Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4231: : Ten years (1)



This echo kept echoing in the giant stone hall, and finally disappeared gradually. .

Li Tianyi stood motionless in the hall.

There was a burst of beans-like noise from all over his body. This was not washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, but it was better than washing the tendons and cutting the marrow. Li Tian's body was like a fetal movement. Falling slowly.

Li Tian's veins fell into chaos, the scarlet flame spiritual power in the veins completely changed to black, the black flames were like billowing thick smoke, lightning and thunder in the thick smoke, dozens of small fish were swimming fast.

And the chaos of the lake in Li Tian's atrium is not worse than the context. The lake in that atrium can no longer be called a lake. Have you ever seen whose lake water freezes in the air? Have you ever seen flames burning in a lake? At this time, the atrium was filled with smoke and white mist, and the entire atrium was a place of chaos.




A violent sound came from Li Tian's body veins, like a thunder rolling in the sky.

Venerable Xishan has long been accustomed to this phenomenon.

"How long has it been?" Venerable Dongshan suddenly asked.

Venerable Nanshan knew that Venerable Dongshan asked him how long this state of Li Tian had lasted. He raised his head and looked into the depths of the Giant Stone Hall. After a while, his eyes turned away, and he said thoughtfully, "I don’t know, it should have been three or four years. Got it!"

During these three or four years, they only felt the fluctuation of energy around Li Tian's body, but during these three or four years, Li Tian did not make any breakthroughs, and his cultivation strength remained at the beginning of the eighth level of cultivation.

"I heard from the venerable followers of the Third Young Master. Li Tian is a rare genius in thousands of years. He has reached the eighth level of a cultivator when he is less than 30 years old. But since he cultivated the blood source, this For three or four years, his cultivation level has not improved at all. It seems that this blood spirit source may be really powerful, but it may not be suitable for everyone to practice." Venerable Beishan said.

"Nonsense, this blood spirit source is something that exists in the legend. A blood spirit source will only be born on the death battlefield for thousands of years. Even people who are lucky enough to be favored by the blood spirit source may not be able to conquer the blood spirit source and practice. Blood spirit source. At least we, Li Tian, ​​can already cultivate blood spirit source now!" said Venerable Nanshan.

"If you don't sing, it's screaming! Just wait and see!" said Venerable Dongshan.




Two figures flashed past and appeared at the entrance of the Great Stone Hall, but it was Li Tian's worshiping brother Ye Liangchen and his entourage.

"Blink... Teleport?"

Seeing Ye Liangchen's teleportation appeared, the face of the four mountains in the southeast, northwest and northwest could not help showing a hint of shock.

"Congratulations, congratulations! Congratulations to Young Master Ye for breaking through to the realm of the Venerable, and you can set up the land to seal the border!" Venerable Four Mountains surrounded him and said to Ye Liangchen.

The last time I saw Ye Liangchen, it was five years ago. At that time, Ye Liangchen came here to ask for the spiritual source from the Four Mountains. At that time, Ye Liangchen was only the initial cultivation base of reaching the ninth level.

Five years later, Ye Liangchen actually broke through to the realm of venerable!

Ye Liangchen's heart was full of excitement, and he did not expect that it took him only nine years to break through from the eighth-level cultivation realm to the venerable realm, which he couldn't even imagine in his previous cultivation process.

But now all of this has become a reality.

"No need to be polite, I have completed the ten-year agreement, I came to see my brother Li Tian, ​​I don't know where my brother Li Tian is?" Ye Liangchen said.

Venerable Sishan showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and pointed to the huge hall and said, "Master Li Tian hasn't come out since entering the hall nine years ago! Master Li Tian is now at a critical juncture in his cultivation, so please ask Master Ye Daduo. Haihan!"

Ye Liangchen released a divine sense into the giant stone hall. He could feel that the giant stone hall was filled with strong energy. This kind of energy fluctuation was almost close to the energy of the venerable.

However, Li Tian's own cultivation still remained at the eighth level of cultivation.

Who would have thought that Li Tianguang would take more than nine years to cultivate by absorbing the blood spirit source.

In the past nine years, Li Tianyi's clothes on his body had already been shattered by powerful energy, and a thick layer of dust fell on his body. Li Tian now looks like a clay sculpture.

Ye Liangchen didn't dare to disturb Li Tian's cultivation, withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and said to Venerable Sishan: "My brother Li Tian is now at a critical juncture in his cultivation. No matter who it is, you are not allowed to disturb your brother. You four must protect my brother Now I’m going to find my other two brothers!"

After that, Ye Liangchen used teleport and disappeared.

"Venerable, the realm of the noble! Ye Liangchen has reached the realm of the noble, but I don’t know what the situation of Lord Li Tian is now! According to the strong energy fluctuations in the huge stone hall, Lord Li Tian’s current cultivation It should be because he is already close to Venerable, but why does his cultivation level have not made any breakthrough?" Venerable Nanshan said in confusion.

"Maybe this is the uniqueness of the blood spirit source! I have a hunch in my heart that even if Lord Li Tian cannot break through to the realm of the nobleman this time, he will still stay at the eighth level of the cultivator, but his strength will be far It exceeds the ninth level of the cultivator, and even the first level of the Venerable!" said Venerable Dongshan.

Of course, the other three Venerables also had such hope in their hearts, but they did not have the confidence of Venerable Dongshan.

The blood spirit source is a legend, but Li Tian has been absorbing and practicing for nine years, and there is still no breakthrough at all, which shakes their confidence in Li Tian somewhat.

Another three months passed in a blink of an eye. During these three months, Zhao Ritian's goods also broke through to the realm of venerable. Like Ye Liangchen, this goods also came to the entrance of the Giant Stone Hall, nominally to see their worship. Big brother Li Tian, ​​but in the eyes of Venerable Four Mountains, this stuff is clearly here to show off.

"Hey, I have today Zhao Ritian too, hahaha, I am going to find Long Aotian now, if Big Brother Li Tian comes out of retreat while I leave, please tell Big Brother Li Tian that Zhao Ritian has reached the realm of venerable. Tell Brother Li Tian not to be envious, we believe that he can reach the realm of nobles sooner or later!" Zhao Ritian said to the four mountains.

After speaking, the goods teleported and disappeared.

"The day of Rinima, the sky of Rinima, if it weren't for Master Li Tian forcing you to practice, it would take five to six hundred years before you can get to the rank of Venerable!" Venerable Dongshan thought uncomfortably. .

"Lord Li Tian, ​​you see that all of your brothers have broken through to the realm of veneration, sir, should you also express it? Or the four of our brothers will not be able to lift their heads in front of their entourage!" Dongshan The venerable said softly to the giant stone hall.

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