Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4172: : Long Yin's struggle

Long Yin was still ambitious when he separated from Li Tian. ,

But after walking for more than ten days, he walked out of the wind and snow, but soon he felt the deep malice in the battlefield of death.

Long Yin encountered the indigenous people on the battlefield of death.

Doesn't the small hot pot mean that there are no animals in the death battlefield? How come there are indigenous people?

This problem has troubled Long Yin for a long time.

But if they were not natives, why would there be a dozen guys with only rags to hide their shame, holding weapons made of plant steel thorns to **** him?

Moreover, these natives were very savage and didn't have the slightest meaning of civilization. They even robbed him of everything from his body, and even the clothes he was wrapped in were pulled clean.

If Long Yin hadn't picked up a fig leaf slightly larger than a slap from the ground to block his life, then he would really be naked.

Long Yin almost cried.

In the earth world, he is also the commander of the top ten legions, who can enjoy the respect of thousands of people, but here, he has been robbed.

If this **** meets Li Tian, ​​how can Long Yin look up in front of Li Tian in the future.

Of course, even if Long Yin killed him, he never thought that these indigenous people were robbed like this because of encountering Li Tian.

This may be the causal cycle, but the retribution is Long Yin, the once great demon.

After finally adjusting from the crying mentality, Long Yin headed into the place of death, but Long Yin did not feel peaceful for a few days and met the second wave of indigenous people.

This wave of indigenous people is not as large as the first wave of indigenous people, but their personal cultivation is stronger than the first wave of indigenous people.

These natives saw that Long Yin had nothing to grab, but they were not reconciled. They threatened Long Yin to surrender the spirit source. Only then did Long Yin just say the sentence.

Seeing that the natives were going to be angry, Long Yin quickly said, "If you don't dislike it, the younger brother is willing to join the team of the older brothers!"

"You? What effect can your little strength follow us? Let us protect you!" The indigenous brothers shook their heads and said.

"You can’t say that. It’s because I’m too weak, that’s why I’m so weak. I think so, now that the big brothers haven’t met fat sheep yet, I haven’t met too many fat sheep in the future. At that time, the things you grabbed will definitely need someone to carry them back and pick them up. This kind of heavy work must not be done by big brothers, so naturally I will do it again!"

"Furthermore, if you meet a stronger team, then the big brothers will definitely have to run away. At this time, if the big brothers kick me away and let me be the cannon fodder to hold them, the big brothers will not have more Is it time to run? I am the most qualified cannon fodder. Why don't you wait for such a good cannon fodder?" Long Yin said with a ninja face.

Long Yin is a great demon of the generation. At this time, he can quickly adjust his mentality, bend and stretch, and would rather be the fodder of others in order to survive.

"This kid seems to make a lot of sense, what do you think?" the indigenous brother asked.

The other natives immediately looked at Long Yin with admiration, and naturally they would not refuse Long Yin's request.

Then Long Yin began his long and hard cannon fodder career.

Not to mention, gold will shine. Although this Long Yin is cannon fodder, he can put forward many tactics for grabbing resources against the native brother.

For example, at the beginning, this indigenous team had more than a dozen people, and when they encountered other teams with fewer numbers than theirs, they wanted to snatch, but those people ran faster than the rabbits, and the chances of success were very few.

These indigenous monks had no solution to this situation, but Long Yin gave a very good solution, that is, let his cannon fodder tricks to be used as bait and let other monks hide temporarily. , And then he went to seduce the monks, and then the monks who hid them swarmed up.

After Long Yin’s shameless explanation and several personal demonstrations were successful, the shotgun was also changed. This indigenous team suddenly changed. At least everyone has clothes and food, and Long Yin is in this team. His status has also risen rapidly, and he has become the leader of the eldest brother.

But the role of cannon fodder is still to be played by him.

You think, in this battlefield of death, no matter it is the cultivator team, they will never tolerate a guy who has only a mere three-level cultivator, dressed up and dangling in front of them.

The success rate of Long Yin as cannon fodder can basically reach 100%.

And with the continuous development of this team, this team with only a dozen people has grown to more than two hundred people, this is also Long Yin's suggestion.

As for why, Long Yin's explanation is that it is easy to swallow a weak team, but if you encounter a team that is equal to them, then you must give play to the team's advantage and use the crowd tactics.

Aren’t you very strong? It’s okay. I have a lot of people. I’ll beat you one by two. If it doesn’t work, five will beat you one. If it doesn’t work, then ten people. Anyway, these monks are free resources and don’t use them.

After two encounters, this team won a big victory, which made the elder brother of this team admire Long Yin even more, and Long Yin's status in this team was once again promoted.

Long Yin also devised a leveling system for peripheral members, that is, those cultivators who were forced to join the team after being robbed.

For example, if the cultivator fought bravely and made meritorious service in battle, then he might be absorbed into the core team. At that time, the peripheral members would become clothed and meaty.

And if the core members' contribution to the team decreases, then he may be eliminated and become a peripheral member. You have also been said that after Long Yin's encouragement, this team's combat effectiveness is even stronger.

After the Third Young Master left the dead and silent land, the team where Long Yin was in almost became one of the strongest teams.

With the continuous improvement of Long Yin's status, Long Yin can also obtain a share of the spoils, such as coins from the Underworld and a little spiritual source.

In this way, after three months, this team has grown to 5,000 people, and when other teams want to imitate, they are already the only one.

Although Long Yin's strength is the weakest, he has faintly become the spiritual leader of the team, and naturally his gains are more and more.

Now Long Yin has reached the pinnacle realm of the fourth level of the cultivator, as long as he grabs a few more spiritual sources, then he can break through to the fifth level of the cultivator!

"Li Tian, ​​my cultivation speed is not slow! Don't worry, my team will gradually expand, and you will soon know the existence of my Long Yin!"

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