Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4153: : It's a big mess

"I fuck!"

"How could she speak the other way around? It was obviously that she entangled you, Lord Venerable, and took the initiative to send them to the door. She took the initiative to give us these spiritual sources for cultivation and absorption!"

Xiao Baimao is very capable of learning, especially the two words "I 艹" is very vivid.

"Hey, women are the most unreasonable animals! It's too late to say these things. For this plan, we have to stay away from the three silly ghosts!" Li Tian continued nonsense.

"My lord, where are we going now? It's only been more than three months since we came to the Battlefield of Death, and now we are not even familiar with the Land of Death! The adults must be more familiar with the Battlefield of Death, and we all obey the richness of adults!" Lu Mao said with a sad face.

What Li Tian wanted was such an effect, and said, "What are you worried about with me!"

Having said that, this death battlefield is not the earth world. Li Tian is also completely unfamiliar with this place, and now he can only take one step and look at it!

Li Tian led more than a dozen Lemur tribes to avoid the position of Nether Three Fools, and kept moving in one direction. On the road, if he encounters an lonely monk, as long as his strength is weaker than Li Tian and the others, it is another snatch. .

Soon, Li Tian gained a certain notoriety in the mountains of the Deadly Land, especially the huge body of the vicious dog almost became Li Tian's signature.

It is said that people are afraid of famous pigs and strong, and sooner or later they will encounter ghosts if they walk more at night!

Those cultivators who were robbed by Li Tian and others were desperately black Li Tian. They spread rumors everywhere, saying that the spiritual source in their hands was robbed by a guy with a huge mount. After which practitioners’ word of mouth, Li Tianlian Mao didn't grab any of his spiritual sources, but became a rich man with at least dozens of spiritual sources in his hands.

This Nima became lively all at once. I don't know how many people spontaneously formed a team to attack Li Tian, ​​pursuing Li Tian and others under the guise of eliminating the sky for the people.

At first, Li Tian and the others were surprised, why would there be teams who took the initiative to send them to the door to grab them, but as these teams grew more and more, Li Tian finally felt that the situation was not good.

But this Nima's vicious dog is too big, like a moving hill, it is so dazzling wherever it goes.

Li Tian can only make fun in hardships, using these teams chasing them as toys for a long trip to relieve the sorrow and amusement. Anyway, there are evil dogs, and Li Tian and others are not afraid of these teams.

However, things quickly moved in a more uncontrollable direction.

After discovering that his sister Ye Meijing had disappeared, Ye Liangchen, the silly idiot of the three silly ghosts, immediately issued a reward quest to find Ye Meijing in the deadly place. As long as you find Ye Meijing, you can get two spiritual sources as rewards, and you can also get Nether Three silly favors.

The big silly Ye Liangchen among the three silly ghosts is only at the eighth level of cultivator level. He is not a powerful figure, but he can't stand the existence of Ye Cheng behind him!

The place of silence that had been silent for a long time suddenly became lively, and a branch of Yejingjing guards was born, and they began to look for Yejingjing in the place of silence.

However, what Li Tian didn't expect was that the cultivator team that was robbed by Li Tian immediately poured dirty water on Li Tian. These **** things actually said that Ye Meijing was kidnapped by Li Tian!

Although this Nima is true, you don’t have any evidence at all. How can you spit people?

The teams that were slogging for the sky immediately changed their slogans and became the heroes to save the United States, vowing to completely eradicate the scum of such and such, and absolutely not allow such and such to mutilate the beauty of flowers and leaves in the underworld!

As for XX, that is what these people call the unknown Li Tian.

The so-called double fist is difficult to fight against with four hands. What's more, there are thousands of teams constantly attacking Li Tian and others. Among these teams, the most common are the teams with the 6th and 7th level as the main force, but it is not ruled out. A team led by eighth-level or even ninth-level practitioners.

Once fighting with these teams, Li Tian’s false venerable strength was fully exposed. In this case, those lemur tribes had begun to suffer casualties. In order to avoid the continuous expansion of casualties, Li Tian had to take them indifferently. Run away!

"Holy... Honorable Sir, it's no way for us to go on like this. Sooner or later we will be besieged by those people! You know that there are at least hundreds of thousands of cultivators in this deadly place, how can we break out of the encirclement?"

"Or...or should we use Ye Meijing's little Pi Niang as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Nether three fools? What if they can listen to us to explain?" Xiao Baimao said, resisting the pain in his body.

This guy was brave enough to fight, and there were already a few more wounds on his body. If it weren't for the lemur clan's superb recovery ability, this guy might have died now.

Even so, the white fluff has been dyed red, and it looks terrible.

"What if they don't listen to our explanation?" Li Tian said.

Xiao Baimao was taken aback, and said, "We won't be too late then!"

If Li Tian didn’t think that Xiao Baimao’s injury was serious, he would really want to kick this second man into the forest of steel thorn plants, and said with a wry smile: "Do you think the three fools of the Netherworld will listen to our explanation? Will listen to our explanation, but do you think Ye Meijing, the lady, will honestly not confess us?"

Lv Mao said with a sad face, "So, Your Honor, you are still too kind. I told you not to keep alive. Now that's it, so many teams chasing us, we really have no place to die!"

Xiao Baimao stretched out his hand and patted Green Mao, and said angrily: "How can you talk to Lord Venerable like this?"

Li Tian pulled the green fur behind and said, "I blame me for being too kind and can't blame the green fur. It doesn't make sense to say this now!"

"My lord, there is another way, but this way may cause some serious losses for adults!" Xiao Baimao said to Li Tian again.

"What way?" Li Tian asked.

Xiao Baimao pointed to the vicious dog and said, "Actually, the adult's sense of existence is not high in the death battlefield. Up to now, those people still don't know the adult's name or remember the adult's appearance. The only sign is the adult's mount. , If the adults are willing to mount, then we will be able to act a lot!"

I go!

This vicious dog is now Li Tianzhuang's capital, if he is missing this vicious dog, Li Tianfen will be killed in seconds!

But what Xiao Baimao said is also a problem, this vicious dog is too ostentatious.

Li Tian sat on the back of the vicious dog, and said to the vicious dog: "It would be great if you can get smaller, just like my mutant crow. Then I can send you to Void Yasha. In the space!"

Speaking of space, Li Tian suddenly thought of a place!

Heavenly Spear!

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