Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4235: :conflict

The land of refugees, the city of refugees, the Supreme Mansion.

Refugee Supreme was lying on the couch, his clothes were disheveled, and snoring sounded everywhere. The floor of the room was full of empty wine bottles. The whole room was filled with a strong wine smell, which was sprayed out of the mouth and nose through human fermentation. So this smell is somewhat disgusting.

Liu Jimeng pushed open the door, walked to the front of the couch with lotus steps, and whispered, "My father... My father..."

No matter how Liu Jimeng shouted, Refugee Supreme did not respond at all.

For the strong in the state of Venerable, it is difficult to drink ordinary beverages to make them drunk, but the Niulanshan divine wine left by Li Tian is too high in alcohol, and the Refugee Supreme is also eager to get drunk, so now he will not be drunk. wake.

This state of Refugee Supreme is not normal, Liu Jimeng's face is full of worry, but Liu Jimeng is totally helpless.

"Li Tian, ​​you **** will naturally go to death, why do you give us hope? Without your presence, my father would not be what he is now, nor would I..." Liu Jimeng's heart was full of anger. Thinking about it.

As early as nine and a half years ago, the matter of Lingshan snatching the blood spirit source had been settled.

Among the many powerful people who entered Lingshan at the beginning, only the descendants of the domain masters walked out of Lingshan unharmed. Among the emperors, the sons of Wuji and the three sons of the Nether have disappeared in Lingshan forever, as for other trials. Those who can get out of Lingshan alive are very few.

After receiving this news, Venerable Refugee also took a special trip to Lingshan to find Li Tian, ​​but in the end there was no news of Li Tian at all.

Li Tian is dead

Although Refugee Supreme did not want to admit it, but after he waited for two years, Refugee Supreme had to accept this fact!

After thinking about this matter, Flourish Supreme suddenly felt that he was a lot older. He was already in his twilight years. With this state of mind, Flourish Supreme's physical condition went from bad to worse.

After returning to the Supreme Mansion from Lingshan, the Refugee Supreme locked himself in the room and drank alcohol to spend the day, getting drunk every day.

With great grief, the current Refugee Supreme should be completely desperate.

If a person has never hoped, then he will not despair. At the beginning, it was Li Tian who gave the refugees supreme hope, which made him full of energy and made his life hopeful, but this hope came and passed quickly.

Refugee Supreme’s heart is even a little guilty, guilt why he didn’t bring dozens of Venerables to rob the source of blood with Li Tian, ​​if he had participated in the first, no matter whether Li Tian could grab the source of blood, at least he could Ensure the safety of Li Tian.

Liu Jimeng is also desperate.

Is that girl not pregnant?

Li Tian domineeringly broke into Liu Jimeng’s life, put stones in Liu Jimeng’s calm heart, and made Liu Jimeng’s heart turbulent. Coupled with the forced marriage of the refugees, Liu Jimeng has already regarded Li Tian as her future. Rely on.

But now...

Liu Jimeng took back her thoughts and thought of her purpose of coming to the Supreme Mansion today.

Ever since Vagrant Supreme did not show up in Vagrant City after being drunk every day, there have been rumors of Vagrant Supreme's fall in Vagrant City.

Originally, this kind of rumors would appear once every few years. As long as the Refugee Supreme reappears and kill a few people who spread the rumors by thunder means, the rumor will be self-defeating, but now the Refugee Supreme has not appeared for a long time, let this When the rumors circulated in the market, they added a bit more reliability.

If in the past, there was only Venerable Liu You who was the first-level peak in the Vagrant City, this Vagrant City would be safe.

However, since half a year ago, the venerable powerhouses in this refugee city have been pouring into the Nether Realm, and even the descendants of the domain masters and the queens of the emperor have poured in with their followers, and there are also several venerables among their followers. The pinnacle powerhouse.

The refugees in the refugee city will inevitably have conflicts with this powerful man of the underworld. If the strong dragon did not crush the snake, the strong man of the underworld entered the floating city, the dragon or the tiger would lie down, but these ghost worlds However, the strong men in the country had confidence, and several conflicts did not give in at all. The refugees in the refugee land suffered heavy casualties.

If things go on like this, this will inevitably affect the rule of Refugee Supreme over the Refugee Land.

Liu Jimeng recounted the current situation in the refugee city to the drunk refugee supreme, and then said in a low voice: "Father, do you remember the words I told you when the envoy was beheaded? "

"There must be a road to the mountain, and the boat to the bridge is naturally straight. Before you see the worst results, everything is likely to turn around. You are the backbone of the refugee land, and only you have hope in your heart. Only those in the land of the refugees can see hope."

"We don’t know if Li Tian is missing or falling. If Li Tian comes back now, when he sees his current father, do you think he will still believe in his father? Will he still believe in the land of our refugees? In one or two years, another Li Tian, ​​Zhang Tian, ​​and Wang Tian appeared, but if we lose the land of refugees at that time, what shall we do to cooperate with him then?"

Liu Jimeng seemed to be talking to herself, no matter what she said, the answer to her was always snoring.

A disappointed expression appeared on Liu Jimeng’s face. She cleaned up all the empty wine bottles in the room and retreated to the door. She had already turned around and left. She returned to the door in a mysterious manner and whispered: "My father, let me first Back to the pub, I always have a feeling that Li Tian is still alive and he will be back soon!"

From the Supreme Mansion, Liu Jimeng walked to the bar.

Liu Jimeng once asked herself, Li Tian is no longer there, why does she stay in the tavern?

Liu Jimeng didn't find the answer. Perhaps deep down in her heart, she was still looking forward to Li Tianneng's return, to take these refugees out of the battlefield of death, and to take her Liu Jimeng out of this ghost place.

Because of Li Tian’s sacred wine, Li Tian’s bar is now the most famous bar in the land of refugees.

There used to be the Supreme Mansion, no one dared to make trouble in this bar.

However, since half a year ago, those strong men from the Underworld poured into the Vagrant City, and this bar became a place of right and wrong. Before Liu Jimeng reached the entrance of the bar, he saw that the bar was full of people.

"What is a member? You don't even open your dog's eyes. Behind me is the grandson of the dignified Blood Domain Lord's grandson Xue Zheng believes in Young Master Blood. Do you dare to block our Young Master? Are you bored?" The venerable said with a sneer.

Venerable Lion Clan resisted the anger on his face and said: "This is the Vagrant City, I have not heard of any domain owner! And the boss behind our tavern is the Supreme Mansion. If you want to go in, you can apply for a membership card. Otherwise, even Don't even think about going in if the domain owner comes personally!"

Xue Zhengxin took a step forward and said with a sneer: "Things that run into the battlefield of death like a dog with their tails in the Nether Realm dare to call themselves the Supreme? That Supreme is too worthless."

"Oh, by the way, if my information is not wrong, you should be the Dog Clan Venerable of the Third Young Master Nether. If you don't want to die, just get out and let the Third Nether Young Master get out!"

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