Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4182: : Niulan God Wine (2)

Just smelling the aroma of the wine is already divided!

However, the mask girl still poured the two kinds of wine into the small wine glass according to the process and picked up the wine glass.

Seeing the mask girl holding a small wine glass, the others turned around consciously, and even closed their eyes, no one dared to look at the mask girl. Although Li Tian didn't know why, he did the same.

The mask girl picked up the mask slightly, and drank the glass full of dukang.

In fact, she didn't need to be ordinary with Dukang wine at all, she was familiar with the taste of this wine.

Dukang Liquor has an elegant aroma and a soft mouth without stamina.

The masked girl picked up the wine glass full of Niulanshan Erguotou and brought the wine into the mouth.

At the entrance of the liquor, the mask girl immediately felt like a flame in her mouth. After the liquor was consumed, the mask girl could feel her throat and abdomen burning.

But this feeling didn't make her annoying. On the contrary, there was an indescribable sense of pleasure in her heart. After a few seconds, there was still a faint scent of wine in her mouth.

The mellow and rich fragrance, the mask girl has never drunk such a good wine, and it took a long time for the mask girl to wake up from this state.

Looking at Li Tian's back, the mask girl's heart was full of curiosity, and she couldn't help thinking: "Is this a man in the Nether Realm? There is such a good wine in the Nether Realm, and the dukang wine we drank was described by him as The **** is not too much. I also seem to go to the Nether Realm, but..."

The mask girl adjusted her mentality a bit and put on the mask again, before she said softly, "Okay! I now announce the result..."

The tavern owner knew the result. He didn't drink, but he had already lost his confidant. He bowed deeply to Li Tian and said, "We admit defeat. I don't know how this adult sells this wine to the small shop? No matter how many spiritual sources, adults just don’t care. Just give a price!"

The tavern owner is also a venerable, and his strength in this place of refugees should not be underestimated. More than half of the taverns in the land of migrants are owned by this venerable.

It hasn’t been long since the secret realm was opened recently. All the wine in his tavern was bought from those monks in the underworld, but these wines were used for sale in the next five hundred years, even if the wine was a luxury item. But the consumption is also very amazing.

Otherwise, he won't be mixed with water!

Besides, who would dislike the hoarding of many things?

What's more, this wine in Li Tian's hands is a **** wine that deserves it?

Li Tian looked at the masked girl and said, "Let this beauty who has tasted my wine say a price. You can say as much as you want. I will never regret it!"

The heartbeat of the mask girl accelerated.

To the masked girl who has been respected by everyone since she was a child, Li Tian's words are not polite, but she really likes the feeling of listening to Li Tian.

"I don't know how many such fine wines you have?" the mask girl asked.

Things are precious. If Li Tian only had such a bottle of wine, then this bottle of wine would be unique in the world, and the price would be sky-high.

Don't feel that this wine is expensive. Wine is a luxury in the land of the refugees.

The amount of this wine in the space of Void Yasha is really not a lot, more of Wuliangye, Moutai, etc.

Li Tian deliberately approached the mask girl's ear and whispered: "Not many, there are only 20 bottles in total, but I want to give ten bottles to this beautiful lady, and the remaining ten bottles can be sold!"

This amount is quite small. Those onlookers thought that if it was cheap, they would buy a bottle and take it home and store it. Even if they didn’t drink it, it felt absolutely absolute if they looked at the wine’s packaging and bottle. It is a matter of saving face.

When they heard Li Tian say this, they couldn't help but feel disappointed.

A total of twenty bottles, ten bottles of honoring the city lord, these wines are absolutely impossible to sell.

The remaining ten bottles are on the market, because of the aroma of this wine and the scarcity of this wine, it is absolutely sky-high!

"It must not be too high, it must not be too high!" These customers prayed in their hearts.

Seeing Li Tian's expression on her face, the masked girl couldn't help but a hint of mischief in her heart, and said to Li Tian, ​​"Are you sure you want me to pay this price? You can agree with how much you say?"

"Of course, I, Li Tian, ​​always say one thing!"

"Well, then a bottle of spiritual source!"

After the mask girl finished speaking, she paid attention to the expression on Li Tian's face. She originally thought that Li Tian would be furious, but Li Tian did not change her expression at all.

Li Tian nodded slightly and said, "Then a bottle of spiritual source!"

Venerable Shi Lei was almost crying. He originally planned to make a fortune, but Li Tian gave the mask girl ten bottles of wine for free, and the other ten bottles of wine were used by the mask girl as a spiritual source. Isn’t it a cutoff for people and money?

"It's a loss, it's a big loss! The fifty spiritual sources will be exchanged for ten spiritual sources in the end!" Venerable Shi Lei cried and thought.

The tavernkeeper was so moved that he was about to cry.

A bottle of spiritual source, if it is placed in his tavern, he can sell this bottle of wine as at least five bottles, and the price of each bottle will never be lower than five hundred spiritual sources.

The drinkers immediately yelled excitedly.

"You have a share, give me a bottle!"

"Yes, give me a bottle too! Haha, I found a treasure today!"

"Yeah, the hip flask alone can be regarded as an heirloom!"

"My son is going to get married in ten years. The woman’s father is a ninth-level practitioner, and has always looked down upon me, a fellow of the eighth-level cultivator. Heartbeat or not!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is my tavern, I want all these wines! If you have any objections, you can ask the two venerables behind me if they agree!" The tavern owner said straightforwardly.

Looking at Li Tianfeng's light and cloudless cheeks, the masked girl was a little disappointed, as if it was a prank she had carefully prepared but didn't let Li Tian notice at all.

"However, the wine jug and the outer packaging need to be calculated separately. The outer packaging counts as 30 spiritual sources, and the wine jug counts as 70 spiritual sources, and the package price is one hundred spiritual sources!" The mask girl added.

"Okay! I have it all! One thousand spiritual sources, I will pay now!" the tavern owner said loudly.

"One... a thousand spiritual sources?"

Venerable Shi Lei was completely shocked, one thousand spiritual sources, enough for one person to cultivate from the first level to the ninth level.

There was no shock on Li Tian’s face, he picked out ten bottles of wine and placed it on the table, sending the tavernkeeper to Venerable Shilei, and then shamelessly took the masked girl’s hand and said tenderly: "This beauty , I wonder if you are interested in opening a tavern with me. Will you be the proprietress of this tavern?"

Message to the reader:

This is the No. 2 guarantee and 4 updates. Yesterday, I owed a double replacement for a total of 6 chapters. In the evening, I wrote 1 chapter and passed 1 chapter.

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