Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4210: : Was discovered

The six powerful men nodded slightly,

However, these six guys did not rush forward with enthusiasm, which made the long-awaited Tang Xiaolong a little disappointed.

The six venerable first-class powers, different races, different skin colors, and different appearances, standing together is a picture of humans and animals living in harmony. Had it not been for Tang Xiaolong to witness that these powerful men were all killers, he would have almost believed it.

The first to take the shot was the Venerable with the head of a lizard, and the Venerable with the head of the lizard was also the Venerable Dragon.

This race belongs to the lowest class of dragons, and there may not be a venerable among 100,000 cultivators. In the world of dragons, his race is not valued at all, even if he finally got his wish and became a venerable.

However, under Kanglubu's hand, he was taken seriously. Through the key training of Kanglubu, he was able to stand out among thousands of apprentices. As early as the beginning of the secret realm five hundred years ago, he had reached the peak of the ninth-level apprentice. realm.

However, the lizard head also knows that there is no love for no reason in this world. Kang Lubu is naturally training them with the goal of cultivating dead men. Therefore, when the secret realm was opened five hundred years ago, he was asked to enter the secret realm by Kang Lubu and waited. When Kang Erfu entered the secret realm in the next five hundred years and helped Kang Erfu complete the mission of the source of blood spirit, the lizard head did not refuse, but readily agreed!

Although Lizard’s head was already a master at the ninth level of the cultivator, he knew that once he refused Kanglubu’s request, he would die silently and if he entered the secret realm, he could help the son complete this mission. , Then from now on, his status in Kang Lubu's heart and in Kang's heart has naturally increased.

Therefore, after entering the secret realm, it took less than 100 years for Venerable Lizard Head to reach the Venerable Realm, and it took another 400 years for his cultivation to reach the Venerable Intermediate Level One Realm. Now this Among the six venerables, his cultivation is definitely the strongest!

Lord Lizard Head is waiting for such an opportunity.

Now this opportunity has come. Seeing that the other masters were still hesitating, Lord Lizard Head was the first to jump out and rush towards the giant egg!


Everything was as expected by the lizard head. The tentacles on the dome were indeed not ornaments. The moment the powerful energy fluctuated, the tentacles drew towards him with lightning speed.

The attack power of these tentacles has reached the level of the venerable. This giant has thousands of tentacles. The blood spirit source of the egg spinning, then these attacking tentacles must be attracted away, so that Young Master Kang has the opportunity to absorb the blood spirit source.


Venerable Lizard Head used a teleport to avoid the attack of the tentacles, and then slammed the tentacles with both hands, and quickly went out into the cave, as if he wanted to pull the tentacles directly down.

And this movement of the lizard lizard completely angered thousands of tentacle silk threads, countless tentacle silk threads madly attacked the lizard's head, but the lizard head did not mean to let go, just kept using teleport. To avoid those shot attacks.

But even so, those tentacles would still beat the lizard's head from time to time. If it weren't for the heavy dragon scales on the lizard's head, this one would make sure that he was exposed to flesh.



The silk thread of the tentacles was drawn on the lizard's head, and the sound reverberated in the entire space. In an instant, blood oozes from the scales of the lizard's head, and even some of the scales have been beaten and deformed.

"Master, take this opportunity to quickly absorb the blood spirit source!" Lizard looked at Master Kang while waiting for the best time, and shouted anxiously without moving.

Confort not only didn't appreciate it, but cursed: "Asshole, do I still need you to arrange my affairs? Didn't you see that there are other tentacles that haven't come off to attack you?"

Kang Erfu saw that the lizard head was so loyal, and there was still no emotional change on his face. In his heart, all this is what the lizard head should do, and he will not only do it, but also do it well.

As for the other five Venerables, they were used to protect and rescue Master Kang in case of an accident.

Finally, the last tentacles on the giant also fell off the top of the space, and lashed at the lizard head like a lightning, and Kang Fu started his hand.

His figure flickered quickly and came to the pile of spiritual sources. With the force of his legs, he suddenly jumped upwards, and his hands grabbed the blood source. But his hands didn't even touch the side of the blood spirit source, the blood spirit source swished and continued to revolve around the dome.

At this time, several tentacles threaded out from besieging the lizard head, and attacked Young Master Kang.

Two of the other five Venerables flew out, teleported to the side of these tentacles, stretched out their hands to pick up these tentacles, and ran towards the head of the lizard. When they said that this tentacle was attracted to Venerable Lizard’s head, The two of them teleported back to their original positions.

Kang Erfu, who had already landed, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and was lucky to jump up again and jump towards the source of blood.

But at this moment, a tentacle lashed heavily on the lizard head, and the lizard was knocked into the air instantly, and his body flew out and landed on Tang Xiaolong who pretended to be a corpse.

Tang Xiaolong has a strong body, even if it is hit by this venerable head-on, it can withstand it, but the corpse that was crushed on Tang Xiaolong's body was instantly crushed into a mass of fleshy mud by the lizard head, and hid here. Dixing Yasha and Feitian Yasha under the arm of the corpse were also crushed and couldn't help but scream.

At this moment, a few of those tentacles were chasing and attacked Venerable Lizard Head again. Venerable Lizard Head did not care about the pain on his body, and teleported to avoid the attack and moved to Kang Erfu's side.

At this time, four of the other five venerables had flashed out to replace the position of the lizard head, constantly attracting the attacks of those tentacles.

Venerable Lizard Head pointed to the place where Tang Xiaolong was lying and shouted at Kang Erfu: "Master, there are still living people here!"

It would be okay if the lizard's head didn't say this sentence. When he said this, Confort was angry and slapped Venerable Lizard suddenly and said: "For a half-dead cultivator, you almost put this young man in danger! Don't get out In the past, continue to attract the attacks of those tentacles? Do you want to wait for other emperors and descendants of the domain to come and **** the blood source of this young man? Damn dog stuff!"

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