when I get better this time, I must teach you Long Yin a good lesson. If you **** stand up about Lao Tzu and call wool, do you want to be so passionate!" Li Tian Thinking in his heart.

At this time, Li Tian finally gathered a little spiritual power drop in his cultivation, and then Li Tian controlled the spiritual power drop to continuously swim in the vein, deliberately to attract those **** yellow bugs, and then Lead those little bugs to the pond to feed the fish.

But this kind of thing is not all smooth sailing, although the little yellow worms in Li Tian's veins have been reduced by one-third, but Li Tian accidentally eaten the spiritual water drop by the worms.

Then Li Tian gathered his spiritual power again to attract the little insects to feed the fish. Repeatedly, the number of little yellow insects in Li Tian's veins dropped sharply!

"God bless, God bless!"

If Li Tian had a short story, Windsor would definitely feel guilty. She had decided to die with Li Tian. Now Li Tian is getting better, and Windsor is crying and laughing.

Windsor could feel that the bugs in Li Tian's veins had gradually decreased.

The last three bugs, the last two bugs, the last bug...

And at this moment, a magical scene happened...

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